Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dream #50 (September 10, 2009)

This dream involves a good amount of people that I know.

It all began in the middle of the night in a surreal, empty city. Kevin Chupp, my little brother, and I were on a team that was competing in a sort of scavenger hunt/mystery competition. We were searching for clues that would lead us to the location of a treasure. At the same time, we had certain tasks to complete before we could find the treasure.

We first started outside of a creepy and enormous mansion. When we entered we found that it was eerily lit by a few candles. We searched through the various rooms that were quite oddly designed, gathering the materials we needed (a candlestick, a clock, and a pair of black socks). Then, to our surprise, the next thing on the list ordered us to all combat a Sith Lord in the mansion with light sabers.

Out of nowhere, a tall man in a long black robe walked out from behind the staircase, holding a red light saber. Then Kevin noticed a collection of light sabers on a table nearby and grabbed one for each of us (I had a green light saber). Then we battled in typical Star Wars fashion, with all the jumps, flips, dives, twirls, and close-calls. After several minutes of battle, the Sith Lord used "The Force" to throw a table at me, which went on to hit me in the head. I blacked out.

Then I woke up in my parents' house. I was now involved in a completely different story. It was Sunday morning and I was late for church. However, before I left, I decided to check the Internet. Apparently I had entered a video contest, and I wanted to see how I did. To my surprise I discovered that my little brother had entered the contest as well, and his video took votes that I should have gotten, causing a lame video to win (or so I thought in my head). By the way, my little brother's video involved a stuffed gorilla and a brown clay truck.

I went to church a little annoyed. When I entered the sanctuary, I was surprised by the worship for the week. On stage, Eric and Emily de Araujo, along with some other people I did not know, were playing Brazilian music onstage, complete with horns and interesting percussion. Then I saw Nathan Galvez and Lauren sitting in the back pew, so I sat with them. Though I enjoyed the worship a lot, Nathan did not seemed to thrilled with it. So we decided to walk out of the service and go to my house.

There we made and ate an entire 'thing' of homemade ice cream. It was good.

From there, I went back to the church to watch the Brazilians perform some more music after the service. There I saw the old Bethel College gang (Shana, Ashley, Stan, Kevin, Jessica, Greg, and Jason). They were particularly enjoying the music. At the time, Eric D was performing quite a solo on a saxophone. Then I went and looked behind the curtain behind the stage (while the band was still performing) and I saw my little brother playing drums.

Then I awoke.

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