Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dream #41 (September 1, 2009)

This is kind of strange.

The dream began inside of my Uncle Keith's house in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His family, my family, and David and Carrie Badertscher (my bosses at Prairie Camp) were all playing games together. At the time, we were playing Apples to Apples and, coincidentally, we were eating bright green apples at the same time.

Several times during the game, I stood up from the floor (we were playing on the carpet) and went over to pet a dog in a cage in the kitchen.

The third time I went to pet the dog, I looked out the window and saw something very interesting. First of all, the backyard was actually the backyard of my parent's house in Koontz Lake, Indiana, not the backyard of Uncle Keith. Secondly, there was a big fake gorilla hanging from a noose hanging from a large pine tree.

I wandered outside to investigate further, only to find that Wendy (the red-headed girl from the restaurant chain of the same name) was hoisting the gorilla up in the tree with great pleasure. When she saw me, she screamed and ran away, letting the gorilla fall to the ground at my feet. After looking down into the marble eyes of the gorilla for several seconds, I, for no apparent reason, began to mercilessly beat the fake ape.

After several powerful punches, the gorilla and I both began to sink deep into the earth below us until we eventually burst threw a sewer pipe. The two of us floated rapidly down the stream of waste to an unknown destination.

Suddenly I found myself spilling into the basement of David and Carrie Badertscher.

Then I awoke.

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