Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dream #6 (May 6, 2009)

After only sleeping a few hours the night before, I was fully recovered last night with a beautiful ten hours of sleep.  This led to a recovery of my dreams as well.

This particular dream began on an ocean beach.  I was one of many people marching in a line down the beach.  The air was foggy, the sand extended for miles on my left, the ocean waves crashed on my right, and the wind blew the sand and the salt straight into my face.  I was not sure where we were going.  All I knew was that it was called "The Destination" and that I was quite miserable.

Dan Jeter, who happened to be pushing the marchers on at faster and faster speeds (and wearing a 18th century military outfit), did not help the situation.  As we marched, Dan was calling out orders, insulting people (I specifically remember him calling me four eyes and another guy Jiggly Puff Daddy).  He also hit me with a whip several times on my ankles (for some reason he did not whip anybody else).  I had to escape this torture, especially when Dan tried to get us to chant military-style chants; I really hate military chants.

Finally my chance came when Dan began to hurl insults and vulgarities at a marcher who was more than fifty people in front of me.  I dashed to me left and, as I cut through the fog, I came upon a large, wooden church.  Not hesitating at all, I climbed the steps and entered.  I was the only one in the building at the time, so I decided to explore.

As I was studying a strangely designed beam in the foyer, I saw a woman with a clip board sit down at a desk that was right by the door (I'm pretty sure that the desk was not there before).  Then the most disappointing of events took place; the line of marchers entered one by one into the church, each stopping at the desk to sign in.  I saw Dan standing to the side of the line like a statue; fortunately, he did not see me, for he did not turn his neck.  Not knowing exactly what to do, I hid in among my former marching partners in a large room, where we all sat down Indian-style, awaiting further instructions.

Once everyone entered the building, the lady with the clip board came and announced to the group that the first ten people to enter the building would be granted freedom.  I was overjoyed, until she announced the names of the persons who had signed in first.  After complaining to her and arguing with her, I decided that I was just going to leave the church no matter what.  Interestingly enough, nobody tried to stop me from leaving in any way.  I simply walked out.

When I reached the parking lot of the church (I'm pretty sure that there was no parking lot in front of the church the first time I entered it), I met up with Nathan Galvez, who was playing his guitar.  Luckily, his foresight led him to bring my baritone along with him, so he and I were able to play together.  The acoustic guitar and baritone combination was quite memorable.

After a few beautiful songs, Jenna Walg;ksdgc (my RA and neighbor at Regent) told us that it was past quiet hour, and that we needed to put the instruments away (I don't understand this; she has never told me that my instrument playing was too loud).  After we pack up, we were about to go our separate ways when a young elephant walked up to us and, in the way that elephants do things, offered us a ride upon its back (please don't ask me where this came from, for I have no idea).  After Nathan and I hopped on, Dan came running out of the building (wearing regular clothes instead of his military outfit) and hopped on the elephant as well.  It began to rain, and the three of us rode the elephant into the city.

Then I awoke.

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