Friday, September 25, 2009

Dream #64 (September 25, 2009)

I had two dream on September 25, so I split them up. Also, unfortunately, I forgot my dream the night before, even though I went through the entire thing in my head as I ate breakfast. I would like to think that the missing dream (Dream #63.5) is the door into my subconscious that would solve all riddles about the human brain.

Anyways, this dream began in a laboratory, which, of corse, was filled with typical laboritory equipment that one would find in a lab in a cartoon, such as beakers, winding tubes, green and bubbling liquids, twirly bottles (I made that up), and transparent drawing boards.

Nathan Galvez, Lauren De la Calzada, and I were all a part of a number of experiments that attempted to create different foods that would taste good, yet remain gluton-free. The experiments were going very well, until, to the surprise of all the scientists in the room, a creature, that was some sort of mix between a cocroach, a scorpion, and a dragon fly and was over a foot long, flew into the room and began to terrorize everyone.

Filled with bravery and a thrist for adventure, Nathan and I immediately began to chase this orange, ugly creature so that the experiments could continue (it was all for De la). After chasing the insect mash-up around all the lab equipment for quite some time (knocking many things over in the process, sometimes seeming intentionally), we chased it into a hallway that strangely resembled the hallway of my grandfather's house. Then the bug took a quick turn into a bedroom, followed by Nathan and I.

We managed to scare the insect into a corner of the room; however it was the corner where the ceiling meets the wall, which we could not reach. Therefore we did the next logical thing; we grabbed the sheet off the bed, and with much teamwork, we tried to capture the creature in our sheet. We elegance and futility we chased the bug around the room for several minutes; though it looked as beautiful as a inticritely choreographed dance, it did not result in the demise of the bug. Finally, after much lofting of the white linnen, we managed to roll up the bug and trap it.

After we caught it, we through it on the floor, and I proceeded to kick it in the head several times in an attempt to knock it out without killing. However, I failed to disempower the bug, so we left it trapped in the sheet and we returned to work.

When we returned to the lab, a new formula was ready to be tested. This new concoction was to be injected via pointy needle into the left arm of De la. To my dismay, I was called upon to initiate this injection. I do not do so well with needles, so I struggled to fulfill my task. After several embarrasing failed attmepts, though I did once touch the needle to her arm ever so slightly, I dropped the needle and gave up. Baffled by my weakness, and showing no sign of any thought, Nathan picked up the needle I had dropped and mercilessly jabbed it into De la's arm.

Then I awoke.

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