Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dream #45 (September 5, 2009)

I found this to be rather strange.

The dream began as I sat in a living room of sorts (it was decorated with much maroon and purple velvet) watching television. At the time, I was being 'forced' to watch a soap opera that was on television. After several minutes of this torture, something strange happened.

All of a sudden, I found myself taking part on the soap opera story. Before I had entered into the story, a woman had been given a necklace that made her eat other people. When I joined I found myself alone in a dark room with that woman. She was acting normal for a while, but in an instant she transformed into this long nailed, sharp-toothed creature that was trying to eat me.

There were ten separate bunk beds in the room we were in, so I kept hiding behind the beds and jumping from one bunk to the other. Finally, I was able to get to the door so that I could run outside. The outdoors looked just like something out of a cheap horror film; there was fog everywhere and everything seemed to be dark green in color.

Unfortunately, the people-eating woman was unnaturally fast, so she easily caught up with me. Luckily, something caught her attention that kept her from pursuing me and caused her to run in another direction. Unluckily that thing that caught her attention was another woman.

The people-eating woman jumped on top of the other woman and started to gnaw on her hair. Filled with adrenaline I ran over there and ripped the necklace from the people-eating woman. Instantly she turned back to normal. However, she continued to pursue me, claiming that she wanted the necklace back. I did not understand her stupidity so, being out of options, I ran away.

When I returned to the room we were in, I found another woman there who told me to go home.

Then I awoke.

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