Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dream #479 (December 4, 2012)

Advent Dream #4

I dreamt that I returned to collage.

On the first day of class, I was running quite late.  I ran into the college, which was all inside of a single building, and tried to find my locker (yes, every student had a locker).  I sprinted up an escalator to the second floor, then ran about the rounded halls (the building was a giant circular prism), until I finally found my locker.

I dug around in my pocket until I pulled out a small slip of yellow notebook paper with my combination on it.  I utilized it and opened up my locker, causing dozens of oversized books to fall upon me.

When I unburied myself, I shoved all the books except the one I needed (my Biology text) back into the locker and slammed it shut, giving into historically unwise habits.

With the text, my notebook, and a pen and pencil in my hands, I flew back over to the stairs and ran up to the fifth floor.

As I ran, papers flew from my arms.  The center of the building was hallow, and I could have seen the pages fall all the way to the first floor (had I stopped to observe them).

Finally, I arrived at my classroom.  I ran right into the door, expecting it to give as I turned the handle, but it was locked, so I and all of my burden fell to the ground.  I gathered my belongings and stood by the door, knocking, until finally the professor turned and noticed that I was there.  She came to the door and let me in, giving me a terrible glance as I made my way to my desk.

She returned to teaching biology, and discussed the origins of jellyfish for a brief while until class was dismissed.

When it was over, I left the room and made my way to my next class.

The room was very dark, and had a red tint to it (which contrasted the blue and silver theme that was so prevalent in the rest of the building).  The students sat quietly as I made my way to my seat, which was next to Adam Konkey (a former high school classmate of mine).  Just a breath after greeting him, a masked bandit ran into the room, stole a gold statue from the teacher's desk, and shot Adam Konkey in the head.

All the other students screamed and ran out of the room, followed by the bandit.

I stayed by Adam's side, not knowing what to do.  I ran over to a nearby phone and called the nurse's office and told them what had happened.  I waited there with Adam until a nurse came with a stretcher. I helped her get Adam onto it, then watched them leave the room.

I stayed in there for a long while, contemplating what had just happened.

I then felt a strange and sudden hope that maybe he hadn't been killed.

I ran down to the first floor and entered the nurse's station, where they were talking to his mother, telling her that he had been killed.  I wasn't convinced, so I walked over and saw Adam blink his eyes, shake his head, and sit up.  The nurse turned and screamed, and I smiled wide.

Then I entered a different world.

I was in a stone sewer with green mold growing all about.  There were little demons flying all about shooting lightning out of their hands.  They had scales on their chests, but the rest of their external bodies were covered with a pale green clammy skin.  Their wings were bony and comprised of the same gross skin, and they had horribly large eyes.  They had long tales that were slightly hairy, kind of like an young teenage male's arm.

I tried to hide from these creatures, but there was absolutely no cover.  I turned around and saw that the passage behind me, contrary to the one on front of me, was pitch black.  I decided to run in that direction, hoping that the demons, with their great and terrible eyes, would not be able to see me.

Then I awoke.

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