Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dream #31 (May 31, 2009)

There is now one full month of dreams.

This dream was odd.  It began in a neon green fifteen passenger van.  I was riding in the second-to-back seat, Nathan Galvez was in the seat in front of me (I don't know how he makes it into so many of my dreams), some other kid was in the next seat up, Caitlin Geeslin was in the next seat after that, and some 45-year-old man was driving.  We were headed to a water park/elementary school.

When we arrived at our destination, the driver dropped Nathan, Caitlin, and I off and took off in the van with the other kid.  Then my friends and I decided to enter the park because we were ready to swim (though we did not look it; none of us ever put on our swimming suits).  However, before we could enter the water park, we had to take a tour of the elementary school.  Besides a bunch of empty classrooms with little chairs, the only thing I vividly remember was the playground where a bunch of young kids were hitting each other with pool noodles (or whatever those things are called).  After the tour was over, we finally got to go to the watery part.

The first thing we did was go to the tallest slide we could see.  We bypassed everything else on our way to the place (it was on the opposite end of the park), including the wave pool, the twisty slides, the tube slides, and the volleyball court (sorry Caitlin).  We climbed many stairs to get to the top (this thing was ridiculously tall).  Unfortunately, when we finally climbed the last steps, we realized that the slide was still under construction (it even had the yellow caution tape).

Because we had already come such a long way to get to this point we decided that it would be best to just go ahead and go down the water slide.  Fortunately for me, Nathan volunteered to go first.  Right when he was about to go, we heard a whistle.  I looked down over the railing and saw Lauren de la Calzada sitting in the life guard chair (apparently she was the lifeguard for a slide that was not even supposed to be operating).  After realizing that the whistle had come from Lauren, Nathan said, "Oh, it's just de la," and leaped down the slide.  Unfortunately for him, after about seven feet there was no bottom to the slide, so he fell straight down onto the concrete.

Apparently Caitlin did not learn from Nathan's mistake because she went right on ahead down the slide.  Somehow she managed to miss the first hole, but she still fell through the slide on another hole that occurred about 20 feet into the slide.  Luckily for her she landed in the water (though it was from quite a height, making a painful-sounding splash).

Would I be so dumb to follow their lead?  I stood up at the top of the slide for quite some time considering whether or not I should go (by the way, Lauren never moved an inch after Nathan or Caitlin fell because she was too enthralled by the book she was reading).  After almost deciding to jump, I poked my head in the slide and leaned in far enough to see Nathan's motionless body through the hole in the slide.  Then I decided to go down the slide.

Somehow, I missed all of the holes in the slide.  It was the most fun water slide on which I have ever ridden.  After many twists, turns, drops, and loops, I landed into the pool unharmed.

Then I awoke.

This post marks the end of the first month of my dream blog.  I have been fairly consistent with it until now, but I regret to inform you that I will have few opportunities during the month of June to post my dreams because I have no internet access.  However, I may be able to record my dreams on paper and post them all on the weekends.  We shall see when we shall see.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dream #30 (May 30, 2009)

I don't know why my dreams have involved my old high school classmates as of late.

Last night's dream actually took place in my old high school (Oregon-Davis Jr./Sr. High School).  The reason I was there was because there was a giant scavenger hunt that was taking place there, and the group that found the most items within the limited time frame would win ten thousand dollars.  I was definitely motivated to try.

My group consisted of some interesting people.  Kyle Heffelfinger, a guy I did not recognize, and my dad were in my group (labeled as 'Group 1').  Every group started in the gymnasium and awaited the principal (Mr. Greg Briles) to start the race.  After several minutes of sheer waiting, he entered, pulled out a starter pistol, and fired it into the air.  Everyone took off.  Everyone, that is, except my group.  For some reason we just stood up and stared at each other for a long time.

Finally, we realized what was at stake and began to hunt for things for which we did not even know we were looking.  After several failed attempts at finding things in various classrooms, Kyle and I decided to search the school office.  When we got there, all of the lights were off and nobody was around.  We just went on in anyway, and what we found there changed the game for us.  Before I found this thing of which I speak, I found a dollar bill with a not attached (it was somebody else's lunch money that a parent had dropped off).  I was very tempted to take the dollar bill, but I decided against it (thanks to the lessons on stealing of Dr. Applebee).  Then, once I set the dollar back on the copy machine, I found a map of where to find all of the items we were supposed to find for the scavenger hunt.  I celebrated by whistling 'Ol Dixie.

Shortly after, Kyle and I rejoined the group and went running to all the places on the map.  By the end of the hunt, we had most of the items required.  Here are some example of things we found: a baby crocodile, a giant colorful fish, an aquarium, Tupperware, dirt and grass, a set of knives, and a leash (among other small items that I do not remember well enough to recount).  Pleased with what we discovered, we went into the school cafeteria to hopefully win the grand prize.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dream #29 (May 29, 2009)

I love mountains.

Last night's dream took place on the top of a beautiful snowy mountain.  The only thing that could be seen around the mountain was fog; even so, it was a lovely sight.  At the beginning of the dream, I was waiting outside of a classroom building.  Apparently I had just returned from a scavenger hunt, and I was the only one who had completed the assignment at that point.  After a couple of minutes of wandering around in the snow, some of my fellow classmates returned (the class, by the way, was Band).

When they returned we talked to each other and discussed what we were going to do next.  I had heard that the band teacher (who, interestingly enough, was an African American version of my history professor at Bethel College, Mr. John Haas) was planning on sending out groups of five students into the woods alone to survive for a couple of days.  One of my fellow classmates changed the conversation into a discussion of his relationship with his girlfriend (this guy was actually Michael Keiper, whom I barely knew in high school).  He said that he finally held hands with this girl, and when he did (this is strange) she accepted Jesus into her heart and was 'saved.'

Then another classmate, Brandon Johnston (who played on the basketball team in high school), returned from the woods with news that the class was supposed to meet in a small cabin near the classroom.  As we walked there, the sun began to rise, and light pierced through the fog.  It was amazing.  When we got there, we sat down and waited in silence.  After a few minutes, the rest of the class, along with the teacher, entered the room and sat down (we were all sitting Indian style).

Right when the teacher sat down, he opened up a mini-fridge that was near him and gave everyone a little thing of orange juice.  As we drank the juice, he assigned us our groups.  I remember that I was sitting next to Abby Carver, Adam Pflugshaupt, and Aubrey Minix (they all went to high school with me, and I don't know any of them that well anymore; in fact, I never really knew Aubrey or Abby all that well).  Professor Haas decided that Adam, Brandon, Michael, Aubrey, and I would be in a group.  After that, I made a comment about his curly hair (he does not have curly hair in real life).

Then I awoke.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dream #28 (May 28, 2009)

This is very short.

Last night I dreamed that I was on a train is a special chemistry car.  In this car of the train were many different chemicals, test tubes, eye droppers, beakers, and other scientific equipment.  Just as the train continued on without stopping, so I continued to work on my science experiments all through my dream.  The whole while I was trying to discover a cure for an unknown disease.

Nearly all of the chemicals I used were green and bubbly.  I would mix some liquids together, watch the reaction, and write down what I observed in a green notebook with a green #2 pencil.

I never found a cure, and after a while I gave up by waking up (I'm sorry, but I just had to break my tradition of "then I awoke").

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dream #27 (May 27, 2009)

This is slightly disturbing.

Last night I dreamed that I was going to a special gym to play basketball.  It all began in my car as I drove to Paul Scribner's (a man who attends Koontz Lake Missionary Church) house so that we could ride to the gym together.   There I met with Paul and with another guy by the name of Michael Kaser (he attends Koontz Lake as well and was also in my class at Oreg0n-Davis High School).  At the time, nothing seemed to be the matter with anything.  I would later find out that I had made a huge mistake.

When we got to the gym, I was excited to see that the walls and the floors were made completely of pads.  This allowed players to jump and dive with ease.  Getting knocked down would actually be a fun experience.  The other guys who were there to play were enormous, larger than life people.  I felt like I was an elementary school kid compared to them.  But that was not the worst of my problems.

When I looked down at my feet when I began to stretch out my legs, I noticed that the pair of pants I thought I was wearing were not there.  In fact, I did not even have any shorts on.  I was dressed only in a T-shirt and some white briefs (which is strange, because I always wear boxers).

This disturbed me greatly, and I wanted to go home at that instant.  Unfortunately, Paul would not allow it because the game was supposed to begin.  I reluctantly gave in and decided to play with nothing but a pair of old underwear between my opponents and what is better left unmentioned.

Interestingly enough, I played very well, even though the thought of my attire was constantly in the back of my mind.  Maybe my attire was the cause of my exceptional playing.

After the game was over, I rushed back into my car and left (I did not bother to take Paul and Michael home apparently).  When I pulled up into what I thought was my driveway, I put the car in park, turned it off, and walked out.  I was in my neighbor's yard.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dream #26 (May 26, 2009)

I'm not sure why, but I enjoyed this dream.

It began in my mother's car.  I was borrowing in order to drive it to a friend's house (in the middle of the night, of course).  As I was driving down a lonely back road, I was listening to some very loud music.  All of a sudden, I slid off the road and ran into a large, fantastic tree.  Fortunately, I was not injured.  However, I knew that my dad would be quite angry if he were to find out.

As I sat under the tree in despair, I turned my head and noticed that there was a four-wheeler sitting next to the tree, unattended and apparently unowned.  So, I had no choice but to hop on it, start it up, and continue on my way to my destination.

A few miles (or what seemed like miles) down the road, I encountered another car (the first other sign of life in the dream thus far) that had been through an accident, so I pulled off to the side of the road to see if there was an emergency.  There was not.  Instead, there were four guys standing around and looking at the engine of the car trying to figure out what was wrong with the machine.  I walked up to them and began offered them my assistance.

This is where it gets intriguing.  I know very little about cars and how they work, but when the guys asked me about the engine, I pretended to know things I did not know.  Not only did I act as if I knew things I did not; I also gave them false solutions to their problem, which they planned to carry out.  I told them to do certain strange things to their engine that would not help the situation at all (pour olive oil on it and other weird remedies).

After they thanked me for my help, I let them use my four wheeler (or, the four wheeler I had found) so they could ride into town to get the supplies they needed.  So, I began to walk to my destination.

After I had progressed a few hundred feet, I found a bicycle on the edge of the woods by the road and, of coarse, I took it and rode it towards my destination.

After a few miles I reached a small town.  Even though it was small (it had two sit-down restaurants, a McDonald's, and three gas stations), it was quite lively.  People were walking around here and there, in spite of the fact that it was the middle of the night.

As I rode past the McDonald's, I ran into an unexpected acquaintance: Shawn Holtgren (the worship team leader at Bethel College).  As I biked past him, he tried to flag me down so that we could stop and chat.  However, I did not want to stop and chat, so I kept on going, calling out behind me that I could not stop my bike.

A couple of blocks later, I ran into some other acquaintances: Mike Wood and Nicole and LeeAnn Meyer (my little brother's classmates, whom I do not know well).  They were sitting at an outdoor sit-down restaurant, and as I rode by them, Mike threw a neon green water balloon at me, which proceeded to hit my bike and cause me to fall over.

For some reason, after I fell I was unable to get back up, no matter how hard I tried.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dream #25 (May 25, 2009)

Let's see.

Last night's dream took place in a city, similar to Chicago.  During the first part of the dream, I was attempting to film part of a feature-length film on which I was working on a bridge between the 30th floor of an office building and the 30th floor of an apartment building.  The stars in my film were Jeffrey Tambor and David Cross.  In this scene, David was trying to free Jeffrey from a cage that was dangling by a chain from the 30 story high bridge as I directed them from a window of the apartment building.  After the third take, David came up to me and complained that he did not have enough lines.  Because of this, I left the set and walked over to another room.

There, in a completely purple room, a sixty year old woman was teaching a bunch of preschoolers their colors.  I lost interest after a while, so I left the building and walked around the street.  Cars and bikes were flying by me at high speeds, causing me to get a little flustered, so I entered a restaurant that was completely brown.  After seating myself and waiting in vain for a waiter or waitress, I got up and left the restaurant.  No one was to be seen, not a car driver, a bike rider, or a pedestrian.

After walking around the empty city for a little while, I entered a very large building that consisted only of stairs, escalators, and elevators.  In the center of the building was a booth.  I walked up to that booth and became a police officer.  A man there gave me a suit, badge, and night stick.  When I turned from the booth, the building was suddenly full of people.  After trying to push my way through the crowd, Nathan Galvez encountered me and told me that he was ashamed of me for becoming a cop.

Then I woke up.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dream #24 (May 24, 2009)

This is a dream.

It all took place in my backyard.  Apparently my yard was the location for 'The Games.'  This event brought in nearly one hundred people, and these people were devoted to winning.  The first test of ability was took great skill: floating down a river (my real backyard has no river, but my dream yard does).  I, among many others, floated down the river without moving any parts of my body.  It must have been very unexciting to witness (there were, however, no spectators, except for the participants who had decided that they were not cut out for the event).  I am not sure who won this race; I'm not even sure that it was a race.

Anyways, the next event was much more exciting.  The people were split into two teams.  These teams had one goal: capture a flag from the world's fastest man (who happened to look like Brandon Johnston, an old classmate of mine with whom I do not often speak).  Because this game was supposed to take all night (for some reason it took leaders of the groups much time to plan out the tactics), both groups set up enormous blue tents, and every single person had with them a sleeping bag.  As I prepared to sleep (the leaders of my group, who resembled military leaders, were taking a very long time to plan out the group's course), I noticed that I actually knew two other members of my group: Daniel Jeter and Caitlin Geeslin.  Delighted that I would not have to be all alone for the rest of the time, I ran to them and sat with them a while.  Interestingly enough, none of us said a word for quite some time.

All of a sudden, trumpets began to sound.  The game was over, and the other team had won.  I happen to think my group's leadership was poor, but that is just one unimportant man's opinion (I did not get along well with my leaders).  Because the game had taken so long, the sun had begun to rise, and it was time for the final event: the bamboo stick combat.  The activity is similar to its name; two people would fight each other with bamboo sticks until one of them gave up or was struck down.

Next thing I knew, I was in the championship round fighting Dan Jeter in ferocious bamboo combat.  Neither of us showed any mercy (even though neither of us showed much aggression either), but after a long, hard fought battle, I came out the victor (fortunately, Daniel had given up after a nasty blow to the side of his head; in other words, I did not kill him).  The sun rose above the horizon.

Then, out of nowhere, I was no longer partaking in the same dream.  Instead, I was stuck in a janitor's closet.  But that is not the strangest part.  I was the size of a #2 pencil.  I was wandering around the top shelf, where the rubber gloves and cleaning fluids were kept, when all of a sudden, the door to the janitor's closet flung open and a hand reached up and grabbed the sponge on which I was standing, causing me to fall from the highest point in the closet.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dream #23 (May 23, 2009)

This is just plain boring.

In last night's dream, I owned a YMCA.  Before I could open the place to the public, I had to get the water tested to make sure it was safe to drink (I also had the pool tested to make sure it was safe to swim in).  Right before the inspectors arrived at my YMCA (it was located in a beautiful mountain valley with a river running through it), I was running around the building and the grounds in an attempt to make everything up to code.

Unfortunately, when the inspectors arrived and tested the pool water, it was one point under standard (whatever that means).  Furthermore, when they tested the river water (which was the source of the drinking water), that failed by ten points.  I tried to defend the place and explain that I could make it better, but they would not hear me out.

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dream #22 (May 22, 2009)

I had a dream.

I found myself alone in a space station.  Now, when I say space station, I mean space civilization.  This place was enormous.  There were gardens, buildings, elevators, escalators (I love escalators; I often ride them up and down whenever they are available), and more.  There was even a public transportation system made out of these crazy metal spheres.  And all of this was suspended in space in a 1970s futuristic style space station made completely of edgeless silver metal.

I was at this space station for a reason: I had an important message to deliver to the leader of the civilization there.  Unfortunately, there was not a soul to be found there.  I spent my entire dream searching for a sign of life, but the only living thing I could find was a field of grass (some people do not count vegetation as living, but I certainly do).  As I searched for humankind, I came across many interesting structures.  I climbed ladders into little firetowers, rode escalators, flew on a zip-line, attempted to get into a public transportation sphere (sadly the system was in lock-down), and climbed around many buildings.

After spending nearly an entire dream searching for life, I decided that my quest was futile.  I then walked over to a gigantic metal wall that was indescribably huge.  There I found a button.  After pushing this button (without any though whatsoever) the wall opened up, slowly revealing an enormous window.  Out of this window I saw the most beautiful view of space that I have ever seen in my entire life.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dream #21 (May 21, 2009)

This is a multiple part dream.  Again I apologize for posting so late; I've just been very busy.

The first part of the dream took place in an empty city.  It was a very beautiful place, and all of the colors were a dark yellowish gold color that was very surreal.  I was the only living being that was present in my dream.  There were no cars, pedestrians, or anything else.  All of the lights were very dim (which is what provided the color to the streets).  I enjoyed walking around this place very much.

After a while, I reached my destination: Jeff Kreider's house.  There I met with Jeff and Kevin and began to film a scene for a movie.  This house was very crazy.  First of all, it was, on the inside, painted a baby blue color.  Also, there were no walls for the rooms, and there were many lofts with beds and various household items.  After I shot a couple of scenes at this place, my dream switched on me out of nowhere.

I found myself in my front yard at my house (it was actually daytime).  Here I was walking around, waiting for a boat salesman to come by the house.  I saw my older brother walking around in my neighbor's yard across the street and I saw my father walking around in my other neighbor's yard just to the West of my house.  After trying unsuccessfully to signal to my older brother, the boat salesman finally arrived.

When he pulled to the side of the road (he did not actually park by my house; for some reason he parked a few hundred feet to the East of it), I finally got the attention of my family members, and together we walked up to the salesman.  Unfortunately, his prices were outrageous.  He wanted a billion dollars for a fishing boat with a small motor, and one million dollars for a john boat.  That was ridiculous.

Then again, for no apparent reason, my dream switched up on me again.  I found myself sitting in my living room at my house (it was night again) with Nathan Galvez, Caitlin Geeslin, and Lauren De La Calzada.  Nathan was showing me some new music, about which he was very excited, and we were getting ready to go on some big trip.  I was content, because we planned on listening to this new band's entire discography on the way to our destination (I do not know where that was).  This music was very great because it was a mixture between B.R.M.C., Danielson, and Beirut.  Then Nathan said something I did not like; "You must memorize this album before we leave."

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dream #20 (May 20, 2009)

This is extremely lame.

I dreamed that I was a substitute teacher at my old high school.  When I arrived at school (I was wearing a green suite), I found that none of the kids had gone to school that day, so I had nothing to do.  I just sat in the room alone.

Then I awoke (unlike most times, I was actually ready to wake up from this dream).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dream #19 (May 19, 2009)

This involves balloons.

Last night's dream took place, once again, at Prairie Camp.  There were hundreds of people there, and we all had a task to complete: collect all of the stretchy balloons in the softball field and wrap them around a tin can.  We each had to collect as many as we could find.

When they released us from the starting point (we were all in the gym), we collectively ran to the softball fields (there were three instead of two), only to find that all of the fields were flooded with an oil-like liquid.  This liquid was strange because it was twenty feet deep, yet it was standing above the ground like a wall.  Nobody was willing to enter into the liquid, nobody except me.

When I stepped into the oily substance I discovered that it was not exactly a liquid after all; it was more like another type of atmosphere.  In this substance I was able to breath with ease.  However, there was a big difference; gravity did not have much effect.  As I leaped around in slow motion I searched for the stretchy balloons to wrap around my tin can.  I found about five balloons (they were all red) and I wrapped them around my can.

After jumping around in the strange substance for a short while, I reentered the normal atmosphere.  Then all of the other people present followed me back to the gym.  Unfortunately when we got there I found that the balloons had deflated, so they would not count towards my total points (which would cause me to tie with everybody else).  I then had an idea.

I decided to run over to the camp shed (which looked normal on the outside but was more like a warehouse on the inside) and refill the balloons with helium.  When I found the pump, an odd old lady came into the shed with a big leaf blower and told me not to snoop around where I don't belong.  After she left I decided to fill up the balloons anyway.  When I did this a very strange thing happened.  The balloons changed color and shape.  The first two balloons would not inflate and turned purple.  The third balloon turned into a giant orange conch balloon, the fourth turned into a green trombone shaped balloon, and the fifth formed into a perfectly round blue sphere.

I walked out of the shed holding the three inflated balloons, not knowing what to do.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dream #18 (May 18, 2009)

Sorry that I have been posting these dreams late as of late; my mornings, afternoons, and evenings have been quite busy.

Last night's dream was very strange.  The central plot (which was very loose and chaotic) revolved around an evil villain that was trying to make some sort of vampire rodents with special powers.  When I first entered into the dream, the story had already long been started because right off the bat I was searching for the experimental vampire rodents.  After wandering the city streets at night, I entered this small house.  Once inside, I lit the fluorescent lights in the living room and discovered the three rodents for which I had been searching.

Each of the three rodents had its own unique set of abilities.  One had armor of gold (they were all normal-sized rodents, by the way), another had super speed, and the third had a fast and strong metal hamster ball (keep in mind that all three of these rodents were vampires, meaning that one bite from them would cause me to become like them, or so I feared).  Once I encountered them, I began to chase after them.  I first went after the gold-plated rat.  After several failed attempts to squash him with my foot (his metal was too strong), I simply bated him into a trash can and trapped him there.  The second rodent I attacked was the one with super speed.  After several close calls where the rat nearly bit my hand as I reached for him, I was finally able to grab it by the throat and strangle it to death.  Finally, I went after the hamster ball.  Fortunately for me, however, it had got itself stuck in a hole in the wall.

The next thing I knew, I was heading for the secret hideout of the villain.  It turned out to be on the second floor of a two story office building.  I hid underneath a desk in the villain's room and waited for him to come in so that I could have the element of surprise to my advantage.  Very shortly after I had hid myself very well, the villain walked in.  He was definitely not what I expected him to be; he was half man, half elephant.

A lighting storm began outside as the elephant man sat down at his desk.  Then I decided that kicking him in the shin would be the best way for me to attack him.  Once I did so, the elephant sprang to his feet in pain and let out a nasty scream.

Then, all of a sudden, I found myself in another story, one that was altogether different from the first.  I was trying to sew an extra finger onto my older brother's hand for a school project.  I reached into a big box of fingers that I had with me and began my work.  After a minute or so, I changed my mind because I did not want to sacrifice my brother's normality for my science class.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dream #17 (May 17, 2009)

Maybe there is some sort of meaning in this.

I found myself at the top of a peak of a mountain made completely of dirt; this mountain was in the midst of an endless line of forested mountains.  In my hand was a white piece of paper with the name of my grandfather on it.  This made me very sad, because this particular piece of paper meant that my grandfather would loose his mind and have to dwell in the caves under the mountain.

After I looked around the dark grey skies (I could not tell what time of day it was; I almost had the impression that I was underground), I walked down the mountain to the base, where my grandfather was waiting for me.  What happened next was very interesting.  He explained to me that he was sacrificing his mind for the sake of the others in the cave, but he needed my help.  I had to chose between letting my grandfather go through with his plan (in other words, allow him to lose his mind) and not letting him do so (which would save his mind).

I decided to go along with his wishes.  He needed me to do all of the work because he was physically incapable.  I had to enter the cave of the already senile, find their white pieces of paper, and lead them all out of the cave.  To my surprise, this was very quick and easy.  When the senile people and I came out of the cave, my grandfather told me to rip the white pieces of paper and stomp on them.  When I did so, all the people from the cave snapped out of their altered state of mind and where normal again.

After a short celebration, they left to return to their separate homes while I said goodbye to my grandfather.  This was difficult, because his mind was fading as we were saying our farewells, and, at our final embrace, he asked me who I was and if I could take him with me.

Then I awoke.

I'm sorry if you find this dream disturbing; I know I did.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dream #16 (May 16, 2009)

I'm sorry I am posting this so late (it's almost time for me to dream some more).

Last night, I dreamed that I was moving out of my old room in the Regent Commons in to my new room there (the Commons looked nothing like what they do now, except for the ugly colors).  I was moving all of my things from the first floor to the sixth floor.  The room I moved out of was extremely small (a bed and a closet), and the second room was enormous (four bedrooms and a huge living room with five couches and two full-sized tables).

As I was dragging a large bag up the stairs, I realized that I was late for my class, so I ran over to the classroom building (the campus looked more like Chicago than Regent), up twelve flights of stairs, and into a classroom.  Now this classroom was the most depressing room I have ever seen; it had no windows, grey walls, grey tables, grey floors, and a grey ceiling.  Even the chalkboard was a dark grey and the teacher was wearing a grey suit.  We were studying Math History (a potentially interesting course, but not in this case).

After I became extremely board, I suddenly jumped up out of my chair and ran all the way back to my new room.  There I found my new roommate, Jon Andrew Castleberry, playing the guitar and singing.  I decided to jam with him on an organ that happened to be in the room.  We played through the night (this whole dream took place in the middle night as usual).

Then, eventually, I awoke.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dream #15 (May 15, 2009)

Last night was an array of completely different segments of dreams.  It was strange.

The first segment that I can recall took place in a beautiful snowy farm country (each of these segments took place at night).  I was wandering around a snowy field (wearing the appropriate attire, of course), when, out of nowhere, a bullet hit the ground beside me.  Somebody was trying to shoot me with a sniper rifle from a distant house to the South of where I was.  Not knowing what to do, I ran into a large, abandoned barn.  This barn was, for the most part, empty, except for one shiny object in the middle of it.  That object was a Desert Eagle (a gun; I know what it is called because I have the air soft version of it).  I picked it up and decided to hid out in the loft of the barn.  When I opened up the door of the loft to look outside, I saw a sudden flash.

It was my mother taking pictures of me.  Interestingly enough, I started to pose for the pictures (I absolutely despise posing for pictures).  Then the sniper began to shoot at me again, so I jumped out of the barn loft into the snow.

The next thing I knew, I was crawling through a sewage pipe.  Green, shiny water was dripping all around me.  I crawled along for quite some time.

Then, after a while, I found myself climbing out of a manhole in the middle of a city.  A a brown car pulled up, and one of its doors was open.  I fell into the car.

Then I found myself inside of a surreal factory (similar to the factory in Monster's Inc.).  There were huge mounds of trash flying around in the air everywhere, and there was no floor (there was only a black abyss below me).  Then I encountered a man who was running a machine that was turning the garbage into food.  I asked him if he planned on feeding people that garbage, and he said yes.  So, the next logical thing for me to do was to destroy the factory (by the way, everything in the factory was suspended in the air; I myself had some sort of hovering device).  I started to throw some stray, floating garbage into the gears of some of the machines.

This was a bad idea.  Everything in the factory began to shake, and the man I had confronted was confronting me.  He pulled a baseball bat out of a pile of garbage (a Louisville Slugger), and he hit me in the gut, causing me to fly straight up and out of the factory.  As I fell down the large metal wall that was outside of the factory, I realized that this place was underground in a huge cave.  Realizing that I would probably die if I were to fall to the ground, I grabbed a pole that was sticking out of the wall.  I hung there for a few minutes.  Then I noticed that the man I was fighting was actually Flash (from DC Comics).  He ran out of the factory and into a blue SUV, and he sped off into the unknown (the cave was very dark).  I just hung there on the pole for quite some time trying to figure out why Flash would want to feed people garbage.

Then I appeared at a boat dock.  I was accompanied by Ricky Gervais, Jason Bateman, and some old guy I did not know.  They were asking me if they could have the rights to my life.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dream #14 (May 14, 2009)

This may or may not be interesting.

Last night's dream took place at Prairie Camp (yet again).  This time I was actually doing the job that I do during the summer (I believe my official title is Program Director).  This dream actually took place during the day (morning, actually), and it began in the cafeteria.

Everyone in the camp was waiting in line for breakfast, and this breakfast had three options: biscuits and gravy, off-brand Fruit Loops (they were actually called Fruit Dots), and granola.  Because I was in the back of the line (unfortunately, the majority of my dream was me standing in line looking up toward the food), the only thing left when I got my meal was a small styrofoam bowl of Fruit Dots.  I love most cereals, so this was not so bad (or so I thought).  However, when I sat down and took a bite of the cereal, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten in a dream.  Even so, I finished off the entire bowl and drank the excess milk afterward.

After my breakfast I made sure every camper and counselor was ready to load up on the big yellow bus for the day's trip.  Then I came across a group of counselors praying.  One of the counselors was saying, "May God watch over these children with the eyes and ears of the Devil."  I found this to be quite upsetting, especially when the other counselors got excited about this new saying of theirs (I believe they were trying to be smart and original at the same time, which was not working for them).  I interrupted this prayer and asked them to think about what they were actually saying.

Then I went on to gather up my own stuff for the trip, when Kyle Heffelfinger visited the camp.  I talked with him for a while about what we had been doing that week of camp as I packed my things.

Then I awoke.

(Sorry if you found this dream disappointing; maybe my subconscious was taking a break last night.)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dream #13 (May 13, 2009)

I had a dream last night.

In my dream, I was just finishing college.  However, this college was located on Prairie Camp, and I lived in and went to classes in buildings that do not actually exist in real life.  The dorm I resided in was completely white, including the walls, ceiling, roof, doors, and floors.  The classroom buildings (there were two) were the same way, except with different colors.  The building I had classes in was pale blue, and the other building was green.

Now, in my dream, I was getting ready to leave my dorm for the last time, and for some reason I was doing all of this at night (I have discovered that the majority of my dreams take place in the middle of the night as if it is daytime, if that makes any sense).  Before I could leave, however, I realized that I was missing a special cord that I let Rachel Engbrecht borrow (many people who work at camp attended this college apparently).  I looked out of my window and saw Rachel waving her arms about from her window in the other building, trying to get my attention.  Then she said she motioned that she was going to walk over to my building. However, it was raining very hard.

Even so, I decided not to just go over to her building to get the special cord and let her walk in the rain by herself (my selfishness wins yet again).  In the meantime, I went to visit the floor below me where the track runners were practicing (there was a track inside the dorm).  When I got there I noticed that my old band director was the track coach, and he begged me to run the hurdles for the next meet.  After running a few hurdles, I explained to him that I had to go home and I would not be able to stay for the meet.

Then I went down to open the door for Rachel (who had been standing in the rain for quite some time).  When I did (she was somehow perfectly dry), she explained that she had loaned the cord to somebody in my building.  Then she told me to follow her as she took off running down the hallway.  I followed her for a short while, but when I saw Stan Marks teaching a class (he is my age), I had to step in to see how he was doing (apparently I decided not to let Rachel know what I was doing, so she kept on running).

Stan had a very interesting teaching style; he used no words.  Instead, he was very expressive with his hands, and he would often make weird noises with his lips and draw primitive pictures on the chalk board.  Even so, I understood perfectly well that he was discussing American history, specifically the methods of President McKinley.  It was a very good lesson.  After it was finished, I remembered that I still needed to get my cord, so I tried to find Rachel.

I had no luck, so I snuck into another man's room (I found a secret passage through the public bathroom wall) and stole a bowl of spaghetti.  When I came out (by the way, Kevin Chupp was upside down in a trash can in the bathroom; I paid no attention to him), Rachel was there.  She told me that the teacher to which she loaned the cord had then gone and loaned to a gypsy.  Rachel said she would drive over to the camp with her fiance Mike to get the special cord.

The entire time they were gone, I looked out the window at the rain.  When they returned, I received a call on a cellular phone that I did not know I owned.  So, I grabbed all of my belongings, which consisted of one duffel bag and one Aldi's bag (for those of you from the East, Aldi's is a Midwestern cheap grocery store).  When I got outside, Mike pulled up in his truck and offered me a ride to my car.

When I got in, he asked me if I wanted to get there the fun way.  Of course I said yes, and the truck took off like a rocket ship (there were actually rockets in the bed of his truck).  We zoomed around the campus for quite some time (it was extremely fun), then he slammed on the breaks and stopped right behind my car.  He handed me my chord and wished me luck on my journey home.  Then I asked him what he planned on doing after college.  He answered, "I think I might try to take over the world."

I accepted his answer as perfectly normal, and I got into my car (the old Ford Contour) and took off.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dream #12 (May 12, 2009)

I am not sure where this came from.

During last night's dream, there were many times where I was trying to remember "last night's" dream, and I was very frustrated because I was unable to recall it.  Fortunately I was already dreaming.

This dream again took place at the Regent Commons.  This time they were about 10 stories high, and they actually looked cool, and in my dream I lived on the first floor.  The dream took place at night, and Jeff Kreider and David Badertscher were staying in my room (just like they did in real life; I get excited when real life events actually make it into my dream).

There was some sort of special ice cream social that was to take place in the middle of the night.  Various people would open up their rooms to other people who would come and eat.  I don't know why it was called an ice cream social, because most rooms served other things.  

When I woke up in the middle of the night (when the ice cream social was to begin) Jeff and David did not want to accompany me on the tour of food/rooms, so I went alone.  I first visited Nathan Galvez's room (which was located on the top floor).  He had brought in a portable Pizza Hut (apparently the Pizza Hut people would come in and set up a little pizzeria right inside of your room).  It was quite tasty, and I was very impressed with Nathan's ability to flip the dough in the air and catch it.  I enjoyed a delicious pepperoni pizza.

Then I ventured to another room at the top floor.  This room was dressed like a fancy restaurant, and I felt very out of place because I was not wearing nice clothes (in fact, I was wearing my pajamas, which is strange, because I do not actually wear typical pajamas).  As I was getting ready to eat some very good chicken (an entire cooked chicken was sitting in front of me), I looked outside and noticed a large construction crew building what looked like a tunnel of stone right outside the door to the Commons.  No longer intrigued by my meal, I went downstairs and outside.

I was no longer at Regent; instead, I was in a medieval city.  All of a sudden, hundreds of knights came running in fear towards me (by the way, all of the knights had the exact same face).  Instead of joining them, I ran against the stream to see what they were running from.  I soon discovered a hilly field of pine needles where a large battle was taking place between armed soldiers and peasants.  I felt a strange obligation to get involved, so I picked up a sharp stick and began to fight alongside a the peasants.  I killed many knights with nothing by my stick (I was quite proud of my skills, but at the same time I was disgusted with myself;I never thought I could actually kill somebody).  When I reached the headquarters, I was met by the captain of my opponents, who was half frog, half man (his name was Kermit, but he was not Kermit the Frog).

We battled for quite some time, and our fight was quite ridiculous.  We were doing flips, 360 degree spins, and cartwheels.  Finally, I chopped off his head.  When I did so, I ran up to the top of the hill and held up my head in victory.  Unfortunately, there were still other knights around me, and one of them chopped off my head.  It rolled down the hill of pine needles and landed next to Kermit's.  We were somehow still living, so we both sang The Door's "The End" (which is strange, because I don't know all of the words).

Then I awoke, but the place I awoke was my first floor room in the commons.  I was very distressed, because I could not remember my dream, and I knew that I had to write this blog today, so I went back to bed in attempt to have another dream.

Then I awoke.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dream #11 (May 11, 2009)

I would not mind reliving last night's dream.

This dream, like the night before, dealt with the subject of making movies.  In this particular dream, I was the gaffer on a set for Tim Kay (also known as T. James Kay).  The set was located in a room on the third to top floor of a hotel in Dallas, Texas.  The view of the city at night was excellent.

Because I only had to set up the lighting for one shot (I had an insane set up by the way; lights were coming from the floor, the ceiling, the walls, and some were even set up outside the window), I did not have much to do the rest of the time.  So I went back and hung out in another room, where I kept my bags, a sleeping bag, and a pillow (apparently I was planning on spending the night there).  However, I found someone else residing in the room; my best boy electric, who was actually a female.

After we talked about how boring working on the set was, I asked her to leave so that I could sleep (my selfishness wins again).  After a few minutes, she came back in and told me that Tim had ordered me to pick up another light that he had left at his house.  None of us had vehicles, so I was forced to take a train.  So I went, all by myself, to the train station in the middle of the night.

Fortunately for me, my little brother was there.  We talked about what I was doing briefly after we sat down in our seats on the passenger car of the train.  Unfortunately for me, we realized that we were not on a working train, and the train we were supposed to be on was pulling away.

We dashed out of the railroad car and ran down the tracks after the quickly leaving train, but it was all in vain.  We slowly walked back down the tracks.  I left my brother there and went back to the hotel.  To my surprise, Tim was not upset in the least because he had found something else that would work.  (brace yourselves for something very ridiculous)  He had found a magical mask that would allow him to create his own light.  It had been given to him by a which who came to him while I was gone.

I did not trust this mask one bit.  I warned Tim not to put it on, but he did, and it worked.  So, being out of a job, I went back to my hotel room, and, again, I found the best boy in my room.  So, like before, I politely asked her to leave.  She did, but like before, she came running back into the room a few minutes later with bad news.  This time was a little more scary; the mask had taken over Tim's mind and he was slaughtering his cast and crew.

This was quite frightening, so when I heard something approaching my room, I braced the door with a chair and stood in front of my best boy holding a metal pole that happened to be lying on the ground (look at me, looking out for someone else's needs).  As usual, the chair did not stop Tim from getting into the room so, for some reason, I dropped the metal thing I was holding and bicycle kicked Tim in the face (which, with the mask, looked like the face of some sort of demon).  I picked up my best boy (with one arm even) and ran to the elevator.  As usual, the elevator took a ridiculously long time to reach the floor we were on, giving Tim time to recover.  Just as he came out of the room, we hopped into the elevator and, as I frantically pressed the close door button in combination with the first floor button, the door closed just as Tim ran into it.

We were safe, or so we thought.  After we left the elevator, we walked outside and went to the parking garage, where my best boy kept her car (apparently she had a vehicle after all).  The sun was rising, giving my dream some very beautiful scenery.  As we reached the seventh floor of the parking garage, we realized that Tim had been following us when he grabbed my best boy and tried to eat her.  I, being in the moment, finally used my brain and removed the mask from Tim.  He snapped back into consciousness and thanked me for freeing his mind and left.  I threw the mask away, and my best boy and I went to the opening in the parking garage to watch the sunrise (quite romantic, but it gets even better).

As we looked at the horizon, tons of giant paper airplanes fell from the sky (when I say giant, I mean football field-sized paper airplanes).  One landed right by we were standing, forming a slide that looked very fun to me.  After failing to convince my best boy to slide down the paper with me, I said goodbye and leapt onto the paper airplane and slid to the ground (my selfishness wins out again).  I walked slowly towards the rising sun.

Then, time jumped forward and I saw my best boy in a wedding dress, which really confused me (I don't typically dream ridiculously romantic dreams), but when I realized I was looking through a camera lens, I was relieved to find out that I was the photographer at her wedding.  When I saw the man she was marrying, however, I was very confused.  I rubbed my eyes a couple times to clear my vision (interestingly enough, I was not wearing my glasses in this dream and, come to think of it, I rarely wear glasses in my dreams), and I realized that the groom was wearing a pink dress.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dream #10 (May 10, 2009)

I was very fortunate to remember last night's dream.  For the first fifteen seconds after I woke up, I had absolutely no recollection of it, but when I remembered one small portion of it, the whole dream came to me instantly.

In this dream, I was an extra for a zombie movie directed by Richmond Felton.  And, of coarse, I was a zombie.  The film was shot at a five story elementary school.  Interestingly enough, the classrooms looked very similar to some of my old elementary school classrooms, except they were colored differently and they were much larger.

For some reason, Richmond was being very picky with the classroom he wanted to pick. Five times Richmond would set up all the lights in a room (as all the extras were frozen in place in the desired position), then he would decide that he didn't like it.  The first room was a blue classroom, the second one was yellow, the third was red, the fourth was green, and the fifth was brown.  Finally Richmond decided to use the elementary school sanctuary (interesting); this sanctuary happened to have a swimming pool in it (what is it with me and sanctuaries with swimming pools?).  After another long waiting time, Richmond changed his mind yet again.

I could not stand this any longer, so I just leapt up and ran away.  Some of the film security guards began to chase me down, so I stole a motorcycle and rode away.  After a few quick miles I was caught in traffic.  Then I could see, not too far behind me, that the guards had stepped out of their cars and were headed my way.

Thankfully there was a giant crane about one hundred yards from my motorcycle, so I ran up into that, and I used it to pick up my vehicle and place it on a different street that did not have as much traffic.  Then I ran and jumped back onto my bike and took off.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dream #9 (May 9, 2009)

This is interesting.

Last night's dream contained a couple of important side stories; Tony Bennett wanted to become a comedian, and Brother Danielson (Daniel Smith) was kidnapped.

I first learned both of these facts (they were factual in my dream) while watching the news in a hotel room in which I was staying.  The moment I heard the news, I knew that I was obligated to save Brother Danielson, since he had produced such great music for me to enjoy.  At the time I did not think much of the Tony Bennett story.

So I leapt from my bed, ran down the stairs (20 flights of them), hopped into a car (I'm not sure if it was mine), and I drove away.  I am not sure why I did what I did next.  

I drove to my old high school, gathered a bunch of my old classmates together, stole a big yellow bus, and drove off to who knows where.  After driving for quite a while (driving a bus is actually pretty fun), we stopped at a thirty story Burger King.  We decided to take the glass elevator in order to dine at the top floor.  Whilst I was eating my Whopper Jr., I looked up at the television that was on and saw an interview with Tony Bennett.  In it, he explained how foolish he was to pursue stand up comedy, and the news channel proceeded to show bits from his terrible routines (he was horrible comedian).

After I finished my meal, I began to rally my ex-classmates, but they decided that they were no longer going to help me in my search for Brother Danielson.  I was frustrated, so I left them all there, took the bus, and drove away.

The next thing I knew, the I was in the Regent University parking lot trying to raise a flag in memory of Brother Danielson (the flag looked similar to the cover of the Ships album).  As I struggled to do so, Tony Bennett came up beside me and helped me complete the task.  He smiled at me and said something about pursuing my dreams and having dedication.  Then we walked together over the bridge that goes to the commons (except in my dream it lead into the woods).

Then I awoke.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dream #8 (May 8, 2009)

For some reason, two completely different stories mixed in this dream.

The first story, which was a period piece of sorts, started in a large barn, where I was readying a group of knights to go into a large, maze-like woods to rescue the princess from the clutches of a very evil man.

As we prepared to enter the woods, a chariot rode up and stopped right in front of me.  Then, to my delight, the driver of the chariot emerged: Morgan Freeman.  When he got out of the chariot, he explained to me that he would lead the knights into the front entrance of the woods while I snuck in through a different, more secret entrance.  I agreed to his proposal (I figured Morgan Freeman was playing a character that I could trust).

After I gave my final instructions to my small army, I left the barn and entered the woods, accompanied only by my trusted sword.  About one three hundred yards into the woods, the excitement began.  Large insects appeared out of nowhere and began to attack me, and these insects were quite disgusting.  One, which was called a wormster, was a huge worm-shaped creature that had one lobster claw.  Another was much like a millipede.  There were also giant cockroaches, caterpillars, beetles, and maggots.

After battling these creatures for quite some time, I heard, off in the distance, the princess scream and the sinister villain laugh.  Apparently I was some sort of expert swordsman/hearer because I was able to judge where the villain was by his laughter.  I threw my sword in the direction of the villain and hoped for the best.  As I ran towards the place I suspected the princess would be, I encountered more insects that I had to ward off with my knife.

Then, for no particular reason, I found myself in a supermarket with thousands of aisles.  As I pushed my shopping cart full of various types of fruits around the aisles, I kept farting the nastiest farts I have ever released.  And, for some reason, I acted as if I was trying to find out who was farting, blending in with the rest of the shoppers.  Then I decided not to purchase anything, and I walked out of the store and down the block.

Then the dream switched back to the Middle Ages where I was explaining to the prince that his young wife was killed.  He began to weep as I explained how close we were to saving her (it was then that I found out I had hit the villain's cloak with my thrown sword, missing his body).

Then the dream switched on me again.  I found myself walking on the street again.  I decided to cross the street at a place that was not marked for pedestrians to cross (which is strange because I do not typically jaywalk).  I could have sworn that I looked both ways before crossing (there were no people or cars anywhere), but as I walked across the street, a convertible car smashed into me.  I flew up over the windshield and into the back seat.

Then the dream switched back to the Middle Ages yet again.  I was again at the secret entrance of the woods; this time, however, I was with my brother.  We went through the same path, fighting the same creatures as before.  This time when the princess screamed and the villain laugh, we both threw our swords in that direction.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dream #7 (May 7, 2009)

Last night's dream was surprisingly linear and, for the most part, sensical.  That is not necessarily a good thing, but I enjoyed this dream anyway.

The majority of this film took place in a large museum, which was right next to a television studio.  It began inside a nearly empty museum that I was not supposed to be in at the time.  How I got in there, I do not know; I just started there.  Well, because it was empty, I was able to freely look around, climb on things that I usually could not climb on, and so on and so forth.  It was not long before I had to use the restroom.

This is where it gets interesting.  When I walked into the bathroom (for some reason I had decided to use the girls' bathroom instead of the one made for my own gender), I saw four guys brutally beating up another guy.  There was blood flying everywhere, and the poor man looked as if he were about to die, so I decided to interrupt the fight.  However, the moment I tried to walk in between the four aggressors, they noticed me for the first time, now turning their punches toward me.  Well I decided to run and get help from the nearby television studio where they were about to film a quiz show (I had a ticket to be in the audience).

When I arrived there, I yelled out the situation as loud as I could and got as many people to come with me as possible.  When I had a good crowd following me (about 26 people), I marched them back over to the museum.  Unfortunately, when we arrived, the four men were walking out.  I instructed the crowd to grab them but they would not do so.  Then I ran to the bathroom to check on the beat up man.  He was nowhere to be found.

This caused me to believe that they had killed the man and hid his body, so I did a quick search around the bathroom with no luck.  After the crowd threw some insults at me, they went back to the studio, and I followed them, confused.  When I got to the studio, I sat down for about twenty seconds, then my name was called to be a contestant on the quiz show.  I was not too excited.  When I first appeared on the stage, a bright spotlight was hitting my face, and I could not see anything but shapes for a while.  Then, after my eyes adjusted, I noticed that the four men I had caught in the bathroom were sitting in the crowd, smiling at me in a very sinister way.  I could not handle that, so I ran out of the studio, right after being asked a question about goldfish for the show.

I did not expect anyone to follow me, but three people did.  These people were some of my Bethel College friends: Eric de Araujo, Greg Fox, and Jessica Smith.  They had heard about my story and they had faith in me.

We then set out to search the museum, which was quite a large task; the museum had five enormous floors.  We started out on the first floor, which had to do with American war history.  We searched very thoroughly, even checking the fallen soldier dummies to make sure they did not switch one out with the dead man.  After that, we moved on to the second floor, which had to do with science.  There were all kinds of cabinets, vents, and other hiding places that we had to check.  Not a foot of that floor went unsearched.  Then we moved on to the third floor (the European history section), the fourth floor (Egyptian and African history), and the fifth floor (I have no idea what the theme was for that floor; there were pirates ships, rope bridges, movie memorabilia, rockets, and a gift shop).

After checking the fifth floor, we proceeded to check the roof.  We had no luck whatsoever, but my friends did not even begin to doubt my story (I have good friends).  Confused and disappointed, we sat down on the roof to think about where the body could be, or even if there was a body.  Then a series of thoughts flew into my brain; the four guys did not have much time from when I left to when I returned, a body is a tough thing to move from place to place, and I did not thoroughly check the girl's bathroom when I was in there.

After this revelation, my friends hurried down to the bathroom.  I was so confident that they would find the body that I went to the studio to find the four men.  Right as I was about to enter the studio, Eric popped his head out of the museum and gave me a thumbs up, signaling that they had found the body.  I proceeded to run into the studio and, without hesitation, leap up onto the stage, grab the microphone from the host (who happened to be Luke Steiner) and announced that the four men sitting in the front row had committed a murder.  Shortly after that, my friends hauled in the body of the dead man and laid it on the stage in front of me.  The security guards apparently believed my story without questioning and handcuffed the murderers.

Then I awoke

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dream #6 (May 6, 2009)

After only sleeping a few hours the night before, I was fully recovered last night with a beautiful ten hours of sleep.  This led to a recovery of my dreams as well.

This particular dream began on an ocean beach.  I was one of many people marching in a line down the beach.  The air was foggy, the sand extended for miles on my left, the ocean waves crashed on my right, and the wind blew the sand and the salt straight into my face.  I was not sure where we were going.  All I knew was that it was called "The Destination" and that I was quite miserable.

Dan Jeter, who happened to be pushing the marchers on at faster and faster speeds (and wearing a 18th century military outfit), did not help the situation.  As we marched, Dan was calling out orders, insulting people (I specifically remember him calling me four eyes and another guy Jiggly Puff Daddy).  He also hit me with a whip several times on my ankles (for some reason he did not whip anybody else).  I had to escape this torture, especially when Dan tried to get us to chant military-style chants; I really hate military chants.

Finally my chance came when Dan began to hurl insults and vulgarities at a marcher who was more than fifty people in front of me.  I dashed to me left and, as I cut through the fog, I came upon a large, wooden church.  Not hesitating at all, I climbed the steps and entered.  I was the only one in the building at the time, so I decided to explore.

As I was studying a strangely designed beam in the foyer, I saw a woman with a clip board sit down at a desk that was right by the door (I'm pretty sure that the desk was not there before).  Then the most disappointing of events took place; the line of marchers entered one by one into the church, each stopping at the desk to sign in.  I saw Dan standing to the side of the line like a statue; fortunately, he did not see me, for he did not turn his neck.  Not knowing exactly what to do, I hid in among my former marching partners in a large room, where we all sat down Indian-style, awaiting further instructions.

Once everyone entered the building, the lady with the clip board came and announced to the group that the first ten people to enter the building would be granted freedom.  I was overjoyed, until she announced the names of the persons who had signed in first.  After complaining to her and arguing with her, I decided that I was just going to leave the church no matter what.  Interestingly enough, nobody tried to stop me from leaving in any way.  I simply walked out.

When I reached the parking lot of the church (I'm pretty sure that there was no parking lot in front of the church the first time I entered it), I met up with Nathan Galvez, who was playing his guitar.  Luckily, his foresight led him to bring my baritone along with him, so he and I were able to play together.  The acoustic guitar and baritone combination was quite memorable.

After a few beautiful songs, Jenna Walg;ksdgc (my RA and neighbor at Regent) told us that it was past quiet hour, and that we needed to put the instruments away (I don't understand this; she has never told me that my instrument playing was too loud).  After we pack up, we were about to go our separate ways when a young elephant walked up to us and, in the way that elephants do things, offered us a ride upon its back (please don't ask me where this came from, for I have no idea).  After Nathan and I hopped on, Dan came running out of the building (wearing regular clothes instead of his military outfit) and hopped on the elephant as well.  It began to rain, and the three of us rode the elephant into the city.

Then I awoke.

Dream #5 (May 5, 2009)

I am sorry that I am posting this a day late, but I traveled from Virginia Beach, Virginia to Koontz Lake, Indiana yesterday, and I had little time to write.

This dream is straightforward and fairly simple, and I had it while sleeping in David's truck on the way to Indiana.

Before I knew it, I was zooming through the air at hundreds of miles per hour on a chariot.  Now, this chariot was different from most chariots in many ways.  First of all (obviously) the horses guiding it could fly.  Also, the chariot and the two horses were transparent, similar to water.  Furthermore, there was a basket of apples next to me and, when I tried to eat one, I discovered they were a strange, flubber-like material.

As I zoomed through the air, I noticed I was flying above a large city (I was able to look down through the chariot and see what was under me).  This city extended for miles upon miles upon miles.  I went on doing this for quite some time until, after a while, I noticed that my altitude had been slowly increasing until I shot up into the clouds with a sudden burst of speed.  Everything was bright and white, and I could only make out the shapes of thing because I had to squint so much.  I thought I could see people.

Then I awoke.

Maybe it was a vision (I am joking here; don't take that comment seriously).

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dream #4 (May 4, 2009)

The following dream is extremely incoherent.  Even so, it was still fun.

The first part of my dream took place in a dark, foggy place that looked somewhat like a graveyard.  The grass and the buildings seemed to be suspended in space because the sky was so dark, and the things I could see were lit by unknown sources.  I walked along a sidewalk path for a little while until I reached my destination: an enormous, ominous library.

Like the outside, the inside was dimly lit.  The books inside the library were as ridiculously huge as the building they were in (there were also old-fashioned toys in there for some reason, but I won't go into that).  As I explored the various books, I stumble upon one that I wanted very badly; unfortunately, it happened to be on the top shelf (which was much higher than a typical top shelf).  So, having nothing better to do, I climbed the bookcase like it was a rock wall.  When I finally reached the top, the entire bookcase began to lean back further and further until it fell.

Everything went black.

The second part of my dream took place in a trailer home, and the dream started in the middle of an investigation.  Someone had been murdered with, I suspected, a golf ball.  I was interrogating an older woman, asking her questions as I smashed her windows and dishes (I was quite out of character at this point).  Suddenly, a golf ball flew threw the window and hit the woman in the neck, killing her instantly (of corse).

Then I found my self inside of a large school bus.  There was something different about this bus however; instead of having typical bus seats, it had folding chairs.  As the bus rode along, the person sitting next to me and I were quoting Shakespearean monologues (some of which I am pretty sure do not actually exist).  All of a sudden, the bus crashed and the folding chairs all shut instantly, breaking the backs of many passengers.  Fortunately, I was delivering a monologue at the time, so I happened to be standing up.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dream #3 (May 3, 2009)

Sometimes my dreams actually have a plot (in a way).

Last night's dream revolved around a mob boss and his daughter.  Interestingly enough, the mob boss happened to be a shaved-headed Doug Miller, and, of corse, his daughter was Jordan Miller (just like in real life).

In the dream, Doug was planning his daughter's wedding, and, because he was a mob boss, this event was going to be massive.  Because it was going to be so large, he had to hire some outside men to do some of the work.  One of these outside men was me.

When I showed up at the mandatory meeting (nobody can decline an offer from Doug Miller), I found that it took place at my old church in Koontz Lake.  There Doug told all his workers what their tasks were to be.  My task was to make sure that the cake was built properly.  Fortunately, I did not have to accomplish this task alone; I had the help of Jonathan Ayee.

The day of the wedding came.  It took place outdoors in a beautiful field with a few small pavilions.  Ayee and I were so confident that we would not have to actually do anything that we decided to throw a frisbee around.  That was a mistake.  The morons who built the cake put it together all wrong (this cake was about fifteen feet long and 8 feet wide), and they forgot to purchase the edible adhesive that was needed to put it together.  The only place this adhesive could be purchased was at a small 7-11 just outside of town.

Jonathan and I decided to run there (for some reason it seemed like the most practical thing to do at the time).  When we arrived there, the hillbillies that ran the store (an older  woman and a man in his twenties) would not let us buy the last bottle of edible adhesive because they claimed they wanted to use it for a display model (which is outrageous; why do you need a display model for an item that is not in stock?).  So, Jonathan and I decided to steal the adhesive and run.

When we returned to the cake with the adhesive, we discovered that five pieces of the cake were missing.  The morons that built it told me that they did not think they were necessary, so they left them back in the church.  The wedding was about to begin, so I dashed back to the church, grabbed the five pieces of cake, and ran back to the area where the cake was.  I was too late.

Doug Miller was already giving a speech to his daughter when I made it back to the cake with the five missing pieces in hand.  When he saw me and noticed (for the first time) that the pieces were missing, he nodded over to his henchmen, who then proceeded to grab Jonathan and I.  They then took us to the church, pulled out their guns and shot Ayee.  I did not stick around to mourn his death; instead, I dashed for the door as the henchmen tried to shoot me.  Fortunately, they missed (alas, poor Ayee did not make it).

When I reached the outside of the church, I realized that I had become quite fortunate; a rival gang had busted up Jordan's wedding and were shooting the place up.  As I tried to sneak out of the explosive situation, the mob boss of the other gang snagged me (with the help of some of her henchmen), tied me up, and threw me in a room.  The rival mob boss happened to be the owner of the 7-11 (how unfortunate).

I sat and awaited my doom with about ten other people who were tied up.  After a long time (it is difficult to discern time in a dream), the female mob boss entered the room, announcing that she and her goons had annihilated Doug's entire gang.  Then she said that she would spare one of us if that person would shoot the rest of us.  To my relief, I did not volunteer.  The old man next to me, however, did.

He shot the captives one by one, finally reaching me.  As he pulled the trigger, the gun fired, but I was not harmed.  Then I realized that my hands were no longer bound (sorry about the plot holes; blame my brain, not me), so I grabbed the gun out of his hands and shot him (I'm not quite sure why) and I shot the lady mob boss/7-11 owner just as her son walked in.  Devastated, he ran back to the 7-11 as I followed him.

When I met him there, I pitied him, so I spared his life.  We then proceeded to discuss our life plans.  I explained that I was currently in film school, which led him to explain that he was taking night classes at a local college, where he studied animation.  We quickly became friends and had a good old time (in spite of the circumstances and previous events).

Then I awoke.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dream #2 (May 2, 2009)

Yesterday I mentioned to some friends that I had not remembered ever having a good dream with Regent people.  Well, last night changed that.

It all began in my room at the commons.  It was Sunday morning and, of corse, I had to get up to go to church.  So I got out of bed and, since I was already wearing my Sunday best, I opened up my window and slid down a gutter (in my dream I lived on the 9th floor of the commons).  At ground level I met up with Nathan, Lauren, Caitlin, and Lenny, and together we walked to church.

We decided to try a church that was a little different.  First of all, the church was circular in shape, almost like a stadium (but much smaller).  Also, the doors through which we entered were the revolving kind, which is always fun.  Then we saw the sanctuary; it was a large swimming pool.  Without hesitation, we all jumped in without modifying our attire.  It felt quite nice, actually.  After listening to the preacher give a sermon from the diving board about baptism (interesting subject, considering the setting), we got out of the pool and walked back to the commons.  There we had quite a pleasant surprise.

Over in the grassy area in the middle of the parking lot, we could see a man playing guitar and singing to an audience of two.  As we neared the musician, we realized it was Cat Stevens singing and playing Dylan's "The Times They are a Changin'" with all the gusto and strength with which Stevens typically sings.  After he finished that song, we listened stuck around and listened to him play "Stage Fright" and "Bessie Smith" in a similar manner (it was actually very good, and I wish now that he actually covered these songs).

Once Stevens had finished (unfortunately for him, his audience never grew past seven people), Brian McCluskey showed up in his car and offered us all a ride to Boston (don't ask me why he wanted to go there).

Then I woke up.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dream #1 (May 1, 2009)

Hello friends,

Today I have decided to blog my dreams, thanks to the many suggestions of Nathan Galvez.  I cannot promise to record and upload them each and every day (I work at a camp during the summer where access to the internet and to extra time is rare, possibly nonexistent), but I will certainly try.

Last night's dream was quite interesting.  It all took place underground in an enormous basement that was the size of a small town (Koontz Lake, IN, for example).  Now this basement served a purpose; homeless people would come in from the outside and live there.  Well, a few minutes into my dream I realized that the section of the basement that usually served as the shelter for the homeless was all filled up, so my partner (who happened to be Kevin Chupp, my ex-roommate) and I led the multitude of homeless people into a large cafeteria-style room (it was actually the size of a couple of football fields).

Next came the insane task of feeding this enormous group of people (a task that, in the dream, I apparently always enjoyed doing).  When Kevin and I went to the pantry (all the food was stored in a giant closet; it was not extremely wide, but it was as tall as a skyscraper), we discovered that today's menu consisted of various types of cereal.  Kevin had a contraption that looked somewhat like a lawnmower that he rode around and shot cereal at the homeless people.  That was cool, by my device was even better than that.  I had on this big backpack that was loaded with cereal and connected to the main supply (by the way, the cereal was a mixture of Apple Jacks, Fruit Loops, Corn Puffs, and Cheerios), and a large hose (like that of a leaf blower) came out of the back and shot wads of the cereal mix out to all the hungry people.  The backpack also served as a jet-pack, which allowed me to fly over the crowd and feed them from above.

After the homeless were fed (it happened much faster than one would think), I had to entertain them all (of corse).  What I decided to do was have Kevin throw me off of a balcony as I flipped around in the air.  We actually accomplished this without breaking my body, but not a single person saw what I had just accomplished (typical), so we did it again, this time announcing to the crowd what I was doing.  Everybody cheered, then they collectively picked me up and threw me far, far away.  I landed on a beach (it was still within the basement somehow).  Next to me I saw some of the people with whom I work during the summer (including Carrie, David, Stan, Rachel, and Rachel's new fiance Mike; congratulations, by the way).  I sat there for quite a while, just looking at the stars (don't ask me how they got in there).

Then I awoke.