Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dream #55 (September 15, 2009)

Where do all these different things come from?

This dream was particularly strange because it was narrated by an outside source. It was almost as if I was a part of a demonstrative documentary of sorts.

Anyway, I had a much stronger build than I usually do, and I was wearing a tight black shirt to apparently show that off. I was in the middle of a desert that looked very similar to Utah. I had parked my enormous black truck in the middle of nowhere and had walked over to cliff.

I decided to jump off the cliff as the narrator described what I was doing. As he explained, I grasped onto the ledge of an arch that was about eight feet from the ledge of the cliff I had just jumped from. As I dangled, I reached to the top of the arch several times, grabbing rocks and chucking them at a boulder on the top of a cliff that was about twenty feet to my right. Then the narrator informed the 'audience' that I was trying to start a rock slide. I was successful, so I swung back over to the cliff I had originally come from.

When I walked back to my truck, the narrator explained that I should check for snakes in my tailpipe, so I became a little disgusted. Then, to my surprise (even in the dream I was surprised) I pulled out a hard snake from the back of the truck and shoved it into the tail pipe (I actually had a whole mess of pipes sticking out of the back of my truck). The snake, after a couple of minutes, emerged from the pipe with large lumps in its body. It must have found something in there.

Then, without any thought, I proceeded to drive my truck off the cliff, following the direction of the narrator. When I landed, the outside voice was gone. I leaped from my oversized truck to the ground and saw that a ninja wanted to battle me. Interested in a good fight, I accepted.

We had an epic battle that involved superhuman jumping abilities, several flying kicks, and many body slams from twenty feet above the ground. After several minutes of this, I felt my body break and I was unable to move.

Then my dream transitioned to a hospital where Kevin Chupp and his two sisters were sitting next to me. For one reason or another, I was dressed up like Art Garfunkel, and the Chupps all had Art Garfunkel action figures in their hands. After we talked for a while, the dream transitioned again.

I found myself on Centerville Turnpike in the middle of the night. I was playing a role in some mobster fight involving characters from The Office. As I stood at the intersection of Centerville and Indian River, I pulled out a large gun from my jacket I was wearing and began firing at everyone I saw.

Once I had mercilessly murdered everyone around me, I walked back to the Commons.

Then I awoke.

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