Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dream #68 (September 28, 2009)

Don't ask me.

This dream started in an old trailer in the middle of hillbilly country. The atmosphere was dusty and brown, and the housing structures seemed very unstable. I was inside one of the trailers with a band of rascals. We were some sort of organization or force. The only member I knew in 'the force' was Jordan Miller.

As we sat together and dined on miniature sandwiches, a villain entered (I just knew he was a villain by looking at him) and showed us a powerpoint about how he was going to destroy us. Then he jumped through a portal. Without thinking, all of us (the force) followed him.

We were in the future. We each had a different colored motorcycle (mine was green), and we were riding in a city that seemed to be completely made of roads. There were layers upon layers of bridges, highways, entrances, and exits. The design was quite complex.

We were riding at full speed when another gang, that was also moving via motorcycles, approached us and began knocking us off of our transportation. After each of us had fallen off, each of the gang members simultaneously jumped of of their motorcycle and walked toward one of my groups members. Then an epic battle ensued. There were sword fights going on, as well as fist fights, wrestling, and gun fights. As for me, I was going crazy, with insane jump kicks, swinging off of poles, leaping high and far without effort.

When the battle was over, each member of 'the force' had conquered the opposing gang members. There was a woman from the gang who was nearly dead, and as she struggled to stand up, Jordan opened her arms to her, offering her a hug (she even said, "Come here, girl"). Then, unexpectedly, the woman pulled out a shiv (which I believe was a green #2 pencil) and stabbed Jordan in the neck. That woman was instantly shot down by another member of 'the force.' Blood was squirting out of Jordan's neck, yet her cheerful disposition did not leave her. She was still bouncing around and asking how the other members of the group were doing while, at the same time, trying to hold her blood in her body.

Then I awoke.

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