Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dream #61 (September 21, 2009)

I apologize that this dream has been posted a day late. I will explain the problem in the next blog.

This dream was interesting and strange. In the first part of the dream I was an intern at an enormous apple orchard. My job was to climb up old, rusty ladders to the top of silos and check on the apple supply inside. I wore a backpack full of water that was connected to a power washer so that when I got to the top of the silo, I could open up the hatch and spray the apples down.

The view from the top of the silos was amazing. I could see beautiful green woods spreading for miles, and the sun was the most beautiful I had ever seen it (I don't typically get to look at the sun light I did in my dream).

After climbing down from my third silo, I encountered my boss. He was having a heated discussion with my mother who was claiming that my job was to dangerous and that I should have some sort of compensation for putting my life on the line multiple times a day.

After the argument, my boss sent me to the town gymnasium where I was told to manage a young men's basketball league. When I got there, however, I was greeted with hostility; the men heckled me and laughed at me because of my size.

Angered by their insults, I decided that I electrocute each and every one of those mean men. I hooked up the main power system to a shocking device (it would give them a hard shock, but would not kill them).

However, just as I was about ready to shock them all, a stampede of water rushed through the doors of the gym and covered the floor at least two feet deep. Knowing the shock would now be fatal to the men, I decided to not administer it. Instead, I shot fire at them with a flamethrower.

Then I awoke.

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