Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dream #31 (May 31, 2009)

There is now one full month of dreams.

This dream was odd.  It began in a neon green fifteen passenger van.  I was riding in the second-to-back seat, Nathan Galvez was in the seat in front of me (I don't know how he makes it into so many of my dreams), some other kid was in the next seat up, Caitlin Geeslin was in the next seat after that, and some 45-year-old man was driving.  We were headed to a water park/elementary school.

When we arrived at our destination, the driver dropped Nathan, Caitlin, and I off and took off in the van with the other kid.  Then my friends and I decided to enter the park because we were ready to swim (though we did not look it; none of us ever put on our swimming suits).  However, before we could enter the water park, we had to take a tour of the elementary school.  Besides a bunch of empty classrooms with little chairs, the only thing I vividly remember was the playground where a bunch of young kids were hitting each other with pool noodles (or whatever those things are called).  After the tour was over, we finally got to go to the watery part.

The first thing we did was go to the tallest slide we could see.  We bypassed everything else on our way to the place (it was on the opposite end of the park), including the wave pool, the twisty slides, the tube slides, and the volleyball court (sorry Caitlin).  We climbed many stairs to get to the top (this thing was ridiculously tall).  Unfortunately, when we finally climbed the last steps, we realized that the slide was still under construction (it even had the yellow caution tape).

Because we had already come such a long way to get to this point we decided that it would be best to just go ahead and go down the water slide.  Fortunately for me, Nathan volunteered to go first.  Right when he was about to go, we heard a whistle.  I looked down over the railing and saw Lauren de la Calzada sitting in the life guard chair (apparently she was the lifeguard for a slide that was not even supposed to be operating).  After realizing that the whistle had come from Lauren, Nathan said, "Oh, it's just de la," and leaped down the slide.  Unfortunately for him, after about seven feet there was no bottom to the slide, so he fell straight down onto the concrete.

Apparently Caitlin did not learn from Nathan's mistake because she went right on ahead down the slide.  Somehow she managed to miss the first hole, but she still fell through the slide on another hole that occurred about 20 feet into the slide.  Luckily for her she landed in the water (though it was from quite a height, making a painful-sounding splash).

Would I be so dumb to follow their lead?  I stood up at the top of the slide for quite some time considering whether or not I should go (by the way, Lauren never moved an inch after Nathan or Caitlin fell because she was too enthralled by the book she was reading).  After almost deciding to jump, I poked my head in the slide and leaned in far enough to see Nathan's motionless body through the hole in the slide.  Then I decided to go down the slide.

Somehow, I missed all of the holes in the slide.  It was the most fun water slide on which I have ever ridden.  After many twists, turns, drops, and loops, I landed into the pool unharmed.

Then I awoke.

This post marks the end of the first month of my dream blog.  I have been fairly consistent with it until now, but I regret to inform you that I will have few opportunities during the month of June to post my dreams because I have no internet access.  However, I may be able to record my dreams on paper and post them all on the weekends.  We shall see when we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. That is exactly the kind of lifeguard I would be, too.
