Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dream #462 (June 20, 2012)

Belated post for an interesting dream.

I dreamt that I had the body of a 35-year-old man.  I was wearing a brown suit jacket, and was walking with a high school girl, Tom Cruise, and Art Garfunkel.  All four of us had entered into the bodies of other people.  Everyone else was happy with their bodies, but I was not.

While the others enjoyed themselves, I began falling behind, desiring to go back through the transformation world (which I will soon explain) to retrieve a new body.

I finally turned around and ran into the woods and found the sacred green train car.  Outside the car stood an conductor who did not speak to me when I entered.

Once inside the car, I dove through an old gate that was in there, which took me into another world.  I ran through a field of tall flowers, over a bridge, and down a dirt road.  At the end of the road was another gate, and, as with the previous gate, I dove through.

I returned to the 'real' world.  When I settled down, I realized that I had a new form.  Unfortunately that form was that of an adolescent female.  I was extremely disappointed, and I immediately returned to the train car in the woods.

I went through the process three more times, becoming an old man, a little boy, and, finally, a teenage boy.  In this last form I attempted again to go through the gate in the train car but found that the gate was gone.  I desperately wanted to change forms yet again, so I yelled out to the conductor and asked him what I should do.  He told me to climb up the inside wall of the car and throw myself onto the floor.

When I did so, I fell through a labyrinth of wooden doors and hallways for several minutes until finally I reached the other world.

When I got there, I realized that I had become Batman.  It was amazing.

Before I could return to the 'real' world in that form, however, I had to overcome many obstacles that were reminiscent of the Super Nintendo game entitled "Batman & Robin."

Unfortunately, as I was about to fully attain Batman's form, I was awakened by Aaron Satterfield, with whom I was rooming for the week at a music festival in Kentucky.

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