Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dream #477 (November 7, 2012)

Good 'n Strange.

I dreamt that there was a community dwelling within an over-sized supermarket.

In the beginning of the dream, I entered the supermarket (and the community) through a set of automatic doors that were guarded by two talking alligators.  These gators had a German accent and were a bit on the rough side.  They interrogated me for quite some time, asking me about my family background, about any prophecies I had overheard or been told, and my future plans.  The only reason they let me pass was because I tossed them a bag of bacon.

Once inside, I was greeted by an old blind man who told me about how a cruel ruler had risen to power in the supermarket community and was abusing his throne.  He rationed the plentiful food of the market so that people barely received enough to get by.  Also, more interestingly, he forced every single person to sing in a community choir.

I felt bad for the people and decided to do something about it.  When I told that to the old guy, he put his hand on my chest and told me that I was the sacred one, and that he had two gifts to give me: force and flight.

He turned my right hand to stone and put in my left hand a globe-sized blue sphere with a handle on it.  With my right hand I could punch through walls, and with my left hand I could defy gravity and fly about wherever I wanted.

I flew first to the massive hall where the choir was singing a classic-sounding tune.  I saw young kids crying as they sang, for there were sharp metal rings around their hands and ankles.  I was outraged and demanded, in a booming voice, to see the leader so that I could battle him.

He appeared in a puff of golden smoke, wearing a golden crown and a golden robe with a blue collar.  He arrogantly floated to me and asked me if I would calm down and join him for tea.  I said no, and he pulled out a ridiculously large sword and we battled.

Right off the bat I punched the golden man, shooting him through the wall of the hall and into the market area.  I flew after him and we began an intimate fist fight.  I often blocked his blade with my stone hand, but he often floated out of the way of my punches.

Finally I hit him so hard that he lost his flight ability and crashed down into a shelf full of cereal boxes.  I hovered above him and told him to take his alligators and leave the community forever.  He nodded and left.

After he was gone, I hovered to the ground and began eating some cereal.  I found the old man who had blessed me there, and I asked him why he couldn't just grant me the ability to fly instead of making me hold onto that awkward blue sphere all the time.  He replied that it was how it had to be.

After I finished snacking, I floated over to the living quarters where I found my bedroom.  It was a humble room with a mattress and a blanket resting in the center.  I looked in the neighbor's room and saw the Suter family there playing a game.  I waived at them, but they didn't notice me.

Then I went to bed, cuddled up to my blue sphere.

Then I awoke.

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