Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dream #484 (December 22, 2012)

I'm still here.

I dreamt that I was in my old high school.  The last class of the day had just finished and I was walking home (I live probably 5 or so miles from the school) with Brandon Johnston and Adam Pflugshaupt, both former classmates of mine.

We, for some reason, were discussing airplanes as we walked over the largest hill on the school rode.  At the perfect time in the conversation I whipped out a paper airplane, which I had made in class earlier that day, out of the pocket of my blue sweatshirt.  The guys were impressed with its look and design (I had drawn, in pencil, some interesting artwork all over the plane), and they prompted me to give it a toss, which is exactly what I did.

The plane flew much further than I had ever seen a paper airplane fly before, and it landed about 110 yards away from us in a nearby field.  The three of us ran as fast as we could after it to make sure we could find it in the tall weeds.

As I ran into the field, I was stopped short by a strong pain.  I fell to the ground and stared at the sky until it lessened.  About a minute later, Brandon, carrying my plane, and Adam walked up to me and asked me if everything was alright.  I said probably, then looked down at my foot.

A large weed was somehow forced underneath the nail of my big toe on my left foot, and it came clear through out the back side of the nail.  It was bizarre and very painful, for the weed had thorns and briars all up on it.

I, with a strange pleasantness, slowly slid the weed out from under my toenail and jumped to my feet.  The pain was great, and I wasn't able to walk very well, so Adam said he'd call for a ride.  He and Brandon helped me to the side of the road as Adam called somebody on his cell phone.

We only waited for a few moments before some high school gal in an old, beat-up blue car zoomed up to us and slammed on the breaks right before passing us.  She manually rolled down her window and told us to hop in, which we did.

The back seat was filled with all kinds of strange stuff, including toy trolls, rubber ducks, honey combs, and tinker toys.  The girl was talking on and on about something, but I couldn't understand her high school girl accent.

Eventually I awoke.

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