Friday, May 15, 2009

Dream #15 (May 15, 2009)

Last night was an array of completely different segments of dreams.  It was strange.

The first segment that I can recall took place in a beautiful snowy farm country (each of these segments took place at night).  I was wandering around a snowy field (wearing the appropriate attire, of course), when, out of nowhere, a bullet hit the ground beside me.  Somebody was trying to shoot me with a sniper rifle from a distant house to the South of where I was.  Not knowing what to do, I ran into a large, abandoned barn.  This barn was, for the most part, empty, except for one shiny object in the middle of it.  That object was a Desert Eagle (a gun; I know what it is called because I have the air soft version of it).  I picked it up and decided to hid out in the loft of the barn.  When I opened up the door of the loft to look outside, I saw a sudden flash.

It was my mother taking pictures of me.  Interestingly enough, I started to pose for the pictures (I absolutely despise posing for pictures).  Then the sniper began to shoot at me again, so I jumped out of the barn loft into the snow.

The next thing I knew, I was crawling through a sewage pipe.  Green, shiny water was dripping all around me.  I crawled along for quite some time.

Then, after a while, I found myself climbing out of a manhole in the middle of a city.  A a brown car pulled up, and one of its doors was open.  I fell into the car.

Then I found myself inside of a surreal factory (similar to the factory in Monster's Inc.).  There were huge mounds of trash flying around in the air everywhere, and there was no floor (there was only a black abyss below me).  Then I encountered a man who was running a machine that was turning the garbage into food.  I asked him if he planned on feeding people that garbage, and he said yes.  So, the next logical thing for me to do was to destroy the factory (by the way, everything in the factory was suspended in the air; I myself had some sort of hovering device).  I started to throw some stray, floating garbage into the gears of some of the machines.

This was a bad idea.  Everything in the factory began to shake, and the man I had confronted was confronting me.  He pulled a baseball bat out of a pile of garbage (a Louisville Slugger), and he hit me in the gut, causing me to fly straight up and out of the factory.  As I fell down the large metal wall that was outside of the factory, I realized that this place was underground in a huge cave.  Realizing that I would probably die if I were to fall to the ground, I grabbed a pole that was sticking out of the wall.  I hung there for a few minutes.  Then I noticed that the man I was fighting was actually Flash (from DC Comics).  He ran out of the factory and into a blue SUV, and he sped off into the unknown (the cave was very dark).  I just hung there on the pole for quite some time trying to figure out why Flash would want to feed people garbage.

Then I appeared at a boat dock.  I was accompanied by Ricky Gervais, Jason Bateman, and some old guy I did not know.  They were asking me if they could have the rights to my life.

Then I awoke.

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