Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dream #459 (June 5, 2012)

Not nearly as crazy as the night before, but a dream nonetheless.

I was in my grandfather's house in the middle of the night.  I lit several candles and looked out the dining room window, but it was so dark I could not see anything.  I opened the back door and I could still see nothing.  It was as if nothing existed beyond the house.

Then the world became bright.  Suddenly several former classmates of mine from Oregon-Davis High School entered the dining room.  Amongst the people there were Adam Konkey, Adam Pflugshaupt, Justin Egger, Kassie Matusiak, Abby Carver, Erin Rosander, Brandon Porter, Brandon Surma, Ryan Jackson, Shawn Niles, Frank Harris, Mark Lantz, Morgan Ferch, and Michael Baughman (Morgan and Michael weren't in my class; they just happened to be there).

We all gathered around in a circle and, one by one, each person gave everyone else a life update.  Adam Konkey began by talking about all the great job opportunities he had all over the country.  Then Pflugshaupt did the same, as did everyone else.  It was my turn to tell them where I was at.

I was nervous, for I was rather ashamed at my current life position, so I avoided the topic by telling funny stories, including a story of me dropping a load in my pants in an airport on the way back from Hong Kong (not a true story).  I also told a story about black turkeys.  After I finished that particular story, I asked Frank if black turkeys existed and he said no and laughed hardily.  Then I offered everybody cereal from my special cereal cabinet.  I lifted up one of the boxes (blueberry muffin tops from Target) and read some of the things out loud, and for some reason Adam Konkey couldn't contain his laughter.  I kept reading, and he kept laughing, for several minutes.

Finally after that was over, Abby asked about film developing, and I told her about how I develop film.

It was soon time for everyone to leave, so I showed them out the front door.  Nathan and his wife were there to pick Morgan up.  I told him I wished he could have joined us, and he hugged me for some reason.

Then I went outside where a magician dressed up like a hillbilly Uncle Sam was performing.  He had three large aqua-colored dumpsters.  I went and peeked in each of them and saw that one was filled with action figures, another contained a golden retriever, and the third had a bunch of styrofoam.

The magician then made the retriever appear "out of nowhere."  The three people there didn't even clap, for the smoke the magician conjured up hardly covered the hole in the dumpster from which the dog had come.

Then I awoke.

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