Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dream #42 (September 2, 2009)


At the beginning of my dream, my father dropped me off at a small town outside of Chicago. Not knowing what to do there, I decided to walk to Chicago.

The places through which I journeyed were very strange in appearance and in atmosphere. The streets were very dusty, almost sandy, and the buildings seemed to be quite dirty and disgusting. Most of the towns I walked through looked this way, though there were two towns that were very shiny in appearance.

Eventually I found my way to the highway, where I walked on top of a guardrail for what seemed like miles. When the Chicago exit came, it walked it down into the city where I was surprised to find an appearance similar to the other towns I had walked through (the look of the dream was light brownish). What was even stranger was the emptiness of the city. There were very few cars anywhere, allowing me to walk in the middle of the road. Furthermore, there were only a handful of people that I saw.

I even ventured into a large, run-down mall where the store signs and billboards were barely hanging from their posts and where people were all sitting down on various benches, motionless.

I was a little disturbed by the sight, so I left. Thankfully I found a Kroger where I would be refreshed by the scent of fruit and vegetables.

Inside the store, I found my dad shopping. As I approached him, I was surprised that he was not surprised to see me. We said hello to each other, and he said he would pick me up from Kroger in a couple of hours, then he left.

Before I could get board of the store, I found a large swimming pool and a load of Hotwheels tracks, tape, and other construction materials. I was excited.

I spent the next portion of my dream developing and building a large double race track across the pool that turned the corner and ended by the cash registers. Along the way, the track landed on little boats that would float to the next part of the track. Interestingly enough, when I tested out the track, I used a Mario and a Luigi action figure instead of a little car.

It worked wonderfully both times I tried it. Then a person I know from camp, Sam Shirts, jumped into the pool and broke part of the track. Worse yet, he did not even care that he destroyed my masterpiece. Instead of scolding him, however, I decided to make conversation with him by asking how school was going.

When we were done talking I left with my father and went back home. When I returned I found my mother running around the house with a broom trying to kill a giant spider. Without reacting to her, I walked over to the spider, picked it up, squished it between my fingers, and fed it to my dog Sadie (who once was alive).

Then I awoke.

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