Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dream #7 (May 7, 2009)

Last night's dream was surprisingly linear and, for the most part, sensical.  That is not necessarily a good thing, but I enjoyed this dream anyway.

The majority of this film took place in a large museum, which was right next to a television studio.  It began inside a nearly empty museum that I was not supposed to be in at the time.  How I got in there, I do not know; I just started there.  Well, because it was empty, I was able to freely look around, climb on things that I usually could not climb on, and so on and so forth.  It was not long before I had to use the restroom.

This is where it gets interesting.  When I walked into the bathroom (for some reason I had decided to use the girls' bathroom instead of the one made for my own gender), I saw four guys brutally beating up another guy.  There was blood flying everywhere, and the poor man looked as if he were about to die, so I decided to interrupt the fight.  However, the moment I tried to walk in between the four aggressors, they noticed me for the first time, now turning their punches toward me.  Well I decided to run and get help from the nearby television studio where they were about to film a quiz show (I had a ticket to be in the audience).

When I arrived there, I yelled out the situation as loud as I could and got as many people to come with me as possible.  When I had a good crowd following me (about 26 people), I marched them back over to the museum.  Unfortunately, when we arrived, the four men were walking out.  I instructed the crowd to grab them but they would not do so.  Then I ran to the bathroom to check on the beat up man.  He was nowhere to be found.

This caused me to believe that they had killed the man and hid his body, so I did a quick search around the bathroom with no luck.  After the crowd threw some insults at me, they went back to the studio, and I followed them, confused.  When I got to the studio, I sat down for about twenty seconds, then my name was called to be a contestant on the quiz show.  I was not too excited.  When I first appeared on the stage, a bright spotlight was hitting my face, and I could not see anything but shapes for a while.  Then, after my eyes adjusted, I noticed that the four men I had caught in the bathroom were sitting in the crowd, smiling at me in a very sinister way.  I could not handle that, so I ran out of the studio, right after being asked a question about goldfish for the show.

I did not expect anyone to follow me, but three people did.  These people were some of my Bethel College friends: Eric de Araujo, Greg Fox, and Jessica Smith.  They had heard about my story and they had faith in me.

We then set out to search the museum, which was quite a large task; the museum had five enormous floors.  We started out on the first floor, which had to do with American war history.  We searched very thoroughly, even checking the fallen soldier dummies to make sure they did not switch one out with the dead man.  After that, we moved on to the second floor, which had to do with science.  There were all kinds of cabinets, vents, and other hiding places that we had to check.  Not a foot of that floor went unsearched.  Then we moved on to the third floor (the European history section), the fourth floor (Egyptian and African history), and the fifth floor (I have no idea what the theme was for that floor; there were pirates ships, rope bridges, movie memorabilia, rockets, and a gift shop).

After checking the fifth floor, we proceeded to check the roof.  We had no luck whatsoever, but my friends did not even begin to doubt my story (I have good friends).  Confused and disappointed, we sat down on the roof to think about where the body could be, or even if there was a body.  Then a series of thoughts flew into my brain; the four guys did not have much time from when I left to when I returned, a body is a tough thing to move from place to place, and I did not thoroughly check the girl's bathroom when I was in there.

After this revelation, my friends hurried down to the bathroom.  I was so confident that they would find the body that I went to the studio to find the four men.  Right as I was about to enter the studio, Eric popped his head out of the museum and gave me a thumbs up, signaling that they had found the body.  I proceeded to run into the studio and, without hesitation, leap up onto the stage, grab the microphone from the host (who happened to be Luke Steiner) and announced that the four men sitting in the front row had committed a murder.  Shortly after that, my friends hauled in the body of the dead man and laid it on the stage in front of me.  The security guards apparently believed my story without questioning and handcuffed the murderers.

Then I awoke

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