Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dream #471 (August 30, 2012)

This was rather odd.

I dreamt that I was visiting a high school running track with my brother Matt.  I was stretching a bit, getting ready to see how I could do on the track against my brother.  We decided to run three miles to see who would be faster.  When we began to race, I rushed into an all-out sprint.  Apparently I had forgotten the distance we had intended to run.  After a 50 second 400 meter run, I realized what I had done, and I stopped after another 100 meters.

Matt soon passed me up, and I tried to get him to stop and realize my mistake, but he just kept on going.  I decided I was done, so I went home as he continued running.

When I arrived at my parents house, I realized I still had a store of energy within me, and I was quite hyper as I went about the house doing chores.

As I was folding my clothes, I found an old practice jersey from high school basketball and put it on.  After doing so, Matt and my other brother Mike walked in.  I asked Matt how his run was, and he said it was great.  I told him I wished I could have joined him.

We then walked into the kitchen where my mother had left a great feast cooking unattended.  We panicked and began flipping, turning, and churning all the food we saw (fettuccine alfredo, spaghetti, toast, eggs, turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie).  It was very messy, and the floor was quickly covered in all kinds of goodies.

Our chaos was soon interrupted by a weird baby that crawled into the room.  There was something amiss about this child, and we didn't know what to do with it.  Matt, Mike, and I took it into my bedroom (which was painted blue with blue carpet like it once was) and began to bottle feed him.

Suddenly, the baby began to grow at a rapid speed.  Before long he was taller than I (I keep wanting to call him 'it' because babies are 'its' to me), and I began to grow afraid.  He then embraced me tightly and painfully as he burst out with a deep and sinister laugh.

I turned and looked into the mirror as this happened, and I saw mysel turn into Paul Simon.  The oversized infant finally released me, and I ran into the basement.  He followed me clumsily, yet rapidly.

I found a young teenage girl there tied to a chair.  As I stood there, too dumbfounded to help her, the baby grabbed me and forced me out of the basement, locking himself in there with the girl.

I ran out of the house and tried to find some authority.  I was unable, so I went back to the house, grabbed an axe, and cut down the basement door.

I ran downstairs and found the girl in terrible shape.  She was swollen and was missing limbs and had severe scratches all over her body.  She looked at me and howled the most dreadful howl I've ever heard.  Then the baby appeared out of the darkness with a match.  He proceeded to light himself one fire.

Because the basement had been soaked in gasoline (I could smell it), the flames spread throughout the house in a matter of seconds.  I ran upstairs and out the door to safety.

For some reason, though the dream didn't shift or change setting, I completely disregarded everything that had previously happened (I was still in the likeness of Paul Simon, by the way).

I walked over to my car and drove to a shipyard/waterpark that was on the outskirts of a port city.  There was a large fire tower there and, because I had many fond memories of fire towers, I walked up to the top.

When I made it, I found a large line there.  After a bit of investigation, I saw that a man was auctioning off a bunch of Super Nintendo games.  I finally, after a few minutes, made it to the front of the line and was able to ask the man where the games and the counsel originated.  He informed me that they were salvaged from a very recent house fire.

After asking him the location of the house, I discovered that these games had come from my recently demolished home.  I told him this, and he apologized profusely for selling what was mine, so he introduced me to his video game collection and told me to take any game that I used to own.

I went through and found the following games: Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 3, Earth Worm Jim 2, Supet Mario Bros., Super Mario Kart, Top Gear 2, Aladin, The Lion King, Batman and Robin (which I had borrowed from Jeff Kreider for years), and Zelda (the Gameboy game with the Super Nintendo adapter borrowed from my neighbor Nathan Ferch),.

Then I awoke.

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