Friday, September 11, 2009

Dream #51 (September 11, 2009)

This dream had an interesting plot.

Coming into the dream I had an understood life history that is much different from my real life history. First of all, I was the leader of an underground operation. The primary objective of this team of underground workers was to save children from kidnappers and child abusers. We also had other objectives, such as coming of with plans to drastically change America's education system (which would not be a completely bad thin).

When the dream started, I was on a mission with two fellow members of the underground team: Caitlin Geeslin and some other guy with glasses (who looked a little like Karl Hall, the older brother of a friend of mine from high school). I was driving a big, junky yellow school bus at down an old road. When we arrived at the destination, which was a camp that had some similarities to Prairie Camp (where I have worked every summer for a long time), yet looked a little like a boating resort (there was a big lake and a big woods).

Our objective was to stop an infamous man from slaying children. (This is gross.) He would kidnap kids and cut off the skin of their face. I had a memory in this dream of walking into a home and finding blood everywhere and discovering a faceless child underneath his bunk bed (apparently this bad guy was my nemesis). We were hoping to stop this sick man once and for all.

When we parked at the camp, we snuck into one of the building that we suspected this sick man would be (he often worked with other people, including his brother, so we were very nervous). After sneaking in through a window, we turned the corner and walked in on a the brother of my nemesis. He was restraining a screaming child with one hand while clutching a knife in the other. Fortunately we had got there just in time. My partner with the glasses (I'll just call him Karl from now on) grabbed the kid away from the bad man. Next Caitlin threw a wooden chair at him, causing him to fall to his feet. Then I managed to grab the knife from the man. However, when I did so, he jumped at me, resulting in a struggle that, in the confusion and flailing of the fight, led to me stabbing the man in the head. He was dead, so the gang and I, along with the child, fled the scene (we feared that the other bad men would soon show up).

As we were leaving, we heard more screams coming from a nearby closet. When we opened it up, we discovered two more children tied up and locked in the closet. We unbound them and fled to the bus. Unfortunately when we got back onto the road, we saw that there was a roadblock up ahead. So I parked the bus at an abandoned truck stop, and all of us got out and hid in the woods. The woods that we were in was very interesting because, though it was thick with trees and bushes, there was no soil or dirt. Instead, the ground was made of white sand.

After a couple minutes of hiding, we heard some men walking outside of the woods. I recognized a voice; it was the bad guy. Without thinking, we all fled in the opposite direct, which led us back to the camp. There Caitlin and I sent Karl away with the kids in a car we stole (for a good purpose), instructing Karl to find the authorities. In the meantime, Caitlin and I were trying to blend in with the crowd of people at the camp store. Just to be certain, we bought a birthday card there and acted like we were there to celebrate somebody's birthday. For some reason, the cashier gave me a bunch of old and rare coins as my change by accident, so we had an interesting time being forced to give our change back to him.

I am not sure what we were waiting for, but we sat in that store for a long time. When the sky became dark, Caitlin and I tried to discover which cabin the bad men were living in so we could let the authorities know (unfortunately cell phones did not work at this camp; that may explain some of our actions). As we were sneaking around, we finally discovered their location. Unfortunately, they caught us. They asked me what I was doing, and I told them I had recently blacked out and was searching for my cabin (I acted drunk). Thinking my lie worked, I proceeded to head back to the bus and find some authorities.

Unfortunately, the bad guys were only entertaining my lie. I heard a gunshot and noticed that a cabin I was near got struck. By the way, Caitlin had apparently already fled the scene. I began to run and the bad guys began to chase me. I turned many corners in hopes to lose my enemies, but they remained close to me in the chase. Then a bad thing happened; I ran into the edge of the lake. I did not know what to do but, strangely enough, there were john boats lined up across the lake, so I hopped across those to the other side. I finally lost my enemies behind me. Then I entered the sandy woods, ran quickly through it, and arrived at the bus, which Caitlin had already started in preparation for our getaway.

Suddenly that story transitioned into something completely different. I was walking through the basement of my old church in near darkness. When I walked up the stairs I found myself in a strange place: an outdoor Best Buy. I looked around and noticed that Best Buy had become more of a hardware store than an electronics store. While I was walking around, I saw David Badertscher shopping. Noticing I needed a haircut, he handed me some sheers. I cut my hair right there in the middle of the store. Then I stole a Best Buy trash can.

Then I awoke.

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