Friday, October 12, 2012

Dream #476 (October 12, 2012)

This was quite an experience, and it felt as if it lasted far longer than one night's sleep.  I will summarize it the best I can.

I began the dream living with my brother Matt in my grandpa's house (though my grandpa didn't live there in my dream).  I returned from work (I was a night-shift janitor, the same job of a character I created a few months ago) to find Matt in quite a bit of distress.

He showed me the contents of a package he had received in the mail.  There was some sort of timer with a remote taped to it, a package of taco mix, and some confetti poppers.  He then told me about a strange man who told me he planned on destroying Fort Wayne (in my dream, Fort Wayne was the size of New York City).

Just then, there was a knock on the front door.  Matt answered it, and it was another man, apparently a follower of the destructive lunatic, and he handed Matt another package that read, "DO NOT OPEN."

As the man, who was wearing a purple scarf in spite of the warm weather, was trying to leave, Matt grabbed him and demanded to get an explanation.  The man stayed annoyingly calm, as if he were a righteous man, and told Matt that he could get his answers on the rooftops.

Then the lunatic, who had been waiting in the black car for his scarf-wearing friend, came up to the door, and talked in riddles to Matt.  Matt, at first, was trying to reason with him, attempting to get the man to give up on his quest to destroy the city.  However, after several minutes of this, Matt no longer was defensive and told the men to leave, and that he didn't care to play their games.

The men left and I opened up the first package again and tried to figure out the meaning.  I saw some of the ingredients that were rather unique, and I wondered if those would somehow help us stop the man.  My brother pulled the package from me and, while he didn't totally shoot down my thought, he said we shouldn't even play their games.  I told him we had to at least try to stop him.

He said that he didn't want to give the man the satisfaction of his cooperation.  I understood where he was coming from.  Even if we did solve the riddle, the man would actually allow us to stop him under his conditions.

Matt said he wanted to eat dinner, but I told him I had to "go out."

I drove immediately to the highest building in the city.

I found nobody there, but on a nearby flat-top tall building, I saw a small group of people and a large, destructive-looking machine.  I parked my car in a parking garage and ran up to the top of the building, where I was greeted kindly by the lunatic.

He then went into some sort of monologue about how he had to destroy the city, to be an example to other cities.  He said mankind had already begun to destroy itself, and he wanted to help nature along.  While I sympathized with some of his beliefs, I pleaded for all of the lives he would destroy.  I argued in favor of life itself.  He said that no man was innocent, and no man deserved such life.  I argued that no living thing deserves to have life, to give life, or to take life.

He then pulled out two knives and told me to tell him what I hated most.  I took a second to think about it, concerning myself more with the knives than the question.  He asked the question again, louder the second time, and came at me with the knives.

"Just tell me, and you won't have to worry!"

I grabbed his wrists as he went to stab me.  As I fought I tried to think how to answer his question.  He pulled back and went for another stab, this time penetrating my right hand.  The twisted my wrist, and the knife stuck in my hand, pulling it away from my adversary.  I kicked his second knife away.  As he was about to come at me again, somebody called for him, and he left saying, "It is time."

I pocked the knife that he had implanted into my palm.

A crowd of people began to form on the rooftop.  After about twenty minutes, the lunatic stood near me and addressed the crowd, using the same logic he used when arguing with me.  He said he was going to release a poisonous gas that would cause people to deteriorate over the period of nine days.

He then said people could protect themselves using the special felt blankets that were provided.  I found one near me and immediately put it over myself.  Then I thought of Matt, and called him from my cell phone.

Matt answered, and I told him how he had to protect himself.  Then I thought of the knife in my pocket, and I looked at how close the leader was to me.  If I were to stab him in the heart, if I were to kill him, would his whole group of followers disperse?  Were they all so crazy?  It was worth a shot.

But could I kill a man?

I asked my brother if one life was worth thousands.  Before he could answer me, my phone died.

I didn't know what to do.  What if I failed?  Surely I wouldn't.  But could I bring myself to it.

After a couple minutes of such an internal debate, I decided I would do it.  I was the only one with a weapon and with the ambition to stop this man.

I took three steps forward when a very tall woman next to me pulled out a large pistol and shot the lunatic in the back with an almost disturbing calm.  I turned to her, looked up at her face, and thanked her.  I told her about how I was just getting ready to stab the man, but wasn't sure if I could bring myself to it.  She nodded her head, then walked away.

At that moment, the police finally showed up to catch the fleeing accomplices, including the man in the purple scarf.

Interestingly enough, the lunatic hadn't actually died.  He had just been taken down.  He was sitting by the street, looking as if all was well with the world.  The man with the purple scarf was next to him, wearing a set of handcuffs (though the lunatic wasn't cuffed).  I noticed that only one cop was there, and he didn't seem to be paying much attention.  I called the police and told them they needed more personnel there, and they told me to mind my own business.

I looked back, and the lunatic was gone.

Depressed, I walked down the street to my favorite coffee shop (in my dream; I don't drink coffee in real life).  I called my friend Neil Silveus and told I needed somebody to talk to.

I waited for him as I drank my black coffee and ate my danish.  He didn't show up, so I left.

As I walked toward the parking garage, I heard his voice.  I looked behind me and watched him as he ran up to me.  I told him about my day, though I was interrupted when something caught my eye.  I saw a man, who looked like the lunatic checking into a hotel across the street.

I immediately called the police, and they said they had it under control.

Frustrated, I told Neil I had to take care of things myself.

I walked across the street and entered the hotel.  I asked the clerk where I could find the man who had most recently checked in.  He gave me the room number and said that he must be a popular guy, which confused me at the time.

I took the wrong stairwell the first time, for it only led up to the third floor, not the fifteenth, where the man was staying.  I had to go back down and enter another stairwell.

Finally I made it up.  I ran to his room, not really having any sort of plan in mind.  I found that his door was propped open by an ice bucket.  I walked in and saw a horrific sight.

There, in front of me, was the man's the man's head, wrapped in a purple scarf.  His eyes, though lifeless, were looking right at me, which still gives me chills.  I looked away to protect my soul and saw the rest of his body under a broken window.

I turned and ran out of the hotel.

Then everything went black as I tried to erase the memory from my mind.

I woke up the next morning in my grandpa's house.  My brother brought me the newspaper, which told about how the man had been found decapitated in his hotel room.

I went outside and walked all the way to the great bridge of Fort Wayne (that doesn't really exist).  I heard somebody yell that the Danielson Ships were approaching from the other side.  I wanted badly to board the Danielson Ship (Danielson has an album called Ships in real life), so I jumped into the icy water and began swimming to the other side.  The water was actually warm.  As I swam, all I could think of was the decapitated lunatic.  I began to hyperventilate, and I started sinking.  As I went under, my last glimpse of the world was a great ship, a Danielson ships, that sparkled bright blue, passing by me.

Then I awoke.

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