Friday, September 18, 2009

Dream #58 (September 18, 2009)

This is slightly ridiculous.

The dream began in the backyard of my parents' house. In the dream I was a ninja-in-training, and I was training alongside another guy. We both had ninja swords and crazy ninja moves.

However, this training was a lot more serious than one would think. First of all, we were being forced to join a Nazi army that had formed in Koontz Lake. Second, during this training session, the other guy and I were supposed to battle each other to the death, and the champion would gain an important position in the ninja Nazi army.

Before you judge me for being in this horrible situation, I must explain that I had an alternate motive for joining the Nazi ninja army; I wanted to be a spy for the underground group I was a part of that was hoping to overthrow the Nazis in Koontz Lake. To my surprise, however, we were ordered to battle to the death. Therefore I was torn between to choices; I could kill the other guy (I was a talented ninja) and support my cause, or I could find a way to escape so that I did not have to kill another man (I don't like killing people).

Because I wanted to do everything in my power to not kill another man, I tried to persuade my training partner to give up this battle and join me to take on the Nazi captain who was overseeing the battle. However, to my surprise, he was actually supportive of the Nazi cause. So I had no choice but to battle.

We started out sword fighting on the ground. Eventually we lit a tower on fire that happened to be standing in the yard for our convenience. We climbed on this flaming tower as we fought, swords blazing. The whole time I had the upper hand, and at any time I could have killed this guy, but that is not what I wanted to do.

After wearing him out, I jumped off the burning platform and ran into my woods. However, the guy followed me with a large spear. Showing no mercy he chucked the spear in my direction. I, having the agility of a ninja, easily dodged the spear, but I allowed it to strike close enough so that I could appear to be struck down. As the other ninja trainee approached me to gloat over his kill, I sprung up and knocked him on the head with the wide end of my sword, rendering him unconscious.

Then I fled further into the woods to escape the Nazi captain who was trying to persuade me to finish the other guy off. Then the captain jumped into his Mercedes Benz and chased after me. I found that I was so fast that I could outrun the car.

Then I awoke.

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