Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dream #13 (May 13, 2009)

I had a dream last night.

In my dream, I was just finishing college.  However, this college was located on Prairie Camp, and I lived in and went to classes in buildings that do not actually exist in real life.  The dorm I resided in was completely white, including the walls, ceiling, roof, doors, and floors.  The classroom buildings (there were two) were the same way, except with different colors.  The building I had classes in was pale blue, and the other building was green.

Now, in my dream, I was getting ready to leave my dorm for the last time, and for some reason I was doing all of this at night (I have discovered that the majority of my dreams take place in the middle of the night as if it is daytime, if that makes any sense).  Before I could leave, however, I realized that I was missing a special cord that I let Rachel Engbrecht borrow (many people who work at camp attended this college apparently).  I looked out of my window and saw Rachel waving her arms about from her window in the other building, trying to get my attention.  Then she said she motioned that she was going to walk over to my building. However, it was raining very hard.

Even so, I decided not to just go over to her building to get the special cord and let her walk in the rain by herself (my selfishness wins yet again).  In the meantime, I went to visit the floor below me where the track runners were practicing (there was a track inside the dorm).  When I got there I noticed that my old band director was the track coach, and he begged me to run the hurdles for the next meet.  After running a few hurdles, I explained to him that I had to go home and I would not be able to stay for the meet.

Then I went down to open the door for Rachel (who had been standing in the rain for quite some time).  When I did (she was somehow perfectly dry), she explained that she had loaned the cord to somebody in my building.  Then she told me to follow her as she took off running down the hallway.  I followed her for a short while, but when I saw Stan Marks teaching a class (he is my age), I had to step in to see how he was doing (apparently I decided not to let Rachel know what I was doing, so she kept on running).

Stan had a very interesting teaching style; he used no words.  Instead, he was very expressive with his hands, and he would often make weird noises with his lips and draw primitive pictures on the chalk board.  Even so, I understood perfectly well that he was discussing American history, specifically the methods of President McKinley.  It was a very good lesson.  After it was finished, I remembered that I still needed to get my cord, so I tried to find Rachel.

I had no luck, so I snuck into another man's room (I found a secret passage through the public bathroom wall) and stole a bowl of spaghetti.  When I came out (by the way, Kevin Chupp was upside down in a trash can in the bathroom; I paid no attention to him), Rachel was there.  She told me that the teacher to which she loaned the cord had then gone and loaned to a gypsy.  Rachel said she would drive over to the camp with her fiance Mike to get the special cord.

The entire time they were gone, I looked out the window at the rain.  When they returned, I received a call on a cellular phone that I did not know I owned.  So, I grabbed all of my belongings, which consisted of one duffel bag and one Aldi's bag (for those of you from the East, Aldi's is a Midwestern cheap grocery store).  When I got outside, Mike pulled up in his truck and offered me a ride to my car.

When I got in, he asked me if I wanted to get there the fun way.  Of course I said yes, and the truck took off like a rocket ship (there were actually rockets in the bed of his truck).  We zoomed around the campus for quite some time (it was extremely fun), then he slammed on the breaks and stopped right behind my car.  He handed me my chord and wished me luck on my journey home.  Then I asked him what he planned on doing after college.  He answered, "I think I might try to take over the world."

I accepted his answer as perfectly normal, and I got into my car (the old Ford Contour) and took off.

Then I awoke.

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