Monday, May 11, 2009

Dream #11 (May 11, 2009)

I would not mind reliving last night's dream.

This dream, like the night before, dealt with the subject of making movies.  In this particular dream, I was the gaffer on a set for Tim Kay (also known as T. James Kay).  The set was located in a room on the third to top floor of a hotel in Dallas, Texas.  The view of the city at night was excellent.

Because I only had to set up the lighting for one shot (I had an insane set up by the way; lights were coming from the floor, the ceiling, the walls, and some were even set up outside the window), I did not have much to do the rest of the time.  So I went back and hung out in another room, where I kept my bags, a sleeping bag, and a pillow (apparently I was planning on spending the night there).  However, I found someone else residing in the room; my best boy electric, who was actually a female.

After we talked about how boring working on the set was, I asked her to leave so that I could sleep (my selfishness wins again).  After a few minutes, she came back in and told me that Tim had ordered me to pick up another light that he had left at his house.  None of us had vehicles, so I was forced to take a train.  So I went, all by myself, to the train station in the middle of the night.

Fortunately for me, my little brother was there.  We talked about what I was doing briefly after we sat down in our seats on the passenger car of the train.  Unfortunately for me, we realized that we were not on a working train, and the train we were supposed to be on was pulling away.

We dashed out of the railroad car and ran down the tracks after the quickly leaving train, but it was all in vain.  We slowly walked back down the tracks.  I left my brother there and went back to the hotel.  To my surprise, Tim was not upset in the least because he had found something else that would work.  (brace yourselves for something very ridiculous)  He had found a magical mask that would allow him to create his own light.  It had been given to him by a which who came to him while I was gone.

I did not trust this mask one bit.  I warned Tim not to put it on, but he did, and it worked.  So, being out of a job, I went back to my hotel room, and, again, I found the best boy in my room.  So, like before, I politely asked her to leave.  She did, but like before, she came running back into the room a few minutes later with bad news.  This time was a little more scary; the mask had taken over Tim's mind and he was slaughtering his cast and crew.

This was quite frightening, so when I heard something approaching my room, I braced the door with a chair and stood in front of my best boy holding a metal pole that happened to be lying on the ground (look at me, looking out for someone else's needs).  As usual, the chair did not stop Tim from getting into the room so, for some reason, I dropped the metal thing I was holding and bicycle kicked Tim in the face (which, with the mask, looked like the face of some sort of demon).  I picked up my best boy (with one arm even) and ran to the elevator.  As usual, the elevator took a ridiculously long time to reach the floor we were on, giving Tim time to recover.  Just as he came out of the room, we hopped into the elevator and, as I frantically pressed the close door button in combination with the first floor button, the door closed just as Tim ran into it.

We were safe, or so we thought.  After we left the elevator, we walked outside and went to the parking garage, where my best boy kept her car (apparently she had a vehicle after all).  The sun was rising, giving my dream some very beautiful scenery.  As we reached the seventh floor of the parking garage, we realized that Tim had been following us when he grabbed my best boy and tried to eat her.  I, being in the moment, finally used my brain and removed the mask from Tim.  He snapped back into consciousness and thanked me for freeing his mind and left.  I threw the mask away, and my best boy and I went to the opening in the parking garage to watch the sunrise (quite romantic, but it gets even better).

As we looked at the horizon, tons of giant paper airplanes fell from the sky (when I say giant, I mean football field-sized paper airplanes).  One landed right by we were standing, forming a slide that looked very fun to me.  After failing to convince my best boy to slide down the paper with me, I said goodbye and leapt onto the paper airplane and slid to the ground (my selfishness wins out again).  I walked slowly towards the rising sun.

Then, time jumped forward and I saw my best boy in a wedding dress, which really confused me (I don't typically dream ridiculously romantic dreams), but when I realized I was looking through a camera lens, I was relieved to find out that I was the photographer at her wedding.  When I saw the man she was marrying, however, I was very confused.  I rubbed my eyes a couple times to clear my vision (interestingly enough, I was not wearing my glasses in this dream and, come to think of it, I rarely wear glasses in my dreams), and I realized that the groom was wearing a pink dress.

Then I awoke.

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