Friday, May 8, 2009

Dream #8 (May 8, 2009)

For some reason, two completely different stories mixed in this dream.

The first story, which was a period piece of sorts, started in a large barn, where I was readying a group of knights to go into a large, maze-like woods to rescue the princess from the clutches of a very evil man.

As we prepared to enter the woods, a chariot rode up and stopped right in front of me.  Then, to my delight, the driver of the chariot emerged: Morgan Freeman.  When he got out of the chariot, he explained to me that he would lead the knights into the front entrance of the woods while I snuck in through a different, more secret entrance.  I agreed to his proposal (I figured Morgan Freeman was playing a character that I could trust).

After I gave my final instructions to my small army, I left the barn and entered the woods, accompanied only by my trusted sword.  About one three hundred yards into the woods, the excitement began.  Large insects appeared out of nowhere and began to attack me, and these insects were quite disgusting.  One, which was called a wormster, was a huge worm-shaped creature that had one lobster claw.  Another was much like a millipede.  There were also giant cockroaches, caterpillars, beetles, and maggots.

After battling these creatures for quite some time, I heard, off in the distance, the princess scream and the sinister villain laugh.  Apparently I was some sort of expert swordsman/hearer because I was able to judge where the villain was by his laughter.  I threw my sword in the direction of the villain and hoped for the best.  As I ran towards the place I suspected the princess would be, I encountered more insects that I had to ward off with my knife.

Then, for no particular reason, I found myself in a supermarket with thousands of aisles.  As I pushed my shopping cart full of various types of fruits around the aisles, I kept farting the nastiest farts I have ever released.  And, for some reason, I acted as if I was trying to find out who was farting, blending in with the rest of the shoppers.  Then I decided not to purchase anything, and I walked out of the store and down the block.

Then the dream switched back to the Middle Ages where I was explaining to the prince that his young wife was killed.  He began to weep as I explained how close we were to saving her (it was then that I found out I had hit the villain's cloak with my thrown sword, missing his body).

Then the dream switched on me again.  I found myself walking on the street again.  I decided to cross the street at a place that was not marked for pedestrians to cross (which is strange because I do not typically jaywalk).  I could have sworn that I looked both ways before crossing (there were no people or cars anywhere), but as I walked across the street, a convertible car smashed into me.  I flew up over the windshield and into the back seat.

Then the dream switched back to the Middle Ages yet again.  I was again at the secret entrance of the woods; this time, however, I was with my brother.  We went through the same path, fighting the same creatures as before.  This time when the princess screamed and the villain laugh, we both threw our swords in that direction.

Then I awoke.

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