Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dream #483 (December 15, 2012)

This was weird.

I dreamt that a major catastrophe had taken place on Earth, and there were only a few surviving communities throughout the world.  The one I was a part of was in Koontz Lake Missionary Church (where my dad is a pastor).

The leader of the community was a man in his upper thirties who wore a red turtle neck sweater and parted his hair at the side.  He had a daughter that was my age with black hair and two sons with black hair.  His wife was missing.

I arrived in the community at the beginning of the dream and was greeted by the leader.  He showed me about the church and told me how things were operated.  He gave me a bunch of seashells that were to be used as food credits, redeemable in the church kitchen.  He then showed me to the basement, where men trained to be physically fit so they could hunt and fight.  He then took me to the library, and we had a discussion about the end of the world and what we could have done to prevent it.  He took a liking to me there.

He then showed me to his daughter and had her take me through the remainder of the tour.  Unfortunately the only stop left was the bathroom.  She pulled out a bag of pills that everyone got and she said that after a dump, two pills were to be place in the toilet before flushing, for they would help disintegrate the poop.

She led me back out to the Fellowship Hall were the citizens of the community would work on crafts together.  On this day, everyone was working on paper snowflakes.  I sat down with the gal and her brothers, and we each made a snowflake.  Then I decided to do something forbidden in the community: I went outside.

It was a gloomy day (which was the forecast for the rest of eternity), and I walked out in the front yard of the church and thought about life.

A few minutes later, the gal with the black hair ran out and joined me, and asked me why I had come outside.  I then told her if I was to be condemned to a life spent only inside, I was condemned to hell.  She began to cry and said she loved me (which is ridiculous, because we'd only discussed poop and snowflakes) and that she wanted me to come back inside with her.  She went on and on, talking about how her father never approved of the men in the community, and the ones he actually liked were not so great in her opinion.  She defended the indoor life as a great community builder, to which I argued that it was built under false pretenses (the argument didn't make a ton of sense on either side, so I won't go into the details).

Eventually, the woman ran back inside and I walked away.

It felt like an hour that I was walking through a woods outside the church (that only exists in this dream world).

Then I awoke and fell back asleep.

I went into a different dream.  I entered the house of my friend Kevin Chupp's parents (though it looked nothing like their house in real life).  Interestingly enough, it was shared with the parent's of my friend Jacob Bartlett.  I had a suitcase with me and, when Jacob's mom Karen answered the door, I asked if I could stay.  She said it was alright with the Bartlett's, but I'd have to ask the Chupp's, so I walked into the living room where Ken and Diane Chupp were sitting.  Diane was knitting and Ken was reading.  I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood before them for a minute or so before speaking.  Finally I asked if I could stay, and Ken and Diane looked at each other, then Ken took off his glasses and said, "Why certainly."

I laid my bag and sweatshirt down right where I was standing and left the living room in search of Jacob and Kevin.  I caught Jacob as he was coming up a very dark stairway carrying a ton of books.

He asked me if I could help him out real quick, and I agreed.  He opened the front door to the cold night air, and there stood his brother Justin holding a backpack, out of which he pulled a notepad.  Jacob handed me a textbook and told me to read off of a homework paper that was inside of it.

As I did so, he copied it down onto Justin's notes.  About halfway through the paper I asked, "Are you helping Justin cheat?"  They both looked at me, and a random stranger standing outside the door also popped in his head and looked at me, then they went back to what they were doing.  Jacob asked, "What's the next thing?"

Then I awoke.

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