Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dream #3 (May 3, 2009)

Sometimes my dreams actually have a plot (in a way).

Last night's dream revolved around a mob boss and his daughter.  Interestingly enough, the mob boss happened to be a shaved-headed Doug Miller, and, of corse, his daughter was Jordan Miller (just like in real life).

In the dream, Doug was planning his daughter's wedding, and, because he was a mob boss, this event was going to be massive.  Because it was going to be so large, he had to hire some outside men to do some of the work.  One of these outside men was me.

When I showed up at the mandatory meeting (nobody can decline an offer from Doug Miller), I found that it took place at my old church in Koontz Lake.  There Doug told all his workers what their tasks were to be.  My task was to make sure that the cake was built properly.  Fortunately, I did not have to accomplish this task alone; I had the help of Jonathan Ayee.

The day of the wedding came.  It took place outdoors in a beautiful field with a few small pavilions.  Ayee and I were so confident that we would not have to actually do anything that we decided to throw a frisbee around.  That was a mistake.  The morons who built the cake put it together all wrong (this cake was about fifteen feet long and 8 feet wide), and they forgot to purchase the edible adhesive that was needed to put it together.  The only place this adhesive could be purchased was at a small 7-11 just outside of town.

Jonathan and I decided to run there (for some reason it seemed like the most practical thing to do at the time).  When we arrived there, the hillbillies that ran the store (an older  woman and a man in his twenties) would not let us buy the last bottle of edible adhesive because they claimed they wanted to use it for a display model (which is outrageous; why do you need a display model for an item that is not in stock?).  So, Jonathan and I decided to steal the adhesive and run.

When we returned to the cake with the adhesive, we discovered that five pieces of the cake were missing.  The morons that built it told me that they did not think they were necessary, so they left them back in the church.  The wedding was about to begin, so I dashed back to the church, grabbed the five pieces of cake, and ran back to the area where the cake was.  I was too late.

Doug Miller was already giving a speech to his daughter when I made it back to the cake with the five missing pieces in hand.  When he saw me and noticed (for the first time) that the pieces were missing, he nodded over to his henchmen, who then proceeded to grab Jonathan and I.  They then took us to the church, pulled out their guns and shot Ayee.  I did not stick around to mourn his death; instead, I dashed for the door as the henchmen tried to shoot me.  Fortunately, they missed (alas, poor Ayee did not make it).

When I reached the outside of the church, I realized that I had become quite fortunate; a rival gang had busted up Jordan's wedding and were shooting the place up.  As I tried to sneak out of the explosive situation, the mob boss of the other gang snagged me (with the help of some of her henchmen), tied me up, and threw me in a room.  The rival mob boss happened to be the owner of the 7-11 (how unfortunate).

I sat and awaited my doom with about ten other people who were tied up.  After a long time (it is difficult to discern time in a dream), the female mob boss entered the room, announcing that she and her goons had annihilated Doug's entire gang.  Then she said that she would spare one of us if that person would shoot the rest of us.  To my relief, I did not volunteer.  The old man next to me, however, did.

He shot the captives one by one, finally reaching me.  As he pulled the trigger, the gun fired, but I was not harmed.  Then I realized that my hands were no longer bound (sorry about the plot holes; blame my brain, not me), so I grabbed the gun out of his hands and shot him (I'm not quite sure why) and I shot the lady mob boss/7-11 owner just as her son walked in.  Devastated, he ran back to the 7-11 as I followed him.

When I met him there, I pitied him, so I spared his life.  We then proceeded to discuss our life plans.  I explained that I was currently in film school, which led him to explain that he was taking night classes at a local college, where he studied animation.  We quickly became friends and had a good old time (in spite of the circumstances and previous events).

Then I awoke.

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