Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dream #14 (May 14, 2009)

This may or may not be interesting.

Last night's dream took place at Prairie Camp (yet again).  This time I was actually doing the job that I do during the summer (I believe my official title is Program Director).  This dream actually took place during the day (morning, actually), and it began in the cafeteria.

Everyone in the camp was waiting in line for breakfast, and this breakfast had three options: biscuits and gravy, off-brand Fruit Loops (they were actually called Fruit Dots), and granola.  Because I was in the back of the line (unfortunately, the majority of my dream was me standing in line looking up toward the food), the only thing left when I got my meal was a small styrofoam bowl of Fruit Dots.  I love most cereals, so this was not so bad (or so I thought).  However, when I sat down and took a bite of the cereal, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten in a dream.  Even so, I finished off the entire bowl and drank the excess milk afterward.

After my breakfast I made sure every camper and counselor was ready to load up on the big yellow bus for the day's trip.  Then I came across a group of counselors praying.  One of the counselors was saying, "May God watch over these children with the eyes and ears of the Devil."  I found this to be quite upsetting, especially when the other counselors got excited about this new saying of theirs (I believe they were trying to be smart and original at the same time, which was not working for them).  I interrupted this prayer and asked them to think about what they were actually saying.

Then I went on to gather up my own stuff for the trip, when Kyle Heffelfinger visited the camp.  I talked with him for a while about what we had been doing that week of camp as I packed my things.

Then I awoke.

(Sorry if you found this dream disappointing; maybe my subconscious was taking a break last night.)

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