Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dream #59 (September 19, 2009)

This is odd.

At the start of the dream I was driving to Professor Doug Miller's house. I was actually driving Caitlin's car (which is what I rode in last time I went to Mr. Miller's house). When I arrived, I was immediately greeted by Doug with a handshake and an open door.

To my surprise, when I entered the house, everything suddenly seemed pitch black. After a short while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. There were a few narrowly spotted lights pointed in different directions. What stuck out to me, though, were the numerous mirrors scattered throughout the house, reflecting beams of light in every direction.

Then Pam and Doug approached me and asked me how I liked their lighting setup and told me that I could explore their house if I wanted.

For the rest of the dream I wandered in all directions, going from mirror to mirror and from light to light. Occasionally I would see Doug, try to talk to him, and realize that I was talking to a reflection of a reflection of a reflection, etc. It was quite trippy.

After a lot of confusion and wandering, I awoke.

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