Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dream #57 (September 17, 2009)

Here is another dream.

This dream started in what was supposed to be my grandfather's house even though it looked nothing like it. In fact, the structure was much closer to my uncle's home. The color had a blue tint to it, like tungsten film exposed with daylight.

At the beginning of my dream, I was having dinner with my little brother. We were eating large and delicious stakes (they were nearly the size of my torso). We were chewing on some fat when a bunch of guys walked in and asked us if we wanted to make a deal. One guy pulled out a large springy device out of his coat and asked us if we wanted the thing he was holding. I had no idea what it was at the time, so I denied his offer (which would later result in some frustration).

After my brother and I had finished our steaks, we ordered pizza, which came quite quickly. For some reason, we were already full, so we got a carry out box from the cupboard and left. As we walked out the door, the guy who had offered us the 'trade' mentioned that we would regret not offering them food.

My brother and I both got into my car (which was an old blue chevy that I had never seen) and started pulling out of the parking lot (yes, there was a parking lot instead of a driveway in front of the house). Unfortunately when we began to pull out, the breaks would not work; those guys had tampered with our car, and that thing they tried to give us must have been something they took out of it. I began to swerve all over the place in an attempt to slow down. Luckily the street was not busy because we crossed it four times as we rode back and forth.

Finally I had a brilliant idea. I opened up my door and slammed my foot to the ground, hoping that the car would stop from the friction. However, this only made the car go out of control. We ended up going down the road, missing the curve (apparently the steering was off as well), and driving into a lake just as the sun was coming up.

Then I awoke.

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