Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dream #486 (December 26, 2012)

Post Christmas Post.

I dreamt that I was dwelling in some large apartment community outside of a city with many of my peers from Regent University.  I had my own little living space with a couch, a small table, a bed, a tiny kitchen, and a computer, all in the same room.  Everything was painted blue.  I was even wearing a blue blazer and blue pants (not jeans).

I left my apartment and walked down the hall to Dan McCullum's room because I was supposed to join him in attending a community Christmas service.  He had several other friends of his hanging out at his place, which looked very similar to mine (except he had more movie posters).  Derrick Collins (who was in his own little world during the entirety of his stay in my dream), Shea Weekley, and some made-up girl that was, in my dream, Shea's grilfriend, were all present.  Shea was currently in the bathroom, and I chose to sit down on the only open seat on the couch, which happened to be on the end next to Shea's girl.

Dan, who was sitting at his desk, began to ask me some questions regarding my latest videography experiences.  I told him that I had just finished writing a feature and that I intended to purchases both a RED One and a 35mm motion film camera (I don't have money for that in real life).  Dan then became quite critical of my decision and asked me why I would purchase such cameras.  He said that he thought shooting on a RED was a sorry method of visual storytelling and that 35mm film had died.  Then he told me that I should get an Alexa, that it was the only way to go with a camera (he definitely does NOT have this opinion in real life - he would argue that there are stories and styles that call for different tools).  I said I would get the Alexa if I had the dimes for it.

Then Dan told me he had some research to do before we left, so he turned his focused onto his computer.  Then, to my discomfort, Shea's gal began to scoot over in my direction.  After I ran out of room on my end of the couch, she scooted right into me.  She looked at me and started flirting with me like a madvillain.  We ended having an interesting conversation about Japanese film after the first few awkward conversation attempts.

Shea finally came out of the bathroom, and by that time I had taken an interest in this rather aggressive gal that my subconscious had invented.  The girl became quite silent after he entered the room, but she slipped me a note that said we could continue the conversation about Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, and the like after the service.

I decided not to go to the service at that point because I wanted to avoid the awkwardness.  I ended up wandering out of the community in the darkness.

I found myself in an old movie set that was, in my dream, designed by Buster Keaton.  There were tons of trap doors, falling walls, spinning rooms, and trick furniture, and I had a great time experiencing this place by myself.

As I was getting ready to leave, I was greeted by Shea's girlfriend (she never gets a name).  She walked up to me and asked me why I didn't go to the Christmas service.  I told her that she was primarily the reason and that I didn't want to screw up the connection, as small as it was, that I had with Shea and company.

She persisted, however, that we become a couple.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was wondering through Oregon-Davis High School (though, in my dream, it was far bigger and located in a city).  I was working for some large event they were hosting, but I had time to kill.  I tried to find my math teacher that I had in school, Mrs. Badertscher, but I couldn't locate her classroom.  I walked to the front office hoping that a staff member would know where to lead me.

I found that the entire office staff was on vacation.  As I was exiting the school, I heard a voice call my name.  I turned and saw none other than Jay-Z (apparently an old friend of mine in my dream).  I walked over to him and he told me that he was filling in for the entire office staff (he is a business, man).  Then he asked me how I was doing, and I told him about the screenplay I was working on.  He wished me luck with that, then told me to check out the city parade that was then taking place.

I thought that sounded fun, so I left him and the school and walked down to Main Street where the parade was, well, parading through.

There were tons of gigantic balloons of various famous cartoon characters that passed by.  Then I noticed a float resembling a trolly pass by, on top of which stood the Oregon-Davis basketball team.  I recognized many of the players as my teammates with whom I had graduated years before.  I ran up to the float and walked on.

There I talked with Coach Hannah and asked him how the former players were again eligible to play.  He said that there was some loophole that they were taking advantage of, and that he wanted me back on the team.  I thought it was ridiculous, but for some reason I accepted his offer and took my seat, with my number (#20), on the float and immediately began waiving at the crowd.

Then I awoke.

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