Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dream #465 (June 28, 2012)

This was bizarre, and a bit too long for me to fully record today.

I dreamt that I began to watch some special sumer episodes of Community very late at night on Hulu.  When I began watching them, I entered into them as the character Jeff Winger.  The rest of the study group and I were sitting around a crystal ball in a room of blue curtain.  I entered into the ball, which took me into a new world.

Along the way, I had a Kafkaesque experience, turning into a giant insect.

This other world was primarily made up of red desert, though it had cities and shops (such as Target and Wal-Mart and Best Buy).  When I arrived as an insect, I crawled around and found other insect people.  They immediately respected me.

After many things that I don't have the time to record, I became the king of this insect world.

After this, I returned to the Community world and found the rest of the study group mutilated.  Apparently the past had been altered, and I needed to return to the insect world to stop the group of insects that revered me.

I again entered the crystal ball and found Abed and Troy there.  They were being beaten by insect people.  As I walked by them, they handed me a piece of paper secretly.  I took it and snuck into my Buick and read about how we were going to overthrow these evil insects.

As I was reading, I was caught by some guards.  They took me to an authority figure among the insects, the prince.  When they did so, the prince laughed, telling the guards that I was not capable of betraying them and he ordered them away.

He then told me I had to visit the magistrates office just to fulfill the requirements of the law, though he acted as if it were no big deal.

Before we went there, he took me into the bathroom to relieve myself.  Neither of us were insects any longer.  I had to drop a deuce, and all the stalls had toilets with very wide holes.  Finally, the prince led me to a toilet that was my size.  Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed a plunger and knocked the prince out cold.

Then I awoke.  I'm sorry if the dream was a bit confusing, but that is how it was for me.

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