Monday, August 13, 2012

Dream #468 (August 13, 2012) - Poop, Monsters, and Civil War

I apologize for the drought of dream posts.  I have been far too busy; busier than a body should be.

The opening dream, the prelude I guess, was an extremely realistic dream.  When I awoke, I thought for sure it was real and was quite concerned.

I, in the dream, was sleeping in the bedroom next to my bedroom at my grandpa's house (which, in real life, is where my brother was sleeping).  I received a call from Danae Gruber (the secretary at Remedy) telling me that I had to get up and go to work.

After I rudely hung up the phone, I began to crawl out of bed.  Suddenly, I was overtaken by a powerful internal force.  I dropped a deuce in my drawers.

I was wearing an old pair of boxers that I used to own, with the face of the Grinch on one of the legs, and I could feel the mush begin to seep down my thigh.  I rushed into the bathroom.  For some reason the toilet seat was much higher than usual - so high I had to use a stool to give me a boost as I climbed up.

I began to examine my boxers and noticed a brown mist rising from my lower half.  It was awful.  I was so depressed that I just went back to sleep.

Then I entered a different dream.

I was directing ten buses, each loaded with teens, to find parking.  Then all the young-un's  got out and began playing games with each other.  Without warning, five enormous beings emerged from a nearby thick and began beating and eating the students.

People were screaming and running frantically about as I stood and looked on hopelessly.  I attempted to slay the beasts (they looked like giant people in a way, but some had horns, others had tails, and many were strangely colored), but I was far too weak.

Then, I was struck by a brilliant idea.  Could I befriend the beasts?  I ran into a nearby cabin and brought out some baking materials.  I waived the monsters over to myself and got their attention.  Then I began to bake cookies and had them help me through the process.  They loved this, and when the cookies were ready to be put into the oven, we were all great pals.

The leader of the beasts approached me and thanked me for making them realize their absurdity.  The beasts then vowed to watch over the teens until their last days.

I jumped ahead in time and was with the beasts and the teens in a large shopping mall.  As they walked about (some of the beasts could fly and were carrying a few teens each), I worried that someday the beasts would again snap and become violent.

Then I switched to yet another dream.

I was running down a trail in the middle of a thick woods.  I was wearing a tattered brown uniform.

After about a half mile of running, I ran into a small group of Union soldiers who were tearing down their camp.  When they saw me, they frantically ran around and found their muskets and began to fire at me.

I immediately took off in the opposite direction.

A long while later, I ran into a clearing where I found a group of Confederate soldiers.  When they saw me, they also began to fire at me.  I ran again in the other direction.

About halfway back to the Union camp, I dove into a hole in the ground behind a tree and waited there.  A couple minutes later, I heard heavy fire and shouting.  I poked my head out from behind the tree and witnessed the Union and the Confederate soldiers slaughtering each other.

Then I awoke.

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