Friday, September 4, 2009

Dream #44 (September 4, 2009)

This dream involves some old friends of mine.

This dream began inside of an airport. I was with Kevin Chupp and the rest of his old band, Solemn Promise. We were all at the airport in order to see a mewhithoutyou show that was scheduled to take place in the waiting area past the security.

After we got through the all the metal detectors, scanners, probers, and investigators, we attended a very good show put on by mewithoutyou and left. We returned to Rick Hall's home (though it looked nothing like the real version) and planned to sleep there. It was already very late.

We entered the bedroom only to discover that it was completely covered with beds, and there were no aisles for walking around the beds. We simply had to walk on the beds. It was actually kind of need because all the beds had very interesting quilts on them and the bedroom itself had walls made of glass.

Eventually, after much chatting, we went to sleep. Then, about an hour and a half later (on the alarm clock by my head in the dream), all the other guys had woken up and were planning on going to another show in the middle of the night (it was 3 a.m.). I typically hate losing sleep, so I decided to stay. Kevin decided to stay as well, so we had the room full of beds to ourselves.

Unfortunately, every time I would almost fall asleep, something would happen to wake me up. The first time, Rick Hall entered the room to make sure everything was alright. The next time, Brett (from Regent) came into the room with his girlfriend and talked there for too long. Then, Adam Pflugshaupt (a friend from high school) came in. I kind of wanted to talk to him, but I love sleep so much that I decided not to. The last time I even tried going to sleep, the rest of Solemn Promise returned from their late night rendezvous and were being very loud and obnoxious.

When the sun came up, all of us went outside and were examining earthworms in the front yard by the road (this front yard strangely resembled Jeff Kreider's yard). Then Mike Coon (from the band) started eating the earthworms, so everyone else started to do the same.

I did not have a whole lot of fun because I had that horrible feeling of exhaustion that one gets when one pulls an all nighter. I was still able to function, but I did not dare to speak or act out because I knew I was in an altered state.

Finally, I decided to climb up a tree to get away from it all. After going up a few branches, I discovered that Kevin had already climbed up there.

Then I awoke.

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