Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dream #26 (May 26, 2009)

I'm not sure why, but I enjoyed this dream.

It began in my mother's car.  I was borrowing in order to drive it to a friend's house (in the middle of the night, of course).  As I was driving down a lonely back road, I was listening to some very loud music.  All of a sudden, I slid off the road and ran into a large, fantastic tree.  Fortunately, I was not injured.  However, I knew that my dad would be quite angry if he were to find out.

As I sat under the tree in despair, I turned my head and noticed that there was a four-wheeler sitting next to the tree, unattended and apparently unowned.  So, I had no choice but to hop on it, start it up, and continue on my way to my destination.

A few miles (or what seemed like miles) down the road, I encountered another car (the first other sign of life in the dream thus far) that had been through an accident, so I pulled off to the side of the road to see if there was an emergency.  There was not.  Instead, there were four guys standing around and looking at the engine of the car trying to figure out what was wrong with the machine.  I walked up to them and began offered them my assistance.

This is where it gets intriguing.  I know very little about cars and how they work, but when the guys asked me about the engine, I pretended to know things I did not know.  Not only did I act as if I knew things I did not; I also gave them false solutions to their problem, which they planned to carry out.  I told them to do certain strange things to their engine that would not help the situation at all (pour olive oil on it and other weird remedies).

After they thanked me for my help, I let them use my four wheeler (or, the four wheeler I had found) so they could ride into town to get the supplies they needed.  So, I began to walk to my destination.

After I had progressed a few hundred feet, I found a bicycle on the edge of the woods by the road and, of coarse, I took it and rode it towards my destination.

After a few miles I reached a small town.  Even though it was small (it had two sit-down restaurants, a McDonald's, and three gas stations), it was quite lively.  People were walking around here and there, in spite of the fact that it was the middle of the night.

As I rode past the McDonald's, I ran into an unexpected acquaintance: Shawn Holtgren (the worship team leader at Bethel College).  As I biked past him, he tried to flag me down so that we could stop and chat.  However, I did not want to stop and chat, so I kept on going, calling out behind me that I could not stop my bike.

A couple of blocks later, I ran into some other acquaintances: Mike Wood and Nicole and LeeAnn Meyer (my little brother's classmates, whom I do not know well).  They were sitting at an outdoor sit-down restaurant, and as I rode by them, Mike threw a neon green water balloon at me, which proceeded to hit my bike and cause me to fall over.

For some reason, after I fell I was unable to get back up, no matter how hard I tried.

Then I awoke.

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