Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dream #486 (December 26, 2012)

Post Christmas Post.

I dreamt that I was dwelling in some large apartment community outside of a city with many of my peers from Regent University.  I had my own little living space with a couch, a small table, a bed, a tiny kitchen, and a computer, all in the same room.  Everything was painted blue.  I was even wearing a blue blazer and blue pants (not jeans).

I left my apartment and walked down the hall to Dan McCullum's room because I was supposed to join him in attending a community Christmas service.  He had several other friends of his hanging out at his place, which looked very similar to mine (except he had more movie posters).  Derrick Collins (who was in his own little world during the entirety of his stay in my dream), Shea Weekley, and some made-up girl that was, in my dream, Shea's grilfriend, were all present.  Shea was currently in the bathroom, and I chose to sit down on the only open seat on the couch, which happened to be on the end next to Shea's girl.

Dan, who was sitting at his desk, began to ask me some questions regarding my latest videography experiences.  I told him that I had just finished writing a feature and that I intended to purchases both a RED One and a 35mm motion film camera (I don't have money for that in real life).  Dan then became quite critical of my decision and asked me why I would purchase such cameras.  He said that he thought shooting on a RED was a sorry method of visual storytelling and that 35mm film had died.  Then he told me that I should get an Alexa, that it was the only way to go with a camera (he definitely does NOT have this opinion in real life - he would argue that there are stories and styles that call for different tools).  I said I would get the Alexa if I had the dimes for it.

Then Dan told me he had some research to do before we left, so he turned his focused onto his computer.  Then, to my discomfort, Shea's gal began to scoot over in my direction.  After I ran out of room on my end of the couch, she scooted right into me.  She looked at me and started flirting with me like a madvillain.  We ended having an interesting conversation about Japanese film after the first few awkward conversation attempts.

Shea finally came out of the bathroom, and by that time I had taken an interest in this rather aggressive gal that my subconscious had invented.  The girl became quite silent after he entered the room, but she slipped me a note that said we could continue the conversation about Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, and the like after the service.

I decided not to go to the service at that point because I wanted to avoid the awkwardness.  I ended up wandering out of the community in the darkness.

I found myself in an old movie set that was, in my dream, designed by Buster Keaton.  There were tons of trap doors, falling walls, spinning rooms, and trick furniture, and I had a great time experiencing this place by myself.

As I was getting ready to leave, I was greeted by Shea's girlfriend (she never gets a name).  She walked up to me and asked me why I didn't go to the Christmas service.  I told her that she was primarily the reason and that I didn't want to screw up the connection, as small as it was, that I had with Shea and company.

She persisted, however, that we become a couple.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was wondering through Oregon-Davis High School (though, in my dream, it was far bigger and located in a city).  I was working for some large event they were hosting, but I had time to kill.  I tried to find my math teacher that I had in school, Mrs. Badertscher, but I couldn't locate her classroom.  I walked to the front office hoping that a staff member would know where to lead me.

I found that the entire office staff was on vacation.  As I was exiting the school, I heard a voice call my name.  I turned and saw none other than Jay-Z (apparently an old friend of mine in my dream).  I walked over to him and he told me that he was filling in for the entire office staff (he is a business, man).  Then he asked me how I was doing, and I told him about the screenplay I was working on.  He wished me luck with that, then told me to check out the city parade that was then taking place.

I thought that sounded fun, so I left him and the school and walked down to Main Street where the parade was, well, parading through.

There were tons of gigantic balloons of various famous cartoon characters that passed by.  Then I noticed a float resembling a trolly pass by, on top of which stood the Oregon-Davis basketball team.  I recognized many of the players as my teammates with whom I had graduated years before.  I ran up to the float and walked on.

There I talked with Coach Hannah and asked him how the former players were again eligible to play.  He said that there was some loophole that they were taking advantage of, and that he wanted me back on the team.  I thought it was ridiculous, but for some reason I accepted his offer and took my seat, with my number (#20), on the float and immediately began waiving at the crowd.

Then I awoke.

Dream #485 (December 25, 2012)

Merry Christmas, brethren.

I dreamt that I was attending a professional basketball game with a few friends and neighbors.  Most of my friends were enjoying the game from some pretty good seats in the stadium.  I, however, had seat very close to the floor, but they were facing away from the basketball court.  My neighbor Donald was next to me, and every once in a while we got up from our seats and walked around the corner of the bleachers to see what was going on.

At half time, Don and I were talking about baking brownies when, with little warning, he sneezed a load of snot right in my face.  My eyes were covered in a thick mucus and, though I tried to stay calm, I could not hold in my disgust.  As I tried to scrape the slime off of my eye, I began to feel as if I were going to throw up.

I made my way out of the gym and to the concession stand.  I grabbed a styrofoam bowl and proceeded to vomit an oatmeal-like substance into it, filling it to the top.  After that episode, my stomach was at ease.

I left the stadium and walked through a tunnel to my hotel, still carrying my puke.  I took an elevator up to the top floor and went into my room.  There I, for reasons unknown, place my bowl in the refrigerator.  I then sat down on a black leather recliner and tried to sleep.

The next thing I knew, I heard the hotel room door slam and I saw my friend Kevin Chupp walk into the kitchen.   I didn't think much of it, until he came out with a styrofoam bowl and a plastic spoon.  I watched him take a bite then remembered what he was eating.


I tried to stop him, but it was too late.  Apparently he enjoyed the spoonful, but I couldn't allow him to eat the rest, so I took the bowl and threw it out the window onto the city street below.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dream #484 (December 22, 2012)

I'm still here.

I dreamt that I was in my old high school.  The last class of the day had just finished and I was walking home (I live probably 5 or so miles from the school) with Brandon Johnston and Adam Pflugshaupt, both former classmates of mine.

We, for some reason, were discussing airplanes as we walked over the largest hill on the school rode.  At the perfect time in the conversation I whipped out a paper airplane, which I had made in class earlier that day, out of the pocket of my blue sweatshirt.  The guys were impressed with its look and design (I had drawn, in pencil, some interesting artwork all over the plane), and they prompted me to give it a toss, which is exactly what I did.

The plane flew much further than I had ever seen a paper airplane fly before, and it landed about 110 yards away from us in a nearby field.  The three of us ran as fast as we could after it to make sure we could find it in the tall weeds.

As I ran into the field, I was stopped short by a strong pain.  I fell to the ground and stared at the sky until it lessened.  About a minute later, Brandon, carrying my plane, and Adam walked up to me and asked me if everything was alright.  I said probably, then looked down at my foot.

A large weed was somehow forced underneath the nail of my big toe on my left foot, and it came clear through out the back side of the nail.  It was bizarre and very painful, for the weed had thorns and briars all up on it.

I, with a strange pleasantness, slowly slid the weed out from under my toenail and jumped to my feet.  The pain was great, and I wasn't able to walk very well, so Adam said he'd call for a ride.  He and Brandon helped me to the side of the road as Adam called somebody on his cell phone.

We only waited for a few moments before some high school gal in an old, beat-up blue car zoomed up to us and slammed on the breaks right before passing us.  She manually rolled down her window and told us to hop in, which we did.

The back seat was filled with all kinds of strange stuff, including toy trolls, rubber ducks, honey combs, and tinker toys.  The girl was talking on and on about something, but I couldn't understand her high school girl accent.

Eventually I awoke.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dream #483 (December 15, 2012)

This was weird.

I dreamt that a major catastrophe had taken place on Earth, and there were only a few surviving communities throughout the world.  The one I was a part of was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church (where my dad is a pastor).

The leader of the community was a man in his upper thirties who wore a red turtle neck sweater and parted his hair at the side.  He had a daughter that was my age with black hair and two sons with black hair.  His wife was missing.

I arrived in the community at the beginning of the dream and was greeted by the leader.  He showed me about the church and told me how things were operated.  He gave me a bunch of seashells that were to be used as food credits, redeemable in the church kitchen.  He then showed me to the basement, where men trained to be physically fit so they could hunt and fight.  He then took me to the library, and we had a discussion about the end of the world and what we could have done to prevent it.  He took a liking to me there.

He then showed me to his daughter and had her take me through the remainder of the tour.  Unfortunately the only stop left was the bathroom.  She pulled out a bag of pills that everyone got and she said that after a dump, two pills were to be place in the toilet before flushing, for they would help disintegrate the poop.

She led me back out to the Fellowship Hall were the citizens of the community would work on crafts together.  On this day, everyone was working on paper snowflakes.  I sat down with the gal and her brothers, and we each made a snowflake.  Then I decided to do something forbidden in the community: I went outside.

It was a gloomy day (which was the forecast for the rest of eternity), and I walked out in the front yard of the church and thought about life.

A few minutes later, the gal with the black hair ran out and joined me, and asked me why I had come outside.  I then told her if I was to be condemned to a life spent only inside, I was condemned to hell.  She began to cry and said she loved me (which is ridiculous, because we'd only discussed poop and snowflakes) and that she wanted me to come back inside with her.  She went on and on, talking about how her father never approved of the men in the community, and the ones he actually liked were not so great in her opinion.  She defended the indoor life as a great community builder, to which I argued that it was built under false pretenses (the argument didn't make a ton of sense on either side, so I won't go into the details).

Eventually, the woman ran back inside and I walked away.

It felt like an hour that I was walking through a woods outside the church (that only exists in this dream world).

Then I awoke and fell back asleep.

I went into a different dream.  I entered the house of my friend Kevin Chupp's parents (though it looked nothing like their house in real life).  Interestingly enough, it was shared with the parent's of my friend Jacob Bartlett.  I had a suitcase with me and, when Jacob's mom Karen answered the door, I asked if I could stay.  She said it was alright with the Bartlett's, but I'd have to ask the Chupp's, so I walked into the living room where Ken and Diane Chupp were sitting.  Diane was knitting and Ken was reading.  I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood before them for a minute or so before speaking.  Finally I asked if I could stay, and Ken and Diane looked at each other, then Ken took off his glasses and said, "Why certainly."

I laid my bag and sweatshirt down right where I was standing and left the living room in search of Jacob and Kevin.  I caught Jacob as he was coming up a very dark stairway carrying a ton of books.

He asked me if I could help him out real quick, and I agreed.  He opened the front door to the cold night air, and there stood his brother Justin holding a backpack, out of which he pulled a notepad.  Jacob handed me a textbook and told me to read off of a homework paper that was inside of it.

As I did so, he copied it down onto Justin's notes.  About halfway through the paper I asked, "Are you helping Justin cheat?"  They both looked at me, and a random stranger standing outside the door also popped in his head and looked at me, then they went back to what they were doing.  Jacob asked, "What's the next thing?"

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dream #482 (December 12, 2012)


Last night I dreamt that I was at some crazy party in a random house.  There were a ton of flashing LED colored lights, and they were blinding at times.  The strobing only allowed me to see a bit of what was happening.  There were a lot of young adults dancing within close proximity to each other, there were a lot of drinks spilling about, and there were a lot of cats running about the house.

I walked up to a large group of dancing people and suddenly they all began to scream (though the Daft Punk music was so loud I couldn't hear anybody scream - I could only see it in their faces.  They ran in all directions, knocking each other over in the process.  I soon saw the source of their fear; there were two men in black masks and black sweats carrying guns and waiving them about.  They proceeded to take all valuables in site.

Then I actually heard a man yell behind me.  I looked and I saw Danny DeVito with an insane look in his eyes, carrying a baseball bat.  He ran into the room and smashed one of the intruders in the back.  The other one jumped out the window, escaping before Danny could get to him.

Danny then exited the room and ran to the front door shouting, "Follow me, kid!"

I obeyed him and we entered a beat-up old purple car.  He went to the driver's seat and I sat in the back.  He screamed and swore the entire way down the long driveway into the busy city street at night.

He laid on the horn every time somebody was going to slow for him.  He was a maniac.

Danny looked back at me and started screaming nonsense.  I decided that he was a bit too crazy to be with so I jumped out of the car and began running down the street, lit only by amber streetlights.

Speaking of amber, as I ran, I passed by Amber Kreider, who asked me how my acting experience was going.  Apparently I was acting in a high school drama show as a Sophomore.  I slowed down and talked to her for a moment.  I thought about it a bit and told her it was weird that I was playing somebody so young and that I wish I could act in something more interesting, though a high school show could be interested if done well.

I began to run again, leaving her behind.  Then, to my surprise, I was surpassed by Melissa Moyer, who was in a full sprint.  As she passed me, I asked her if her brother Joel was around, and she said to follow her and I would find him.

So I ran behind her for a while.  Eventually she pointed at a stairwell that went underneath the street.  She waived goodbye and sprinted off.

I went down the dark stairs and entered a very small cellar, with only a four-foot ceiling.  I sat down there and turned a light on.  I waited for a while, then I saw a wood panel removed from the wall in front of me, and Stan and Anna Marks enter the cellar, followed by Joel Moyer.  Stan asked me how I was doing and if I wanted any dinner.  I said I certainly would.

Then I awoke.

Dream #481 (December 8, 2012)

This is several days late and will be brief.

I dreamt that I was in a great baby blue house that was in the middle of an endless and open field.  There were giant barbed wire fences all about the outside of the house so that the inhabitants could not escape.  It was a sort of communal society, and every person had a specific role chosen for them upon entrance into the community.

I was a butler and always wore a tuxedo.

I served people all throughout the house carrying a silver platter containing drinks in my right hand at all times.  Each room I visited was painted a different color (green, red, pink, blue, and purple), and each room was filled with strangers wearing sweaters, some my age, some middle aged, and some old.

When I arrived in the purple room, I was greeted by a young African American woman and she told me that it was my time to go, that I was meant to do greater things than butler-ing.  I told her she was crazy to think I could escape, but she told me she would train me.  I desperately wanted to get out of my life, so I agreed to the training.

I proceeded to enter into long and tiring workout sessions.  I jumped rope, did balance beam routines, crawled through tight mazes hidden in the walls of the house, and did a lot of stretching.

After all of that, she told me that I was ready.  However, I didn't want to leave my friend Kevin Chupp behind, so before my escape, I snuck into a room where he was baby sitting a bunch of kids and told him about my plan to leave.  He had a baby on his knee, and had to take care of them, so I told him to meet me on the west balcony in a few minutes.

I went out to the balcony and saw the beautiful sunset.  I proceeded to shimmy up a water drain and, using the gutter, I managed to cross over one of the layers of barbed wire fence.  I dropped onto a jutting out window cill and, using a rope that happened to be strapped around my shoulder, I dropped down, past another barbed wire fence, onto the ground.  I was free.  I looked up and saw Kevin.  Unfortunately he was still holding a baby, and I asked him why he had brought that thing to our escape.  He said it was cute and he didn't want to leave it alone.

I thought it would add difficulty to our journey, but I accepted it.  I told him to jump down to me, and that I would catch him (this was a good 25 foot fall).  He didn't hesitate long before he leapt to me.

He tripped a bit on the barbed wire fence, causing him to fall short of my arms, and he landed on his back, and the baby smashed into his head.  Somehow this caused the baby to actually become Kevin's head.

Kevin, having a whole baby as a head, then stood up and smiled at me.  This was very weird and I didn't know what I would do with baby-headed Kevin, but told him to follow me and we walked toward the sunset.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dream #480 (December 5, 2012)

Advent Dream #5

This is very much a summary.  I was inside of a school auditorium.  There was some sort of strange event/play/art piece happening, but there wasn't really an audience because everyone present was a participant.

Most people started out in seats, but one group of four people dressed as trees and one redhead started out on stage.  The redhead, who looked like the Wendy gal, carried a basket and tiptoed around the trees.  This when on for a while, and the trees would always move a bit when she wasn't facing them.

Then, Tim Johnson (a fella I know), ran up to center stage and began dancing.  Soon enough, more than half of the audience joined him, matching every move he made.

I was sitting next to Kevin and we looked at each other, each of us wondering if we should take part.  Kevin ran out of the theater and I ran on stage.  I removed my outer garments, revealing a flashy glow-in-the-dark jumpsuit.  I began pulling off moves that were out of this world, and people were astonished at my dancing power.

I got a bit carried away and began jumping off of people, which got on their nerves, and the dancing quickly broke up, but Kevin entered just at the right time.  He was carrying a card table full of cookies over his head.  He walked to center stage and threw it down and pointed at it.  Then a bunch of guys in tank tops grabbed chairs and began to arm wrestle at the table, shoving their elbows in delicious-looking chocolate chip cookies that I wanted to eat but couldn't.

Then Kevin told me to sit down and invited me to arm wrestle.  Instead we both ate cookies and watched the others.  It was intense.

Eventually I awoke.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dream #479 (December 4, 2012)

Advent Dream #4

I dreamt that I returned to collage.

On the first day of class, I was running quite late.  I ran into the college, which was all inside of a single building, and tried to find my locker (yes, every student had a locker).  I sprinted up an escalator to the second floor, then ran about the rounded halls (the building was a giant circular prism), until I finally found my locker.

I dug around in my pocket until I pulled out a small slip of yellow notebook paper with my combination on it.  I utilized it and opened up my locker, causing dozens of oversized books to fall upon me.

When I unburied myself, I shoved all the books except the one I needed (my Biology text) back into the locker and slammed it shut, giving into historically unwise habits.

With the text, my notebook, and a pen and pencil in my hands, I flew back over to the stairs and ran up to the fifth floor.

As I ran, papers flew from my arms.  The center of the building was hallow, and I could have seen the pages fall all the way to the first floor (had I stopped to observe them).

Finally, I arrived at my classroom.  I ran right into the door, expecting it to give as I turned the handle, but it was locked, so I and all of my burden fell to the ground.  I gathered my belongings and stood by the door, knocking, until finally the professor turned and noticed that I was there.  She came to the door and let me in, giving me a terrible glance as I made my way to my desk.

She returned to teaching biology, and discussed the origins of jellyfish for a brief while until class was dismissed.

When it was over, I left the room and made my way to my next class.

The room was very dark, and had a red tint to it (which contrasted the blue and silver theme that was so prevalent in the rest of the building).  The students sat quietly as I made my way to my seat, which was next to Adam Konkey (a former high school classmate of mine).  Just a breath after greeting him, a masked bandit ran into the room, stole a gold statue from the teacher's desk, and shot Adam Konkey in the head.

All the other students screamed and ran out of the room, followed by the bandit.

I stayed by Adam's side, not knowing what to do.  I ran over to a nearby phone and called the nurse's office and told them what had happened.  I waited there with Adam until a nurse came with a stretcher. I helped her get Adam onto it, then watched them leave the room.

I stayed in there for a long while, contemplating what had just happened.

I then felt a strange and sudden hope that maybe he hadn't been killed.

I ran down to the first floor and entered the nurse's station, where they were talking to his mother, telling her that he had been killed.  I wasn't convinced, so I walked over and saw Adam blink his eyes, shake his head, and sit up.  The nurse turned and screamed, and I smiled wide.

Then I entered a different world.

I was in a stone sewer with green mold growing all about.  There were little demons flying all about shooting lightning out of their hands.  They had scales on their chests, but the rest of their external bodies were covered with a pale green clammy skin.  Their wings were bony and comprised of the same gross skin, and they had horribly large eyes.  They had long tales that were slightly hairy, kind of like an young teenage male's arm.

I tried to hide from these creatures, but there was absolutely no cover.  I turned around and saw that the passage behind me, contrary to the one on front of me, was pitch black.  I decided to run in that direction, hoping that the demons, with their great and terrible eyes, would not be able to see me.

Then I awoke.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dream #478 (December 3, 2012)

Advent Dream #3

I was at some fancy party.  Everybody, including me, was wearing a tuxedo or a black dress (depending on gender).  There were dozens of waiters with white gloves carrying around trays of drinks with olives in them.  The lighting was warm, yet very dim.

I had a tough time trying to explore the house in which the party was taking place, for people were packed shoulder to shoulder, though nobody (except me) seemed to mind.  Men were grinning, raising their eyebrows; women were laughing, leaning back without shame.

Across the room I was stuck in, I saw a great window with a beautiful view of the garden at night.  There were mason jar lanterns lighting the shrubs and the flowers, and I desired to find a way through the crowds to get a better look.

I got down on my hands and knees and, without bothering a single man or woman, I wormed my way through legs, under chairs, over decorative rugs, and around couches until I arrived at the window.

I stood up and brushed myself off and placed my hand upon the glass.  To my surprise, the glass panel I had rested my weight upon spun on a horizontal axis, revealing a somewhat secret passage into the garden.  I crawled through the window.

Once in the garden, I strolled about at a slow pace and examined the flowers.  Due to the dimness of the lighting, the colors were quite desaturated, but I didn't mind.

Soon enough I stumbled upon a golf cart with a powerful-looking engine in the back.

I sat down in the drivers seat and started it up by turning the key that was already in position.  When the engine roared, my brother (Mike Baughman), my cousin (Mandy McSherry), and a complete stranger (a male) ran up to the cart and hopped on.  Mandy sat in the front seat, and the guys sat in the back.  I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and we took off at a frightening speed.

I zoomed out of the garden and into Prairie Camp, where a ton of young kids were walking about in lines carrying candles and glow sticks and singing cheerful songs.  I swerved to avoid them as I made my way about the camp.

When I neared the basketball courts, I was trapped by two lines of kids on either side of me and a large cement parking block that I was rapidly approaching.

For some reason, instead of slamming on the breaks, I pushed the gas even harder, thinking that I would just ramp over the block with little damage done.  I was quite wrong.

The cart shot high into the air, flipping three times.  We landed in the grass next to the concrete courts, and the cart rolled at least 30 feet away from us.  I got up quickly to see if my comrades were alright.

They weren't.  Mandy had broken an arm and a leg, the guy was unconscious, and Mike, though unharmed, was terribly angry with me (and understandably so).  Instead of tending to the wounds, I ran away, into the nearby gymnasium.

There a group of about 50 kids were running around the gym, screaming with the joy of life.  Carrie Badertscher (the former Prairie Camp director) approached me and asked me if I could get all of the kids to settle down and clean up the gym.  I immediately thought of a motivator.

I ran into the kitchen in the gym (which hasn't been used as a kitchen for years) and grabbed an enormous and intricate popsicle.  It had three sticks, was covered in sprinkles, chocolate, and caramel, and had ice cream inside.  I instructed the kids to circle around me and I told them that they would all receive such a popsicle if they were to excitedly and joyfully clean up the entire gym.  There was one young boy who kept jumping up and down in front of me, shouting about how much he loved gym-cleaning and that he deserved a popsicle.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dream #477 (November 7, 2012)

Good 'n Strange.

I dreamt that there was a community dwelling within an over-sized supermarket.

In the beginning of the dream, I entered the supermarket (and the community) through a set of automatic doors that were guarded by two talking alligators.  These gators had a German accent and were a bit on the rough side.  They interrogated me for quite some time, asking me about my family background, about any prophecies I had overheard or been told, and my future plans.  The only reason they let me pass was because I tossed them a bag of bacon.

Once inside, I was greeted by an old blind man who told me about how a cruel ruler had risen to power in the supermarket community and was abusing his throne.  He rationed the plentiful food of the market so that people barely received enough to get by.  Also, more interestingly, he forced every single person to sing in a community choir.

I felt bad for the people and decided to do something about it.  When I told that to the old guy, he put his hand on my chest and told me that I was the sacred one, and that he had two gifts to give me: force and flight.

He turned my right hand to stone and put in my left hand a globe-sized blue sphere with a handle on it.  With my right hand I could punch through walls, and with my left hand I could defy gravity and fly about wherever I wanted.

I flew first to the massive hall where the choir was singing a classic-sounding tune.  I saw young kids crying as they sang, for there were sharp metal rings around their hands and ankles.  I was outraged and demanded, in a booming voice, to see the leader so that I could battle him.

He appeared in a puff of golden smoke, wearing a golden crown and a golden robe with a blue collar.  He arrogantly floated to me and asked me if I would calm down and join him for tea.  I said no, and he pulled out a ridiculously large sword and we battled.

Right off the bat I punched the golden man, shooting him through the wall of the hall and into the market area.  I flew after him and we began an intimate fist fight.  I often blocked his blade with my stone hand, but he often floated out of the way of my punches.

Finally I hit him so hard that he lost his flight ability and crashed down into a shelf full of cereal boxes.  I hovered above him and told him to take his alligators and leave the community forever.  He nodded and left.

After he was gone, I hovered to the ground and began eating some cereal.  I found the old man who had blessed me there, and I asked him why he couldn't just grant me the ability to fly instead of making me hold onto that awkward blue sphere all the time.  He replied that it was how it had to be.

After I finished snacking, I floated over to the living quarters where I found my bedroom.  It was a humble room with a mattress and a blanket resting in the center.  I looked in the neighbor's room and saw the Suter family there playing a game.  I waived at them, but they didn't notice me.

Then I went to bed, cuddled up to my blue sphere.

Then I awoke.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dream #476 (October 12, 2012)

This was quite an experience, and it felt as if it lasted far longer than one night's sleep.  I will summarize it the best I can.

I began the dream living with my brother Matt in my grandpa's house (though my grandpa didn't live there in my dream).  I returned from work (I was a night-shift janitor, the same job of a character I created a few months ago) to find Matt in quite a bit of distress.

He showed me the contents of a package he had received in the mail.  There was some sort of timer with a remote taped to it, a package of taco mix, and some confetti poppers.  He then told me about a strange man who told me he planned on destroying Fort Wayne (in my dream, Fort Wayne was the size of New York City).

Just then, there was a knock on the front door.  Matt answered it, and it was another man, apparently a follower of the destructive lunatic, and he handed Matt another package that read, "DO NOT OPEN."

As the man, who was wearing a purple scarf in spite of the warm weather, was trying to leave, Matt grabbed him and demanded to get an explanation.  The man stayed annoyingly calm, as if he were a righteous man, and told Matt that he could get his answers on the rooftops.

Then the lunatic, who had been waiting in the black car for his scarf-wearing friend, came up to the door, and talked in riddles to Matt.  Matt, at first, was trying to reason with him, attempting to get the man to give up on his quest to destroy the city.  However, after several minutes of this, Matt no longer was defensive and told the men to leave, and that he didn't care to play their games.

The men left and I opened up the first package again and tried to figure out the meaning.  I saw some of the ingredients that were rather unique, and I wondered if those would somehow help us stop the man.  My brother pulled the package from me and, while he didn't totally shoot down my thought, he said we shouldn't even play their games.  I told him we had to at least try to stop him.

He said that he didn't want to give the man the satisfaction of his cooperation.  I understood where he was coming from.  Even if we did solve the riddle, the man would actually allow us to stop him under his conditions.

Matt said he wanted to eat dinner, but I told him I had to "go out."

I drove immediately to the highest building in the city.

I found nobody there, but on a nearby flat-top tall building, I saw a small group of people and a large, destructive-looking machine.  I parked my car in a parking garage and ran up to the top of the building, where I was greeted kindly by the lunatic.

He then went into some sort of monologue about how he had to destroy the city, to be an example to other cities.  He said mankind had already begun to destroy itself, and he wanted to help nature along.  While I sympathized with some of his beliefs, I pleaded for all of the lives he would destroy.  I argued in favor of life itself.  He said that no man was innocent, and no man deserved such life.  I argued that no living thing deserves to have life, to give life, or to take life.

He then pulled out two knives and told me to tell him what I hated most.  I took a second to think about it, concerning myself more with the knives than the question.  He asked the question again, louder the second time, and came at me with the knives.

"Just tell me, and you won't have to worry!"

I grabbed his wrists as he went to stab me.  As I fought I tried to think how to answer his question.  He pulled back and went for another stab, this time penetrating my right hand.  The twisted my wrist, and the knife stuck in my hand, pulling it away from my adversary.  I kicked his second knife away.  As he was about to come at me again, somebody called for him, and he left saying, "It is time."

I pocked the knife that he had implanted into my palm.

A crowd of people began to form on the rooftop.  After about twenty minutes, the lunatic stood near me and addressed the crowd, using the same logic he used when arguing with me.  He said he was going to release a poisonous gas that would cause people to deteriorate over the period of nine days.

He then said people could protect themselves using the special felt blankets that were provided.  I found one near me and immediately put it over myself.  Then I thought of Matt, and called him from my cell phone.

Matt answered, and I told him how he had to protect himself.  Then I thought of the knife in my pocket, and I looked at how close the leader was to me.  If I were to stab him in the heart, if I were to kill him, would his whole group of followers disperse?  Were they all so crazy?  It was worth a shot.

But could I kill a man?

I asked my brother if one life was worth thousands.  Before he could answer me, my phone died.

I didn't know what to do.  What if I failed?  Surely I wouldn't.  But could I bring myself to it.

After a couple minutes of such an internal debate, I decided I would do it.  I was the only one with a weapon and with the ambition to stop this man.

I took three steps forward when a very tall woman next to me pulled out a large pistol and shot the lunatic in the back with an almost disturbing calm.  I turned to her, looked up at her face, and thanked her.  I told her about how I was just getting ready to stab the man, but wasn't sure if I could bring myself to it.  She nodded her head, then walked away.

At that moment, the police finally showed up to catch the fleeing accomplices, including the man in the purple scarf.

Interestingly enough, the lunatic hadn't actually died.  He had just been taken down.  He was sitting by the street, looking as if all was well with the world.  The man with the purple scarf was next to him, wearing a set of handcuffs (though the lunatic wasn't cuffed).  I noticed that only one cop was there, and he didn't seem to be paying much attention.  I called the police and told them they needed more personnel there, and they told me to mind my own business.

I looked back, and the lunatic was gone.

Depressed, I walked down the street to my favorite coffee shop (in my dream; I don't drink coffee in real life).  I called my friend Neil Silveus and told I needed somebody to talk to.

I waited for him as I drank my black coffee and ate my danish.  He didn't show up, so I left.

As I walked toward the parking garage, I heard his voice.  I looked behind me and watched him as he ran up to me.  I told him about my day, though I was interrupted when something caught my eye.  I saw a man, who looked like the lunatic checking into a hotel across the street.

I immediately called the police, and they said they had it under control.

Frustrated, I told Neil I had to take care of things myself.

I walked across the street and entered the hotel.  I asked the clerk where I could find the man who had most recently checked in.  He gave me the room number and said that he must be a popular guy, which confused me at the time.

I took the wrong stairwell the first time, for it only led up to the third floor, not the fifteenth, where the man was staying.  I had to go back down and enter another stairwell.

Finally I made it up.  I ran to his room, not really having any sort of plan in mind.  I found that his door was propped open by an ice bucket.  I walked in and saw a horrific sight.

There, in front of me, was the man's the man's head, wrapped in a purple scarf.  His eyes, though lifeless, were looking right at me, which still gives me chills.  I looked away to protect my soul and saw the rest of his body under a broken window.

I turned and ran out of the hotel.

Then everything went black as I tried to erase the memory from my mind.

I woke up the next morning in my grandpa's house.  My brother brought me the newspaper, which told about how the man had been found decapitated in his hotel room.

I went outside and walked all the way to the great bridge of Fort Wayne (that doesn't really exist).  I heard somebody yell that the Danielson Ships were approaching from the other side.  I wanted badly to board the Danielson Ship (Danielson has an album called Ships in real life), so I jumped into the icy water and began swimming to the other side.  The water was actually warm.  As I swam, all I could think of was the decapitated lunatic.  I began to hyperventilate, and I started sinking.  As I went under, my last glimpse of the world was a great ship, a Danielson ships, that sparkled bright blue, passing by me.

Then I awoke.

Dream #475 (October 11, 2012)

This was interesting.  This will be made brief, though it was a very long dream.

I dreamt that I was living at my parents' house.  My dad came home, announcing he had purchased a new pet.  Excited, I ran upstairs to see what it was.  To my dismay I saw a disgusting green creature.  It had a shape similar to a panther, put it was slimy and green, and had the most hideous of faces.  When it tried to smile, it showed its decaying teeth and its purple tongue.

I wasn't sure how I could grow to love such a creature, but my dad said I had to spend time with it.

I walked it to the basement where it jumped on me and licked my face.  I vomited immediately, not making the smell any worse.

Then there was a montage.

I spent more and more time with this creature, cleaning up after it, and actually cleaning the creature itself.  I played with it, played music by it (like I used to do with Sadie), and wrote with it sitting next to me.  As I spent more time with it, I began to love the creature more and more, for it was quite loyal.  At last we were the best of friends.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was residing in a great hotel with all of my former high school classmates from Oregon-Davis.  It was some sort of overnight reunion.  A bunch of partying and gaming and socializing took place that I don't really need to write down (UNO, punch, and conversation).  As everyone was about to go to sleep in their separate rooms, screams began to fill the halls.  I looked out and saw everyone run into the ballroom.

I followed them.  I looked behind me and saw a giant tiger wearing the clothes of a man running behind me with blood in his mouth.

I sprinted faster, entered the ballroom, and slammed the door shut behind me.

Everyone gathered together.  Everyone had made it there except for Nathan Ferch (my former neighbor).  Erin Rosander (she is now Erin Morris) asked if he was eaten.  Then Adam Konkey said no.  I remembered the clothes the tiger was wearing were the same clothes Nathan was wearing that evening.  Konkey went onto explain that Nathan had been cursed, and would become a man-eating tiger every night until certain unknown conditions would break the spell.

Then I heard Nathan, in tiger form, scratching at the door and whining.  I looked at the crack under the door and saw a tortilla shell slide underneath with a sad face scratched out of it.

I shouted out, "Nathan!"  I walked toward the door as everyone else in the room told me to stay away from it.

Adam Konkey exclaimed, "You are putting us all at risk!"

"Nathan," I continued, "no more!"

I walked out the door, greeted the lion, and embraced it.

Then I flashed forward to a hall of fame induction ceremony at the O-D gymnasium.  He accepted the award and thanked me in his speech.

Apparently the curse had been broken.

I watched the pictures of him coaching basketball.  In one picture I thought I saw a hint of orange fur on his face, but I must have been seeing things...

Then I awoke.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dream #474 (October 1, 2012)

This was pretty insane.

I first dreamt that I was in a secret basement (that only existed in my dream) in Koontz Lake Missionary Church late in the night.  I was with a bunch of gangsters, and we were playing poker.

After a few hands, we walked up to the sanctuary and I played guitar and harmonica while the rest of them used various parts of their bodies to create a rhythm section.  We were really rockin' out, and as we did so, the stained glass behind us began to put on a sort of light show with the various colors of glass making up the image of a cross.

Then I awoke, only to fall back asleep.

In the next dream, I was in a jungle, wearing an old-school safari outfit, with a few other explorers.  I had been instructed to explore this wild territory by my grandpa, who had given me a map of the area.

I followed the map through a thick jungle until it led to a great wooden fortress that sat atop a waterfall.  My team and I climbed up the series of wooden ladders that lead to the top level of the fortress.  Then we crossed a rope bridge to a walkway that crossed over the river to a special hut.

Inside this hut was a great blue diamond.  I looked at it and decided not to take it, for it didn't feel right. I ordered the team to turn around and leave.

As we walked away, we heard a shriek and turned around to see that one of our company had grabbed the blue diamond.  Furthermore, a great black bear, towering twenty feet tall, had grabbed him and began shredding him to pieces, tossing the bits of the man into the river.  It was a hideous sight, and it struck the rest of us with a terrible fear.

The rest of the crew sprinted off toward the rope bridge, but two other great black bears leapt out of the river and grabbed them, shredding them to pieces like the other fella.  I was surrounded by these creatures, all of which were now looking at me.

I tried to stay calm.  I glanced behind me and noticed a short wall on the bridge that I could leap over into the water.  I began creeping in that direction, but as I got there, one bear jumped toward me and flung me in the air with his powerful paw, tearing at my flesh as he did so.

I knew his other paw was coming from the other side of me to tear at me again, so I positioned my feet just right and kicked off of his paw as he swung at me, which pushed me over the wall of the bridge and into the the river.

It was deep enough that I could swim below the surface.  I held my breath for a great amount of time, not daring to emerge my head even for a moment.

When I finally had to take a breath, I poked my head out just as my body tumbled over the edge of the waterfall.

As I fell, I saw one of the ladders that I had climbed to get to the top of the fortress and managed to grab ahold of it before falling the hundreds of feet to the river below me.

I hung on the ladder for a moment, catching my breath.

Then I appeared at the top of the fortress, but was wearing my usual clothing.  The place appeared to be some sort of tourist attraction, and was gaudily decorated all about.  I walked up the asphalt road to a group of souvenir shops and restaurants and saw an orange van that belonged to RemedyLIVE (where I worked in Fort Wayne).  I entered the van and saw Geoff Cocanower, Adam Pflugshaupt (a friend from high school), and a couple other people.  They were having a long jump competition inside the van.

I was up first and did a straight jump from the board (without running up to it) and jumped 13 feet.  Then Geoff jumped 16' and another guy jumped 17.5', both with running starts.  It was my turn next, but Adam, who was running the event, told me to wait for a minute while he did ran a quick errand.  He left the van while I stretched out my legs.

I waited there for several minutes, but nobody came back.  Finally, I left the van and wandered down the asphalt road until I found Asa Ennis (an old friend of mine).  He ran up to me and asked me if I could drive another Remedy van up to the top of the fortress so that the rest of the visitors could load up into the van, for an evacuation of the property was taking place.

I jumped in the van and headed up.  After I started, I realized that the side door was still open.  I tried to brake hard so I could jump out and close it, but the brakes didn't work.  The van continued to accelerate without my consent, all the way up to the top.  I was speeding toward a flimsy gate that weakly attempted to prevent people from driving over the cliff that sat on the other side.  I quickly grabbed the emergency brake and halted the car right before crashing into the fence.  I got out of the van as people about me were applauding me.

Then I looked over and saw a great tower of water heading towards us.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dream #473 (September 30, 2012)

I wish that I were back to blogging my dreams regularly, but I just don't have the time these days.  Perhaps I will in November.

I began this dream as an extra hand on a feature film shooting in Virginia Beach.  After setting up a bunch of Arri lights with 1/4 blue gels and soft diffusions in a large and fancy house, I went into a side room and relaxed with a couple other production assistants while the scene was being shot.

I sat across from a chick I knew from high school (in my dream only) and asked how things were going.  Shortly after I had a seat, a gorgeous girl sat down next to me and asked a philosophical question about the value of film on this world.

Her beauty made me very nervous, and I grew very quite (something that often occurs when I'm nervous).  After the chick across from me began saying some things about film that I disagreed with, I finally spoke up.  Surprisingly, I didn't defend the art form as it is today.  Rather, I questioned if it did more harm than good to our society.  Does a good film, that causes people to ask important questions, stick with people long enough to have a lasting effect?  That is a discussion for a later time.

Anyway, I began having a deep discussion with the beautiful girl next to me, and I somehow felt comfortable.

Next thing I knew, I was out in a dark green yard at midnight walking with this gal, talking about life.  We sat down on a swing and looked into each other's eyes.

Suddenly, a great creature ran past us.  I thought it was a large dog at first, but after passing us, it abruptly came to a stop and turned to face us.  It was a mountain lion, much bigger than any mountain lion in real life.  It opened its great mouth and ran right at my lady friend.  I pulled her to me with little hope of survival.

Then, from behind us, a great lion, even bigger than the mountain lion, jumped over the swing and attacked the mountain lion.

The two of us watched the battle ensue for a while, then realized how much danger we were in and managed to sneak back into the house.

When we entered, we found ourselves in a great gymnasium.  It must have had a 100-foot ceiling (I know that is absolutely huge, but that is what I dreamt).  There the old friend from high school met us and asked us how we were doing.

Then I found myself in Koontz Lake Missionary Church wearing a nice suit.  I knew then that I was marrying the woman, and that she was already with child (though I honestly didn't know how that could have happened since certain actions were not within my dream memory).  I knew my dad was a bit suspicious, since the wedding happened so quickly.  I didn't want him to be disappointed in me, for I had done so well staying pure, and I had been an example for others up until that point.  But it was all destroyed.

I walked out of the secretary's office and headed for the front of the sanctuary as Casey (one of my piano teachers when I was a child) played the piano beautifully.

At that point, I wished that I was dreaming, but I wasn't.  I couldn't have been.  It was all real, and my world was all coming apart.  Why couldn't such a horrible feeling be in a dream?

Then the sanctuary began to warp around me.  As it blurred and re-focused, I celebrated, for I knew I was in a dream world.

Suddenly, I reappeared in the gym, in 'real' life, and I was with the young women of whom I had grown quite fond.

We began to talk about Sadie, my family's old dog that had passed away several years ago.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dream #472 (September 2, 2012)

For the black lab.

In the beginning of my dream, according to my wishes, I dreamt that I was sitting by Sadie, the family dog that was buried years ago.  In the dream I knew that the time remaining in her life on earth was coming to a close, and I wanted to be there when she passed.  I was sitting with her in a place that resembled my parents' basement, though it had a great hole in the wall that led into a thick wooded area.

As scratched behind her ears and under her neck, I heard a man calling my name.  I didn't want to leave Sadie there to die alone, so I ignored the voice.  It increased in volume with every yell, yet I held my ground.

Suddenly, Matt (my older brother) ran past me wearing short black shorts, a white headband, and a red track jersey.  As he took off into the woods, he shouted a goodbye to me and the dog.  Moments later, dozens of other runners ran beside and over me as they made their collective way into the woods.

After this incident, the great voice shouted my name one last time in such a strong way that I could not help but leave Sadie.  I took three steps up the stairs and looked back and saw my dog sprawled out on the ground, seemingly dead.  I ran back over to her and found that she was only sleeping, so I went back upstairs.

I was greeted by a fat Italian man with a thick black mustache and a worn out white tank top.  He told me and a host of other orphans to sit at the table, and we obeyed.

The old wooden table was filled with bits and pieces of what was once good food, but had since decreased in appearance and taste.  At one end sat a larger-than-life woman in a nasty pink puffy dress, and at the other was the Italian.  Once the two of them filled their plates, the orphans and I scrambled to snatch what was left.  I ended up with one half of a roll and a gnarly piece of ham.

While we were eating, and with food in his mouth, the Italian glared at me and blurted out, "Your dog is dead."  My heart ached.  I stood up and told him that I was leaving for Ecuador, and he told me that the plane had already left.

I decided to leave anyway.

I grabbed my luggage and made my way out of the house.

Before I left, I looked for Sadie and, in her stead, I discovered several tiny black puppies running about.  I then witnessed Nemo, my parents cat, trying to eat one of the puppies, and I quickly grabbed the cat by the neck and threw it across the room.  I patted the little pup on the head and left.

I hopped on a turquoise-colored train that was suspended in the air.  It traveled at great speeds through a vortex of swirling green and purple lights, through a deep black abyss, then out into a saturated field of green grass.  I hoped off near a grove of trees and decided to use the airport restroom (the airport was as all outdoor airport, and each toilet was sheltered only by a short tree).

I couldn't find a clean toilet to utilize, so I grabbed some toilet paper so that I could wipe off one of the seats.  After grabbing hold of it, though, I looked at my hand and noticed that it was covered in a light reddish-brown odorous matter.  I worked hard not to throw up and found new paper with which I cleaned the seat.

After doing my business, I looked at a clock that was hanging from a tree and noticed that my flight was scheduled to leave in a matter of seconds.  I rushed over to where the planes were loading and was relieved to discover that the clock I had seen was off significantly.

I was greeted, then, by my friend Jon Ayee, who took a look at my tiny luggage bag and asked me if that was all I planned on taking to Ecuador.  I opened it up and found only two changes of clothes and a turkey sandwich.  He laughed, but I panicked.  I was planning on spending six weeks in Ecuador, and I was surely not outfitted for that amount of time.

I searched for a phone so that I could call somebody to have them bring me more stuff.  I was successful, but I had no change on me.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dream #471 (August 30, 2012)

This was rather odd.

I dreamt that I was visiting a high school running track with my brother Matt.  I was stretching a bit, getting ready to see how I could do on the track against my brother.  We decided to run three miles to see who would be faster.  When we began to race, I rushed into an all-out sprint.  Apparently I had forgotten the distance we had intended to run.  After a 50 second 400 meter run, I realized what I had done, and I stopped after another 100 meters.

Matt soon passed me up, and I tried to get him to stop and realize my mistake, but he just kept on going.  I decided I was done, so I went home as he continued running.

When I arrived at my parents house, I realized I still had a store of energy within me, and I was quite hyper as I went about the house doing chores.

As I was folding my clothes, I found an old practice jersey from high school basketball and put it on.  After doing so, Matt and my other brother Mike walked in.  I asked Matt how his run was, and he said it was great.  I told him I wished I could have joined him.

We then walked into the kitchen where my mother had left a great feast cooking unattended.  We panicked and began flipping, turning, and churning all the food we saw (fettuccine alfredo, spaghetti, toast, eggs, turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie).  It was very messy, and the floor was quickly covered in all kinds of goodies.

Our chaos was soon interrupted by a weird baby that crawled into the room.  There was something amiss about this child, and we didn't know what to do with it.  Matt, Mike, and I took it into my bedroom (which was painted blue with blue carpet like it once was) and began to bottle feed him.

Suddenly, the baby began to grow at a rapid speed.  Before long he was taller than I (I keep wanting to call him 'it' because babies are 'its' to me), and I began to grow afraid.  He then embraced me tightly and painfully as he burst out with a deep and sinister laugh.

I turned and looked into the mirror as this happened, and I saw mysel turn into Paul Simon.  The oversized infant finally released me, and I ran into the basement.  He followed me clumsily, yet rapidly.

I found a young teenage girl there tied to a chair.  As I stood there, too dumbfounded to help her, the baby grabbed me and forced me out of the basement, locking himself in there with the girl.

I ran out of the house and tried to find some authority.  I was unable, so I went back to the house, grabbed an axe, and cut down the basement door.

I ran downstairs and found the girl in terrible shape.  She was swollen and was missing limbs and had severe scratches all over her body.  She looked at me and howled the most dreadful howl I've ever heard.  Then the baby appeared out of the darkness with a match.  He proceeded to light himself one fire.

Because the basement had been soaked in gasoline (I could smell it), the flames spread throughout the house in a matter of seconds.  I ran upstairs and out the door to safety.

For some reason, though the dream didn't shift or change setting, I completely disregarded everything that had previously happened (I was still in the likeness of Paul Simon, by the way).

I walked over to my car and drove to a shipyard/waterpark that was on the outskirts of a port city.  There was a large fire tower there and, because I had many fond memories of fire towers, I walked up to the top.

When I made it, I found a large line there.  After a bit of investigation, I saw that a man was auctioning off a bunch of Super Nintendo games.  I finally, after a few minutes, made it to the front of the line and was able to ask the man where the games and the counsel originated.  He informed me that they were salvaged from a very recent house fire.

After asking him the location of the house, I discovered that these games had come from my recently demolished home.  I told him this, and he apologized profusely for selling what was mine, so he introduced me to his video game collection and told me to take any game that I used to own.

I went through and found the following games: Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 3, Earth Worm Jim 2, Supet Mario Bros., Super Mario Kart, Top Gear 2, Aladin, The Lion King, Batman and Robin (which I had borrowed from Jeff Kreider for years), and Zelda (the Gameboy game with the Super Nintendo adapter borrowed from my neighbor Nathan Ferch),.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dream #470 (August 28, 2012)

A dream.

I was in a gray land made completely of rocks and stones, with only a bit of moss growing here and there.  I had just arrived there with my brothers (Matt and Mike), Brittany (Matt's wife), Boomer (Matt and Brittany's dog), and The Vespers (a folk band made up of Bruno, Taylor, Callie, and Phoebe).

We set up our sleeping arrangements inside of an abandoned cabin we discovered.  Mike and I slept on the floor in a tiny room, Matt and Brittany had their own bed and room, and the vespers had a room with two separate tents in which they put up two tents (one for the guys and one for the girls).  While Bruno, Taylor, Callie, and Phoebe were finishing putting up the tent, the rest of us went outside and walked around a bit on the rocks.

Matt, Brittany, and Mike decided to make a fire and cook up some scrambled eggs while I ran about the rocks with Boomer.  She was running about so fast, and I had a difficult time keeping up on the rough terrain.  As I tried too hard, I slipped on a rock and badly damaged my ankle.  I was, at this point, pretty far from everybody else, so I had to limp all the way back to the fire.

On my way, I ran into a snake who laid in my way.  We stared at each other for several minutes before the snake finally gave me permission to pass.

By the time I finally made it back to the camp, the sky was dark and filled with stars.  Callie had emerged from the cabin and joined my kin in the eating of eggs drenched in Louisiana hot sauce.  I tried to ask her about how things were going for The Vespers, but she looked at my ankle, then took her plate of eggs and returned to the cabin without even making eye contact with me.

I stood there for a moment, then hobbled up the rocks and followed her into the cabin.  I was very hungry, but I ignored the pangs.  When I entered, I found Bruno playing guitar, Taylor a-jinglin' his tambourine, and Phoebe singing incoherent, yet beautiful lyrics.  Callie had just walked into The Vespers' room and closed the door behind her.  I tried to converse with the band, but they were too deep into their music to notice that I had even entered the room.  I looked around the room for an instrument, but none could be found.  I grew frustrated, so I limped back outside where Matt, Brittany, and Mike were chanting around the fire.  I walked over to them and attempted to join in, but again I felt that my presence was not recognized.  I then decided it was time for me to head out.  Was I dead or something?

I walked for miles into the darkness, over boulders, rocks, and stones.

I, eventually, awoke, thanks to a blessed incoming text message from my friend Shawn.

Dream #469 (August 27, 2012)

I regularly have basketball dreams as a result of high school basketball at O-D, which ended over 5 years ago.

I was the water boy for the O-D high school basketball team.  Somehow the team, which was terrible and filled with short and un-athletic guys, was playing in the state championship, and for some reason the state championship was being held in the tiny gym of a Christian school.  The gym was dimly lit by some eerie red lights.

I was getting very frustrated with the team, for they were performing terribly.  Nathan Ferch (a former teammate of mine and my former neighbor) was the coach (he's currently the J.V. coach), and he was stamping his feet and clenching his fists.  He wore a tuxedo, which was drenched with sweat.

At half-time, we all went into the locker room (which was lit in a similar way) where Nathan scolded the team for not playing to their full potential (though they didn't appear that they had much potential).  He proceeded to go through a number of various plays on a whiteboard, and finally we again returned to the court full of energy.

The second half started out looking as bad as the first.  Finally, the crowd was so frustrated that they told Nathan and I to jump into the game.

I tore off the janitor outfit that I was wearing, and Nathan tore off his tux, revealing classic O-D jerseys beneath.  We were like giants among our opponents, and we began to destroy them.

Then I awoke.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dream #468 (August 13, 2012) - Poop, Monsters, and Civil War

I apologize for the drought of dream posts.  I have been far too busy; busier than a body should be.

The opening dream, the prelude I guess, was an extremely realistic dream.  When I awoke, I thought for sure it was real and was quite concerned.

I, in the dream, was sleeping in the bedroom next to my bedroom at my grandpa's house (which, in real life, is where my brother was sleeping).  I received a call from Danae Gruber (the secretary at Remedy) telling me that I had to get up and go to work.

After I rudely hung up the phone, I began to crawl out of bed.  Suddenly, I was overtaken by a powerful internal force.  I dropped a deuce in my drawers.

I was wearing an old pair of boxers that I used to own, with the face of the Grinch on one of the legs, and I could feel the mush begin to seep down my thigh.  I rushed into the bathroom.  For some reason the toilet seat was much higher than usual - so high I had to use a stool to give me a boost as I climbed up.

I began to examine my boxers and noticed a brown mist rising from my lower half.  It was awful.  I was so depressed that I just went back to sleep.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was directing ten buses, each loaded with teens, to find parking.  Then all the young-un's  got out and began playing games with each other.  Without warning, five enormous beings emerged from a nearby thick and began beating and eating the students.

People were screaming and running frantically about as I stood and looked on hopelessly.  I attempted to slay the beasts (they looked like giant people in a way, but some had horns, others had tails, and many were strangely colored), but I was far too weak.

Then, I was struck by a brilliant idea.  Could I befriend the beasts?  I ran into a nearby cabin and brought out some baking materials.  I waived the monsters over to myself and got their attention.  Then I began to bake cookies and had them help me through the process.  They loved this, and when the cookies were ready to be put into the oven, we were all great pals.

The leader of the beasts approached me and thanked me for making them realize their absurdity.  The beasts then vowed to watch over the teens until their last days.

I jumped ahead in time and was with the beasts and the teens in a large shopping mall.  As they walked about (some of the beasts could fly and were carrying a few teens each), I worried that someday the beasts would again snap and become violent.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was running down a trail in the middle of a thick woods.  I was wearing a tattered brown uniform.

After about a half mile of running, I ran into a small group of Union soldiers who were tearing down their camp.  When they saw me, they frantically ran around and found their muskets and began to fire at me.

I immediately took off in the opposite direction.

A long while later, I ran into a clearing where I found a group of Confederate soldiers.  When they saw me, they also began to fire at me.  I ran again in the other direction.

About halfway back to the Union camp, I dove into a hole in the ground behind a tree and waited there.  A couple minutes later, I heard heavy fire and shouting.  I poked my head out from behind the tree and witnessed the Union and the Confederate soldiers slaughtering each other.

Then I awoke.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dream #467 (July 9, 2012)

This got crazy by the end.

I dreamt that I was at the Forecastle Music Festival shooting video of the main stage concerts there.  Wilco was playing to start it off, and I was running all about trying to get interesting angles, and having great fun all the while.

After the concert was over, there was a bit of a break before My Morning Jacket was to take the stage, which gave me time to charge my batteries and build a sweet set in an underground studio.

I had a bunch of 8-12-year-old kids working for me, and they carried a bunch of plywood, paint, tools, LED lights, and 2x4's down into the studio.  We carried these things through a labyrinth of preschool classrooms before reaching our destination.  Then I began to direct them as they constructed a set of beautiful warm colors.  I then spent some time lighting it well, then emerged from the depths back to the main stage as MMJ began to play.

After their set was over, it was time to leave.  Apparently the set that was just built had to be torn down and packed up.  I gave those instructions to the kids, and they followed them thoroughly.

After loading everything into an enormous van, I drove it back to the great dormitory where we all lived.

The kids unloaded everything as I carried all the camera equipment back to my room, which I shared with a spy.  I was talking with this man, who was wearing a tuxedo, as I began to unpack.  He was in a the bedroom while I was in the living room.  Suddenly, our door flew open and a man with an afro and an assault rifle slowly walked into the room.  He cocked his head as he looked at me.

I informed the man that he had the wrong room and that I was the only one in there, but as I said so, my roommate emerged from concealment and, after an awkward pause, was shot at.  He dove back into the room as I fell to my knees.

My roommate was killed.  The man with the fro walked up to me and shot at my head.  He missed but I acted as if he had not, and he, somehow, believed me and left the room.

I quickly got up and tried to tend to my friend, but he was already dead.  I immediately began packing my things for I was now on the hit list as well, for I knew everything my spy roommate knew.

I stealthily tiptoed through the halls of the dorm, carrying a couple duffle bags with some essential travel items inside, along with a camera.

As I was about to exit, I ran into my first grade teacher, Mrs. Cole.  She looked at me as if she knew what was going on, then allowed me to rob her of the money she was carrying.  This took place in front of her first grade class, and they looked at me in terror.

Then I heard a noise behind me and saw a couple of the kids that had helped me build the set earlier in the dream.  They told me that they did not want me to flee alone, and that they would join me in my struggle.

Then, together, we entered into my van, and I drove off quickly.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dream #466 (July 1, 2012) - The Wedding

Only in my dreams have I been married.

The setup was interesting.

I was running late.  I sprinted down the locker-clad hallway (while wearing a tuxedo) until I reached the classroom in which a wedding was supposed to transpire.  I opened the door to the narrowest possible opening through which I could slide.

My attempt at being inconspicuous was futile, for everyone in the room, contrary to what I had expected, was standing around the bride, who was crying.

Curiosity led me to walk, without hesitation, up to the bride-to-be.  I asked her what was bothering her, and she, through tears and occasional sobs, explained to me the story behind her sorrow.

Apparently there never was a fiance in this affair.  She had planned this wedding hoping that the groom would simply show up and marry her.  (Though it sounds foolish in the mindset of reality, in the dream I completely understood).  She stood at the altar and waited, but nobody came.

I knew what I had to do.

Immediately I knelt down before her and asked to be that groom fro whom she had waited.

She showed her agreement with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.  We were immediately wedded by the priest, who had been standing beside us all the while.  Her parents thanked me, and wished us well as we left that place.

While I walked with this woman, who had become my wife, I began to regret my decision.  My whole life had changed with absolutely no transition.  Was I ready for this marriage?  Would I even grow to love the woman with whom I had united?  I knew so little about her.  Furthermore, I was troubled by the absence of my family; none of my relatives or friends had attended the wedding, and not one of them had the chance to meet the bride and bless the relationship.

I asked out-loud if I had made a mistake.  She turned to me and comforted me by describing the benefits of having a partner through life.

After walking quite a distance, we entered a great mansion.  The interior of this magnificent structure was dressed only with scarlet furniture, draperies, and decor.

We entered a great bedroom and I discovered that several of my wedded (or soon to be wedded) friends were there.  I was glad, for I felt that I could connect with them on a higher level because of my newly acquired marital status.

After talking with my friends for several minutes, my wife led me off into our sect of the bedroom (divided from the rest of the room by long, red curtains hanging from the ceiling).  She smiled at me and told me that she was looking forward to our life together.

As I relaxed in the bed I closed my eyes and wondered if this was right.  Surely I could not get a divorce, for I had no solid reason for it, but, at the same time, I wasn't sure that I wanted to be married at all, no matter how great was the woman lying beside.  An argument took place in my head within the dream.

Then I awoke.  I never learned the woman's name.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dream #465 (June 28, 2012)

This was bizarre, and a bit too long for me to fully record today.

I dreamt that I began to watch some special sumer episodes of Community very late at night on Hulu.  When I began watching them, I entered into them as the character Jeff Winger.  The rest of the study group and I were sitting around a crystal ball in a room of blue curtain.  I entered into the ball, which took me into a new world.

Along the way, I had a Kafkaesque experience, turning into a giant insect.

This other world was primarily made up of red desert, though it had cities and shops (such as Target and Wal-Mart and Best Buy).  When I arrived as an insect, I crawled around and found other insect people.  They immediately respected me.

After many things that I don't have the time to record, I became the king of this insect world.

After this, I returned to the Community world and found the rest of the study group mutilated.  Apparently the past had been altered, and I needed to return to the insect world to stop the group of insects that revered me.

I again entered the crystal ball and found Abed and Troy there.  They were being beaten by insect people.  As I walked by them, they handed me a piece of paper secretly.  I took it and snuck into my Buick and read about how we were going to overthrow these evil insects.

As I was reading, I was caught by some guards.  They took me to an authority figure among the insects, the prince.  When they did so, the prince laughed, telling the guards that I was not capable of betraying them and he ordered them away.

He then told me I had to visit the magistrates office just to fulfill the requirements of the law, though he acted as if it were no big deal.

Before we went there, he took me into the bathroom to relieve myself.  Neither of us were insects any longer.  I had to drop a deuce, and all the stalls had toilets with very wide holes.  Finally, the prince led me to a toilet that was my size.  Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed a plunger and knocked the prince out cold.

Then I awoke.  I'm sorry if the dream was a bit confusing, but that is how it was for me.

Dream #464 (June 22, 2012)

I dreamt this dream the night after working at a music festival (the Ichthus Music Festival).

I was again working at that festival in the dream, but this time it took place inside of a great gymnasium instead of outside.  Jason, Josiah, and I (all from RemedyLIVE) were setting up a Fisher Dolly to get a sweet shot of the band and, after some curved track, the audience.

While we were setting up, Radiohead was playing, and they were excellent.

When we were ready for the shot, Dr. Dog came on stage and began to play "Jackie Wants a Black Eye" as we pushed the dolly on its course.

After we took the shot a few times, we tore down the dolly and track to move on to a different shot.  After we finished tearing down, Eels began to rock the house.  I had to stop what I was doing to watch E (the front man) do his thing for a while.  For some reason, the gym cleared as he was playing, which was quite upsetting because he's so awesome.

After he continued his set, Josiah and I had to set up some lights for the next shot.  For some reason, we couldn't agree on how to do it, and we almost got into a physical fight over the whole thing.  It was ridiculous.

Then I awoke.

Dream #463 (June 21, 2012)

Another dream involving Batman.

I was riding my bicycle in downtown Fort Wayne.  I had building a rig on my bike that allowed me to mount a huge GPS screen (bigger than an iPad) onto the front of my bike.  It was showing me how to get to the theater, for I was on my way to see The Dark Knight Rises at the local theater.

On my way, a gang of young adults threw stones at me until I fell off my bike.  After taking me down, they surrounded me.  Some began to kick me as others tore my GPS apparatus from my bike.  They told me never to build something like that again, then they left me.

I got on my bike and finished my ride to the theater.

While waiting in the ticket line I told my cycling catastrophe to Jacob and Josh Cavinder (former students at Oregon-Davis High School).  They both became very angry and told me they would avenge me.

Then the gates were opened, and everybody entered the theater.

The Dark Knight Rises was an awful movie (in my dream).  It was happy the entire time.  Bane repented of his evils at the end of the film and everybody had a picnic while sitting around the tombstones of Bruce Wayne's parents.

I eventually awoke.

Dream #462 (June 20, 2012)

Belated post for an interesting dream.

I dreamt that I had the body of a 35-year-old man.  I was wearing a brown suit jacket, and was walking with a high school girl, Tom Cruise, and Art Garfunkel.  All four of us had entered into the bodies of other people.  Everyone else was happy with their bodies, but I was not.

While the others enjoyed themselves, I began falling behind, desiring to go back through the transformation world (which I will soon explain) to retrieve a new body.

I finally turned around and ran into the woods and found the sacred green train car.  Outside the car stood an conductor who did not speak to me when I entered.

Once inside the car, I dove through an old gate that was in there, which took me into another world.  I ran through a field of tall flowers, over a bridge, and down a dirt road.  At the end of the road was another gate, and, as with the previous gate, I dove through.

I returned to the 'real' world.  When I settled down, I realized that I had a new form.  Unfortunately that form was that of an adolescent female.  I was extremely disappointed, and I immediately returned to the train car in the woods.

I went through the process three more times, becoming an old man, a little boy, and, finally, a teenage boy.  In this last form I attempted again to go through the gate in the train car but found that the gate was gone.  I desperately wanted to change forms yet again, so I yelled out to the conductor and asked him what I should do.  He told me to climb up the inside wall of the car and throw myself onto the floor.

When I did so, I fell through a labyrinth of wooden doors and hallways for several minutes until finally I reached the other world.

When I got there, I realized that I had become Batman.  It was amazing.

Before I could return to the 'real' world in that form, however, I had to overcome many obstacles that were reminiscent of the Super Nintendo game entitled "Batman & Robin."

Unfortunately, as I was about to fully attain Batman's form, I was awakened by Aaron Satterfield, with whom I was rooming for the week at a music festival in Kentucky.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dream #461 (June 18, 2012)

Here we go now.

Last night's dream begin inside of some weird production house that resembled a home.  Andrew DeSelm was directing a large team of interns.  A few were running about doing odd jobs (making coffee, cleaning up spilled coffee, taking notes), a few were creating CGI characters on massive and powerful computers, and still more were shooting a video in an adjacent room.

Andrew shouted out a few directions to the actor of the scene, who happened to be Elijah Wood.  Mr. Wood was standing in front of a green screen wearing hobbit clothes.  He did not particularly approve of the direction given to him, so he stepped into Andrew's directing room and scolded him.

Andrew retorted back to him vehemently, making Elijah cry.  This made things awkward for me, so I left.

I met up with Kyle and Kody Heffelfinger, my brother Mike, and Alik Hall, and we took off to Chicago in the middle of the night.  We stopped at a large arcade/toy store, excited Kyle's car, and tried to find a way in.  The lights were all off (it was 3 in the morning), and most of the doors were locked.  However, I was able to get through a window and unlock a door for my friends.

When we entered, we turned on a few lights and observed the various versions of pinball, the enormous stuffed teddy bears, and the array of other games and toys.  Suddenly, our fascination was interrupted by a shout from the owner's wife (I knew immediately that she was the owner's wife without her saying so).  She was told us that the store was closed, and that we should leave immediately.  She threatened to call her husband, which scared us greatly, so we ran out of a side door.

When we entered the parking lot, Kyle made a quick call on a pay phone.  As he was finishing the call, I noticed that there was a man, with a ragged appearance, wearing a thick green jacket, sitting next to us.  I then noticed he was carrying a gun.  I nudged Kyle with my elbow and nodded toward the silver handgun.

Then the man got up, cocked the weapon, and entered the arcade, voice booming with threats.  As we watched we were startled by the sound of an automatic weapon firing behind us.  We turned and saw a large woman wearing a gray sweatshirt, carrying an AK47, shouting threats at everyone in the lot.  I immediately fell face down on the ground with my hands and feet spread, showing her that I was of no threat.

At that time I thought about what it would be like to die, and what would happen to my spirit.

Eventually, the sound of police sirens brought peace to my mind.  The violators were apprehended, and only then did I arise from my submissive position.

I found Kyle, Kody, Mike, and Alike, and we made our way to our car.  We had to go through a strange garage in the process.  There was an elevator that we had to take, but it was a bit broken.  Kyle instructed me to jump on top of it as it passed us (it was a wooden elevator).  For some reason I listened to him, and I hopped over the little wooden gate as the elevator shot past us.  I landed atop of it after a brief fall.  When I made it down, I climbed down the elevator and found that there were stairs that led me back up to where everyone else was, so my risk was pointless.

Then I found another way to where Kyle had parked the car: through a few wooden fences.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dream #460 (June 16, 2012)

I wish I had more time to do this daily.

I dreamt that I was sitting in the bleachers at an Oregon-Davis High School basketball game next to Adam Pflugshaupt (former basketball teammate at O-D).  We were discussing our lives as we watched.  Somehow the O-D team was actually very good.

For some reason I was wearing long brown pants and a flannel suit coat.

After the end of the third quarter, I realized that it was time for me to go to class.  I leapt over the side of the bleachers and slid down a pole there, and hustled out of the gym, through the rounded hallways, and into the classroom.

Teaching this particular class were Mr. Hirschy and Mrs. VanDeMark (who both still teach at O-D).  Once I walked in, I sat down in front of an organ and began to play, showing the class that I had completed my homework.

After I finished, a girl that I'd never met stood up and read an excellent essay she had written on Jack Kerouac that was quite interesting.  Then, before Abby Carver could deliver her presentation, my organ began to, on its own, play back what I had played before.  I apologized and attempted to shut the thing off, but I was unsuccessful.  Adam Konkey was laughing hardily behind me during the debacle.

Finally, the song ended, and Abby, then Erin Rosander (now Erin Morris I believe), were able to give their presentations.  As Mr. Hirschy stood up to speak, my organ, once more on its own initiative, melodized the room.  I was embarrassed, and I could detect a bit of annoyance on the faces of both teachers in the room (though most of my classmates thought it was hilarious).  At the end of the organ tune, the old hymn "Blest Be the Tide that Binds" played, and all the room (excluding me) sang along.  It sounded wonderful, but afterwards Mr. Hirschy scolded me for not knowing my equipment.

Then Adam Konkey and Abby Carver began talking with me about life and, for some reason, mathematics.

After the conversation was over, I complimented the girl who had read her essay as I walked out of the room.

The hallways were dark.  I turned around and the classroom, though lit, was empty.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dream #459 (June 5, 2012)

Not nearly as crazy as the night before, but a dream nonetheless.

I was in my grandfather's house in the middle of the night.  I lit several candles and looked out the dining room window, but it was so dark I could not see anything.  I opened the back door and I could still see nothing.  It was as if nothing existed beyond the house.

Then the world became bright.  Suddenly several former classmates of mine from Oregon-Davis High School entered the dining room.  Amongst the people there were Adam Konkey, Adam Pflugshaupt, Justin Egger, Kassie Matusiak, Abby Carver, Erin Rosander, Brandon Porter, Brandon Surma, Ryan Jackson, Shawn Niles, Frank Harris, Mark Lantz, Morgan Ferch, and Michael Baughman (Morgan and Michael weren't in my class; they just happened to be there).

We all gathered around in a circle and, one by one, each person gave everyone else a life update.  Adam Konkey began by talking about all the great job opportunities he had all over the country.  Then Pflugshaupt did the same, as did everyone else.  It was my turn to tell them where I was at.

I was nervous, for I was rather ashamed at my current life position, so I avoided the topic by telling funny stories, including a story of me dropping a load in my pants in an airport on the way back from Hong Kong (not a true story).  I also told a story about black turkeys.  After I finished that particular story, I asked Frank if black turkeys existed and he said no and laughed hardily.  Then I offered everybody cereal from my special cereal cabinet.  I lifted up one of the boxes (blueberry muffin tops from Target) and read some of the things out loud, and for some reason Adam Konkey couldn't contain his laughter.  I kept reading, and he kept laughing, for several minutes.

Finally after that was over, Abby asked about film developing, and I told her about how I develop film.

It was soon time for everyone to leave, so I showed them out the front door.  Nathan and his wife were there to pick Morgan up.  I told him I wished he could have joined us, and he hugged me for some reason.

Then I went outside where a magician dressed up like a hillbilly Uncle Sam was performing.  He had three large aqua-colored dumpsters.  I went and peeked in each of them and saw that one was filled with action figures, another contained a golden retriever, and the third had a bunch of styrofoam.

The magician then made the retriever appear "out of nowhere."  The three people there didn't even clap, for the smoke the magician conjured up hardly covered the hole in the dumpster from which the dog had come.

Then I awoke.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dream #458 (June 4, 2012)

I never once doubted the reality of either dream I dreamt last night.

The first took place at my grandpa's house.  I was lying in bed early in the morning when I heard the phone ring.  I walked out of my room and crept up to the dining room where I could over hear my grandpa talking on the phone with somebody.

Some very deep stuff was brought to light during the conversation (the phone was set to speaker).  Apparently, my grandpa had a daughter and a son with an African American woman out of wedlock (my grandpa would never do this; he's the most faithful man I've ever known).  My mind was shocked, and I tried to imagine what the newly found family of mine looked like.

I returned to bed so that my grandpa wouldn't know that I overheard the conversation.

I jumped ahead in time.

I had just returned from a 12-hour day of work.  When I entered the kitchen, my grandpa asked me if I could mow the lawn.  I was exhausted, and I didn't feel like doing it, but I agreed anyway.

Then my brother, Mike Baughman, and Kevin Chupp walked in.  They were going to spend the night with me at my grandpa's house.  I asked Mike if he would mow the lawn for me, and he said no.  Then I began begging and pleading and bartering, but nothing would work.  Finally, I told him I would give him my glow-in-the-dark frog toys, and he agreed.  I was a bit sad that I had to give those up, but I was too tired to mow.

My grandpa had gone to bed by then (I know people don't mow at night typically), so I told Mike what I had overheard on the phone that morning.  He didn't believe me.

While my brother was mowing, my dad stopped by to visit.  We went downstairs and I told him what I told Mike.  He, too, did not believe me, so we began searching through my grandpa's photo albums.  Sure enough we found a picture of what could have been his son.

I then entered an amusing and kooky dream.

I had ascended through the clouds to a bookstore where a book club met monthly.  In this dream I was in high school, though that isn't all too relevant.  Neil Silveus, Kevin Chupp, Adam Konkey, Michael Baughman, Kody Heffelfinger, and many others were there.  Carrie Badertscher, with the assistance of Amber Kreider, was leading the book club conversation.

When we had finished talking about a book that I vaguely remember reading in second grade, Carrie said it was time for The Leap.

I then replayed my dream memory of the last time I had taken part in The Leap.  All the students would run and jump off the edge of the cloud, some specially chosen students wearing cool costumes, and would fall thousands and thousands of feet down.  The last time I had went, after the first fall, which lasted about a minute, I landed on a springy net, when then launched into another fall, this one thirty seconds long, and I landed on green Jell-O and rolled all the way down the the high school.

This time, Carrie was walking about picking the special people who would get to wear the bear costumes that were made for this event.  As she did this, I looked around the bookstore for good books and other costumes that were not being used this time around.  I discovered a naked Larry David costume that was pretty disgusting.

Carrie chose Kevin, Mike, Neil, and Josh Brolin to be in the suits.  There was one remaining, a white bear suit that resembled an Ewok, and it was very short.  Amber told Carrie that she should pick me because it would be hilarious to have me get into that costume.  She said she didn't want to pick all males that she knew, so she looked for another person.

I went out to the edge of the cloud and peered over at the fun free-fall that awaited me.  Carrie still hadn't decided, so I walked to the exterior rear of the store and looked at the woods behind it that sat upon the cloud.  It was a spectacular sight.

Then I heard Adam Konkey call me in.  He informed me that I was to wear the little bear suit.  I was so excited for the opportunity.  I grabbed the suit and ran to the edge of the cloud.  To my dismay, the others had just jumped off.  I figured that I could change in the air, so I slipped one leg into the costume and hobbled off the edge of the cloud.  I could hear Carrie and Amber laughing hysterically as I did so.

During the fall, I realized that I had forgotten to pocket my glasses, for they were beginning to fall off.  Also, I had managed to get the legs of the bear costume on, but I had gained so much speed that I couldn't get the rest on; I could barely move.

I felt my glasses falling off my face.  I tried to grab them, but there was so much air resistance that I could not lift my hand in time.  The glasses flew from my face.  I tried opening my eyes to see where they were, but I couldn't.  I reached out my right hand and moved it about until I felt my glasses in the air.  I grabbed them and put them into my pocket.

Right after I had done so, I hit a great inflatable in the air and bounced crazily.

I fell for another 30 seconds and landed on soft marble steps (I know that makes no sense now, but it did then).  I began to roll down the great steps for quite some time, at a great speed.  As I rolled, I tumbled into a large roll of waffle cone.  It was soft, and I was able to peel some off and eat it as I rolled.  It tasted great, so I pealed off a very large piece and ate more.

I finally stopped rolling and landed inside the hallway of an old high school.  I turned around and saw Mike and Kody.  I shouted to them, informing them of the tasty waffle cone rolls along the steps (these rolls were about ten feet long and three feet thick).  They finally landed next to me.  For some reason, and band of about thirty rats ran in front of Kody, and he shooed them into the school.

I asked them if they had tasted the waffle cone roll, and they answered me by pulling large pieces of it from their pockets.

The three of us then journeyed through the school hallways.  I noticed paper cut-out silhouettes of people posted on the walls of the hallway.  I also noticed that every minute or so, a great light flashed on the walls.  I realized what was happening.  The flashes of light were casting shadows of people on the wall, which then somehow formed a paper cut-out from that shadow.  I stood next to the wall with my arms out as the light flashed; there stood my shadow.  I ran a bit further down the hall and did a flip as the light flashed again.  I called Mike and Kody over and showed them the shadow of me, three-fourths of the way through my front flip.  It was incredible.

Then we exited the school and entered a world separate from the school and from typical society.  There was a great rope bridge that stretched over a long and wide river, and over a vast forest.

We saw a stampede of pigs rushing down a similar bridge that ran along the opposite side of the river.  They were being chased by a strange creature.

Somehow I knew the creature chasing the pigs had stolen them.

We ran down our bridge in order to keep up with the pigs on the opposite bridge.  Finally, we reached a third bridge that connected the two, and we ran over to intercept the strange creature chasing the poor animals.

The creature turned out to be Michael - not my brother Michael, but an alien named Michael that I had created in elementary school based off of my brother.  He had a watermelon-shaped head with enormous pointy ears.  His skin was red, and he wore a Larry Boy shirt.  Each of his hands and feet had three fingers, and he was short and a bit chunky.  This character was the villain in my Super Frog comics that I created.

When the alien saw us, he began throwing pigs at us until we retreated back to our bridge.  Then he cut down the bridge that connected the two bridges and began chasing the pigs further away on his bridge. We then began to run down our bridge, with the couple of pigs we had gained, hoping that there would be another connecting bridge somewhere down the river.

We beat Michael (the alien) there.  Not only did another bridge connect the two, the river and the bridges that ran along it both ended at the connecting points.  We had him cornered.

When we encountered the alien, he pulled out a remote and pushed a button.  A little UFO landed on the bridge and Kristin Mehaffy exited and traded places with Michael (the alien), allowing him to fly away.  Then Kristin told us to give her all the pigs.

Somehow Dan McCullum was with us all of a sudden, and he pulled out a switch blade and pointed it at Kristin, instructing her to leave.  She then pulled out a pair of kiddy scissors and ordered dan to drop the knife.  Then Dan reached for Kristin's scissors, and she attempted to cut off one of his fingers, but they were just kiddy scissors, so nothing happened.  Then Kristin gave up and surrendered the pigs to us.

Then I awoke.  I suppose that was a happy ending.