Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dream #17 (May 17, 2009)

Maybe there is some sort of meaning in this.

I found myself at the top of a peak of a mountain made completely of dirt; this mountain was in the midst of an endless line of forested mountains.  In my hand was a white piece of paper with the name of my grandfather on it.  This made me very sad, because this particular piece of paper meant that my grandfather would loose his mind and have to dwell in the caves under the mountain.

After I looked around the dark grey skies (I could not tell what time of day it was; I almost had the impression that I was underground), I walked down the mountain to the base, where my grandfather was waiting for me.  What happened next was very interesting.  He explained to me that he was sacrificing his mind for the sake of the others in the cave, but he needed my help.  I had to chose between letting my grandfather go through with his plan (in other words, allow him to lose his mind) and not letting him do so (which would save his mind).

I decided to go along with his wishes.  He needed me to do all of the work because he was physically incapable.  I had to enter the cave of the already senile, find their white pieces of paper, and lead them all out of the cave.  To my surprise, this was very quick and easy.  When the senile people and I came out of the cave, my grandfather told me to rip the white pieces of paper and stomp on them.  When I did so, all the people from the cave snapped out of their altered state of mind and where normal again.

After a short celebration, they left to return to their separate homes while I said goodbye to my grandfather.  This was difficult, because his mind was fading as we were saying our farewells, and, at our final embrace, he asked me who I was and if I could take him with me.

Then I awoke.

I'm sorry if you find this dream disturbing; I know I did.

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