Monday, May 4, 2009

Dream #4 (May 4, 2009)

The following dream is extremely incoherent.  Even so, it was still fun.

The first part of my dream took place in a dark, foggy place that looked somewhat like a graveyard.  The grass and the buildings seemed to be suspended in space because the sky was so dark, and the things I could see were lit by unknown sources.  I walked along a sidewalk path for a little while until I reached my destination: an enormous, ominous library.

Like the outside, the inside was dimly lit.  The books inside the library were as ridiculously huge as the building they were in (there were also old-fashioned toys in there for some reason, but I won't go into that).  As I explored the various books, I stumble upon one that I wanted very badly; unfortunately, it happened to be on the top shelf (which was much higher than a typical top shelf).  So, having nothing better to do, I climbed the bookcase like it was a rock wall.  When I finally reached the top, the entire bookcase began to lean back further and further until it fell.

Everything went black.

The second part of my dream took place in a trailer home, and the dream started in the middle of an investigation.  Someone had been murdered with, I suspected, a golf ball.  I was interrogating an older woman, asking her questions as I smashed her windows and dishes (I was quite out of character at this point).  Suddenly, a golf ball flew threw the window and hit the woman in the neck, killing her instantly (of corse).

Then I found my self inside of a large school bus.  There was something different about this bus however; instead of having typical bus seats, it had folding chairs.  As the bus rode along, the person sitting next to me and I were quoting Shakespearean monologues (some of which I am pretty sure do not actually exist).  All of a sudden, the bus crashed and the folding chairs all shut instantly, breaking the backs of many passengers.  Fortunately, I was delivering a monologue at the time, so I happened to be standing up.

Then I awoke.

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