Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dream #482 (December 12, 2012)


Last night I dreamt that I was at some crazy party in a random house.  There were a ton of flashing LED colored lights, and they were blinding at times.  The strobing only allowed me to see a bit of what was happening.  There were a lot of young adults dancing within close proximity to each other, there were a lot of drinks spilling about, and there were a lot of cats running about the house.

I walked up to a large group of dancing people and suddenly they all began to scream (though the Daft Punk music was so loud I couldn't hear anybody scream - I could only see it in their faces.  They ran in all directions, knocking each other over in the process.  I soon saw the source of their fear; there were two men in black masks and black sweats carrying guns and waiving them about.  They proceeded to take all valuables in site.

Then I actually heard a man yell behind me.  I looked and I saw Danny DeVito with an insane look in his eyes, carrying a baseball bat.  He ran into the room and smashed one of the intruders in the back.  The other one jumped out the window, escaping before Danny could get to him.

Danny then exited the room and ran to the front door shouting, "Follow me, kid!"

I obeyed him and we entered a beat-up old purple car.  He went to the driver's seat and I sat in the back.  He screamed and swore the entire way down the long driveway into the busy city street at night.

He laid on the horn every time somebody was going to slow for him.  He was a maniac.

Danny looked back at me and started screaming nonsense.  I decided that he was a bit too crazy to be with so I jumped out of the car and began running down the street, lit only by amber streetlights.

Speaking of amber, as I ran, I passed by Amber Kreider, who asked me how my acting experience was going.  Apparently I was acting in a high school drama show as a Sophomore.  I slowed down and talked to her for a moment.  I thought about it a bit and told her it was weird that I was playing somebody so young and that I wish I could act in something more interesting, though a high school show could be interested if done well.

I began to run again, leaving her behind.  Then, to my surprise, I was surpassed by Melissa Moyer, who was in a full sprint.  As she passed me, I asked her if her brother Joel was around, and she said to follow her and I would find him.

So I ran behind her for a while.  Eventually she pointed at a stairwell that went underneath the street.  She waived goodbye and sprinted off.

I went down the dark stairs and entered a very small cellar, with only a four-foot ceiling.  I sat down there and turned a light on.  I waited for a while, then I saw a wood panel removed from the wall in front of me, and Stan and Anna Marks enter the cellar, followed by Joel Moyer.  Stan asked me how I was doing and if I wanted any dinner.  I said I certainly would.

Then I awoke.