Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dream #19 (May 19, 2009)

This involves balloons.

Last night's dream took place, once again, at Prairie Camp.  There were hundreds of people there, and we all had a task to complete: collect all of the stretchy balloons in the softball field and wrap them around a tin can.  We each had to collect as many as we could find.

When they released us from the starting point (we were all in the gym), we collectively ran to the softball fields (there were three instead of two), only to find that all of the fields were flooded with an oil-like liquid.  This liquid was strange because it was twenty feet deep, yet it was standing above the ground like a wall.  Nobody was willing to enter into the liquid, nobody except me.

When I stepped into the oily substance I discovered that it was not exactly a liquid after all; it was more like another type of atmosphere.  In this substance I was able to breath with ease.  However, there was a big difference; gravity did not have much effect.  As I leaped around in slow motion I searched for the stretchy balloons to wrap around my tin can.  I found about five balloons (they were all red) and I wrapped them around my can.

After jumping around in the strange substance for a short while, I reentered the normal atmosphere.  Then all of the other people present followed me back to the gym.  Unfortunately when we got there I found that the balloons had deflated, so they would not count towards my total points (which would cause me to tie with everybody else).  I then had an idea.

I decided to run over to the camp shed (which looked normal on the outside but was more like a warehouse on the inside) and refill the balloons with helium.  When I found the pump, an odd old lady came into the shed with a big leaf blower and told me not to snoop around where I don't belong.  After she left I decided to fill up the balloons anyway.  When I did this a very strange thing happened.  The balloons changed color and shape.  The first two balloons would not inflate and turned purple.  The third balloon turned into a giant orange conch balloon, the fourth turned into a green trombone shaped balloon, and the fifth formed into a perfectly round blue sphere.

I walked out of the shed holding the three inflated balloons, not knowing what to do.

Then I awoke.

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