Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dream #469 (August 27, 2012)

I regularly have basketball dreams as a result of high school basketball at O-D, which ended over 5 years ago.

I was the water boy for the O-D high school basketball team.  Somehow the team, which was terrible and filled with short and un-athletic guys, was playing in the state championship, and for some reason the state championship was being held in the tiny gym of a Christian school.  The gym was dimly lit by some eerie red lights.

I was getting very frustrated with the team, for they were performing terribly.  Nathan Ferch (a former teammate of mine and my former neighbor) was the coach (he's currently the J.V. coach), and he was stamping his feet and clenching his fists.  He wore a tuxedo, which was drenched with sweat.

At half-time, we all went into the locker room (which was lit in a similar way) where Nathan scolded the team for not playing to their full potential (though they didn't appear that they had much potential).  He proceeded to go through a number of various plays on a whiteboard, and finally we again returned to the court full of energy.

The second half started out looking as bad as the first.  Finally, the crowd was so frustrated that they told Nathan and I to jump into the game.

I tore off the janitor outfit that I was wearing, and Nathan tore off his tux, revealing classic O-D jerseys beneath.  We were like giants among our opponents, and we began to destroy them.

Then I awoke.

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