Monday, June 4, 2012

Dream #458 (June 4, 2012)

I never once doubted the reality of either dream I dreamt last night.

The first took place at my grandpa's house.  I was lying in bed early in the morning when I heard the phone ring.  I walked out of my room and crept up to the dining room where I could over hear my grandpa talking on the phone with somebody.

Some very deep stuff was brought to light during the conversation (the phone was set to speaker).  Apparently, my grandpa had a daughter and a son with an African American woman out of wedlock (my grandpa would never do this; he's the most faithful man I've ever known).  My mind was shocked, and I tried to imagine what the newly found family of mine looked like.

I returned to bed so that my grandpa wouldn't know that I overheard the conversation.

I jumped ahead in time.

I had just returned from a 12-hour day of work.  When I entered the kitchen, my grandpa asked me if I could mow the lawn.  I was exhausted, and I didn't feel like doing it, but I agreed anyway.

Then my brother, Mike Baughman, and Kevin Chupp walked in.  They were going to spend the night with me at my grandpa's house.  I asked Mike if he would mow the lawn for me, and he said no.  Then I began begging and pleading and bartering, but nothing would work.  Finally, I told him I would give him my glow-in-the-dark frog toys, and he agreed.  I was a bit sad that I had to give those up, but I was too tired to mow.

My grandpa had gone to bed by then (I know people don't mow at night typically), so I told Mike what I had overheard on the phone that morning.  He didn't believe me.

While my brother was mowing, my dad stopped by to visit.  We went downstairs and I told him what I told Mike.  He, too, did not believe me, so we began searching through my grandpa's photo albums.  Sure enough we found a picture of what could have been his son.

I then entered an amusing and kooky dream.

I had ascended through the clouds to a bookstore where a book club met monthly.  In this dream I was in high school, though that isn't all too relevant.  Neil Silveus, Kevin Chupp, Adam Konkey, Michael Baughman, Kody Heffelfinger, and many others were there.  Carrie Badertscher, with the assistance of Amber Kreider, was leading the book club conversation.

When we had finished talking about a book that I vaguely remember reading in second grade, Carrie said it was time for The Leap.

I then replayed my dream memory of the last time I had taken part in The Leap.  All the students would run and jump off the edge of the cloud, some specially chosen students wearing cool costumes, and would fall thousands and thousands of feet down.  The last time I had went, after the first fall, which lasted about a minute, I landed on a springy net, when then launched into another fall, this one thirty seconds long, and I landed on green Jell-O and rolled all the way down the the high school.

This time, Carrie was walking about picking the special people who would get to wear the bear costumes that were made for this event.  As she did this, I looked around the bookstore for good books and other costumes that were not being used this time around.  I discovered a naked Larry David costume that was pretty disgusting.

Carrie chose Kevin, Mike, Neil, and Josh Brolin to be in the suits.  There was one remaining, a white bear suit that resembled an Ewok, and it was very short.  Amber told Carrie that she should pick me because it would be hilarious to have me get into that costume.  She said she didn't want to pick all males that she knew, so she looked for another person.

I went out to the edge of the cloud and peered over at the fun free-fall that awaited me.  Carrie still hadn't decided, so I walked to the exterior rear of the store and looked at the woods behind it that sat upon the cloud.  It was a spectacular sight.

Then I heard Adam Konkey call me in.  He informed me that I was to wear the little bear suit.  I was so excited for the opportunity.  I grabbed the suit and ran to the edge of the cloud.  To my dismay, the others had just jumped off.  I figured that I could change in the air, so I slipped one leg into the costume and hobbled off the edge of the cloud.  I could hear Carrie and Amber laughing hysterically as I did so.

During the fall, I realized that I had forgotten to pocket my glasses, for they were beginning to fall off.  Also, I had managed to get the legs of the bear costume on, but I had gained so much speed that I couldn't get the rest on; I could barely move.

I felt my glasses falling off my face.  I tried to grab them, but there was so much air resistance that I could not lift my hand in time.  The glasses flew from my face.  I tried opening my eyes to see where they were, but I couldn't.  I reached out my right hand and moved it about until I felt my glasses in the air.  I grabbed them and put them into my pocket.

Right after I had done so, I hit a great inflatable in the air and bounced crazily.

I fell for another 30 seconds and landed on soft marble steps (I know that makes no sense now, but it did then).  I began to roll down the great steps for quite some time, at a great speed.  As I rolled, I tumbled into a large roll of waffle cone.  It was soft, and I was able to peel some off and eat it as I rolled.  It tasted great, so I pealed off a very large piece and ate more.

I finally stopped rolling and landed inside the hallway of an old high school.  I turned around and saw Mike and Kody.  I shouted to them, informing them of the tasty waffle cone rolls along the steps (these rolls were about ten feet long and three feet thick).  They finally landed next to me.  For some reason, and band of about thirty rats ran in front of Kody, and he shooed them into the school.

I asked them if they had tasted the waffle cone roll, and they answered me by pulling large pieces of it from their pockets.

The three of us then journeyed through the school hallways.  I noticed paper cut-out silhouettes of people posted on the walls of the hallway.  I also noticed that every minute or so, a great light flashed on the walls.  I realized what was happening.  The flashes of light were casting shadows of people on the wall, which then somehow formed a paper cut-out from that shadow.  I stood next to the wall with my arms out as the light flashed; there stood my shadow.  I ran a bit further down the hall and did a flip as the light flashed again.  I called Mike and Kody over and showed them the shadow of me, three-fourths of the way through my front flip.  It was incredible.

Then we exited the school and entered a world separate from the school and from typical society.  There was a great rope bridge that stretched over a long and wide river, and over a vast forest.

We saw a stampede of pigs rushing down a similar bridge that ran along the opposite side of the river.  They were being chased by a strange creature.

Somehow I knew the creature chasing the pigs had stolen them.

We ran down our bridge in order to keep up with the pigs on the opposite bridge.  Finally, we reached a third bridge that connected the two, and we ran over to intercept the strange creature chasing the poor animals.

The creature turned out to be Michael - not my brother Michael, but an alien named Michael that I had created in elementary school based off of my brother.  He had a watermelon-shaped head with enormous pointy ears.  His skin was red, and he wore a Larry Boy shirt.  Each of his hands and feet had three fingers, and he was short and a bit chunky.  This character was the villain in my Super Frog comics that I created.

When the alien saw us, he began throwing pigs at us until we retreated back to our bridge.  Then he cut down the bridge that connected the two bridges and began chasing the pigs further away on his bridge. We then began to run down our bridge, with the couple of pigs we had gained, hoping that there would be another connecting bridge somewhere down the river.

We beat Michael (the alien) there.  Not only did another bridge connect the two, the river and the bridges that ran along it both ended at the connecting points.  We had him cornered.

When we encountered the alien, he pulled out a remote and pushed a button.  A little UFO landed on the bridge and Kristin Mehaffy exited and traded places with Michael (the alien), allowing him to fly away.  Then Kristin told us to give her all the pigs.

Somehow Dan McCullum was with us all of a sudden, and he pulled out a switch blade and pointed it at Kristin, instructing her to leave.  She then pulled out a pair of kiddy scissors and ordered dan to drop the knife.  Then Dan reached for Kristin's scissors, and she attempted to cut off one of his fingers, but they were just kiddy scissors, so nothing happened.  Then Kristin gave up and surrendered the pigs to us.

Then I awoke.  I suppose that was a happy ending.

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