Friday, May 1, 2009

Dream #1 (May 1, 2009)

Hello friends,

Today I have decided to blog my dreams, thanks to the many suggestions of Nathan Galvez.  I cannot promise to record and upload them each and every day (I work at a camp during the summer where access to the internet and to extra time is rare, possibly nonexistent), but I will certainly try.

Last night's dream was quite interesting.  It all took place underground in an enormous basement that was the size of a small town (Koontz Lake, IN, for example).  Now this basement served a purpose; homeless people would come in from the outside and live there.  Well, a few minutes into my dream I realized that the section of the basement that usually served as the shelter for the homeless was all filled up, so my partner (who happened to be Kevin Chupp, my ex-roommate) and I led the multitude of homeless people into a large cafeteria-style room (it was actually the size of a couple of football fields).

Next came the insane task of feeding this enormous group of people (a task that, in the dream, I apparently always enjoyed doing).  When Kevin and I went to the pantry (all the food was stored in a giant closet; it was not extremely wide, but it was as tall as a skyscraper), we discovered that today's menu consisted of various types of cereal.  Kevin had a contraption that looked somewhat like a lawnmower that he rode around and shot cereal at the homeless people.  That was cool, by my device was even better than that.  I had on this big backpack that was loaded with cereal and connected to the main supply (by the way, the cereal was a mixture of Apple Jacks, Fruit Loops, Corn Puffs, and Cheerios), and a large hose (like that of a leaf blower) came out of the back and shot wads of the cereal mix out to all the hungry people.  The backpack also served as a jet-pack, which allowed me to fly over the crowd and feed them from above.

After the homeless were fed (it happened much faster than one would think), I had to entertain them all (of corse).  What I decided to do was have Kevin throw me off of a balcony as I flipped around in the air.  We actually accomplished this without breaking my body, but not a single person saw what I had just accomplished (typical), so we did it again, this time announcing to the crowd what I was doing.  Everybody cheered, then they collectively picked me up and threw me far, far away.  I landed on a beach (it was still within the basement somehow).  Next to me I saw some of the people with whom I work during the summer (including Carrie, David, Stan, Rachel, and Rachel's new fiance Mike; congratulations, by the way).  I sat there for quite a while, just looking at the stars (don't ask me how they got in there).

Then I awoke.

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