Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dream #68 (September 28, 2009)

Don't ask me.

This dream started in an old trailer in the middle of hillbilly country. The atmosphere was dusty and brown, and the housing structures seemed very unstable. I was inside one of the trailers with a band of rascals. We were some sort of organization or force. The only member I knew in 'the force' was Jordan Miller.

As we sat together and dined on miniature sandwiches, a villain entered (I just knew he was a villain by looking at him) and showed us a powerpoint about how he was going to destroy us. Then he jumped through a portal. Without thinking, all of us (the force) followed him.

We were in the future. We each had a different colored motorcycle (mine was green), and we were riding in a city that seemed to be completely made of roads. There were layers upon layers of bridges, highways, entrances, and exits. The design was quite complex.

We were riding at full speed when another gang, that was also moving via motorcycles, approached us and began knocking us off of our transportation. After each of us had fallen off, each of the gang members simultaneously jumped of of their motorcycle and walked toward one of my groups members. Then an epic battle ensued. There were sword fights going on, as well as fist fights, wrestling, and gun fights. As for me, I was going crazy, with insane jump kicks, swinging off of poles, leaping high and far without effort.

When the battle was over, each member of 'the force' had conquered the opposing gang members. There was a woman from the gang who was nearly dead, and as she struggled to stand up, Jordan opened her arms to her, offering her a hug (she even said, "Come here, girl"). Then, unexpectedly, the woman pulled out a shiv (which I believe was a green #2 pencil) and stabbed Jordan in the neck. That woman was instantly shot down by another member of 'the force.' Blood was squirting out of Jordan's neck, yet her cheerful disposition did not leave her. She was still bouncing around and asking how the other members of the group were doing while, at the same time, trying to hold her blood in her body.

Then I awoke.

Dream #67 (September 27, 2009)

This is odd.

In this dream, Doug Miller was teaching a class in the middle of the night on a moonlit mountain. That, however, was not the most interesting aspect of this dream, for the subject of the class was human bowling. At the beginning of the class, Doug explained the unappreciated art of human bowling, and why it is aesthetically important. Then he demonstrated proper form.

Finally, after what seemed like long hours of explanation, the 'hands on' part of the class arrived. We actually got to put what we learned into practice. After seeing many people disappear off the edge of the cliff as they dove down the rocks towards the big bowling pins at the bottom, my turn finally came. I dove, penguin style, at lightning speed. STRIKE.

Then we moved into a cave to get the feel of a different human bowling environment. Instead of going individually, we went as partners. My partner for this task was B.J. Woods, a kid that I knew in elementary school that later became what the 'nerds' liked to call a 'druggy.' Because he was high at the time, our performance was poor. In fact, we did so poorly that we slid completely off coarse into a crack, causing us top get stuck.

I struggled hard to get out, but I couldn't. B.J. was not helping in the situation, for he was just laying there cracking perverse jokes without putting forth even the slightest of efforts. Then Doug came over and looked down at me, shaking his head.

Then I awoke.

Dream #66 (September 26, 2009)

Sorry for the delay.

This dream was particularly pleasing to me. First of all, I was a cast member, along with my mother and father, on Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm. Secondly, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were both special guests on the episode that was being shot during my dream. It was a dream come true (or maybe it was just a dream).

Early on in the dream, Art got his shots done, so he left (he walked home on a long dirt path). Then came Paul Simon's part. He did an excellent job acting (which surprised me). When he was done, I wanted to talked to him (how often does one find an opportunity to converse with Paul Simon?). Unfortunately I was struggling due to a fear of being seen by Paul as just another dumb fan. Right when I built up the courage to talk to him, my parents walked into the front door of what was supposed to by Larry's house in the show (which, in my dream, was much less extravagant than his previous houses; it was more like a trailer).

To make matters worse, my mom came up and hugged Paul. It was kind of awkward. I tried to whisper to my mother that he probably did not want to have physical contact with a stranger, but she did not seem to get the message.

Then Larry David walked in. It was time for my interaction with him on the show. This tuned out to be a lot of fun. Larry and I were able to feed off of each other's improvisation, and we got the shot on the first take with complete satisfaction. To my excitement, Paul had stayed to watch my performance, giving me a chance to finally talk to him.

We talked about generic subjects at first, and eventually I built up the courage to ask him if he was going to make a new album. He said that he was not sure, so I asked him if he was still writing. "Of coarse," he replied with his typical half smile.

During the entire conversation, I was dying inside. I desperately wanted his autograph, but I did not want to humiliate myself by asking for it. Finally, right before Paul left, I asked him. Without giving it a second thought, he whipped out his book of lyrics, signed it, handed it to me, and left. I was pleased.

Then I awoke.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Dream #65 (September 25, 2009)

This is another dream I had on September 25th.

I was one of a band of three orphans. My two amigos were a young girl and another boy of about 20 years of age, and apparently we were close. In the beginning of the dream we were hanging out at a skateboard park in the middle of the night running around on all of the ramps. After a very long time of this, a cop came and took the youngest girl away without question.

Apparently used to this tradition, the other boy and I walked over to the police station (passing a bunch of abandoned stores on the way) to plead with the officer to let the girl go. We entered the police office, which was furnished and carpeted more like a living room than a jail cell, and begged with the jail keeper to allow the girl to be released. We were successful after bribing him with a loaf of freshly baked bread.

When we left, we explored many amazing buildings and city structures by climbing them, entering them, and running on them. Eventually we discovered a large outdoor banquet that happened to be carrying on through the night. In the middle of the banquet ran a man-made stream, and in the center of the banquet stood a large pile of barrels. At the top of the barrels stood a man (the barrels were stacked close to forty feet high). The man jumped, seemingly to his death.

Everyone thought that the man was a goner. After some interviewing and listening into other people's conversations, my amigos and I discovered that the man had recently robbed a bank and was trying to escape. I then became suspicious, so I climbed to the top of the barrel tower to see if he could have escape by a route alternate to death. Sure enough, I found a barrel that slid down into a secret tunnel running underneath the stream of water.

Then I awoke.

Dream #64 (September 25, 2009)

I had two dream on September 25, so I split them up. Also, unfortunately, I forgot my dream the night before, even though I went through the entire thing in my head as I ate breakfast. I would like to think that the missing dream (Dream #63.5) is the door into my subconscious that would solve all riddles about the human brain.

Anyways, this dream began in a laboratory, which, of corse, was filled with typical laboritory equipment that one would find in a lab in a cartoon, such as beakers, winding tubes, green and bubbling liquids, twirly bottles (I made that up), and transparent drawing boards.

Nathan Galvez, Lauren De la Calzada, and I were all a part of a number of experiments that attempted to create different foods that would taste good, yet remain gluton-free. The experiments were going very well, until, to the surprise of all the scientists in the room, a creature, that was some sort of mix between a cocroach, a scorpion, and a dragon fly and was over a foot long, flew into the room and began to terrorize everyone.

Filled with bravery and a thrist for adventure, Nathan and I immediately began to chase this orange, ugly creature so that the experiments could continue (it was all for De la). After chasing the insect mash-up around all the lab equipment for quite some time (knocking many things over in the process, sometimes seeming intentionally), we chased it into a hallway that strangely resembled the hallway of my grandfather's house. Then the bug took a quick turn into a bedroom, followed by Nathan and I.

We managed to scare the insect into a corner of the room; however it was the corner where the ceiling meets the wall, which we could not reach. Therefore we did the next logical thing; we grabbed the sheet off the bed, and with much teamwork, we tried to capture the creature in our sheet. We elegance and futility we chased the bug around the room for several minutes; though it looked as beautiful as a inticritely choreographed dance, it did not result in the demise of the bug. Finally, after much lofting of the white linnen, we managed to roll up the bug and trap it.

After we caught it, we through it on the floor, and I proceeded to kick it in the head several times in an attempt to knock it out without killing. However, I failed to disempower the bug, so we left it trapped in the sheet and we returned to work.

When we returned to the lab, a new formula was ready to be tested. This new concoction was to be injected via pointy needle into the left arm of De la. To my dismay, I was called upon to initiate this injection. I do not do so well with needles, so I struggled to fulfill my task. After several embarrasing failed attmepts, though I did once touch the needle to her arm ever so slightly, I dropped the needle and gave up. Baffled by my weakness, and showing no sign of any thought, Nathan picked up the needle I had dropped and mercilessly jabbed it into De la's arm.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dream # 63 (September 23, 2009)

This could be humorous if you know the participants in this dream.

When I first entered the dream, I found myself at Professor Keuthan's house. He was planning to move, so he had several students there packing up his stuff. My job was to pack up all of his dress clothes. After I searched the small house for the clothes I finally discovered them in a closet in his living room. Knowing that everything had to be packed tightly, I began to fold his dress shirts into a nice compact cube.

This action did not seem to please Keuthan, for he ran at me screaming for me to not crease his nice shirts. Therefore I proceeded to drop all of his clothes and leave the house.

When I went outside I found that the moving vehicle was nothing but a small car and that this car was driven by my brother, who was with his wife. I went up to his window and asked him to where he was hauling Keuthan's stuff, and he told me they were headed to Utah. I decided to help the professor again because my brother was helping him. Somehow the other students and I managed to cram all of Keuthan's belongings into the small trunk of the small car.

Suddenly I found myself in the middle of a store. As I stood in the toy section, I witnessed a small boy being chased by toy airplanes and helicopters. After several minutes of this entertainment, I found myself further removed from the situation; I discovered that I was on a film set.

After the take was over and as the camera and lighting team were setting up for a new shot, I sat down on a ledge outside the studio. Then I saw Caitlin and a couple other girls I do not know well enter the studio, not even stopping to say 'hello.'

Then I found myself inside of a small car. I was in the backseat with three other people, and I was one of the two people in the middle. On my left was a weird guy and on my right sat a strange girl. I was so uncomfortable. What made it worse was when the girl next to me tried to stand up while we were still on the road. I wanted badly to escape.

I did escape when I awoke shortly after.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dream #62 (September 22, 2009)

I am posting this dream from the Regent University computer lab. This is because my iMac had passed away, leaving me with nothing but an unusable hard drive filled with my once recognizable life. Anyways...

Last night's dream was not dreadfully exciting, but it was nonetheless interesting.

I was sharing a room in an apartment with Greg Beck, Josh Shook, and some other huge guy that I did not even know in my dream. When I say one room, I mean one room. We didn't even have bed. So, to start out the dream, my roommates and I were all sleeping on the floor with no blankets.

For one reason or another, there was a toy robot in the room, and it happened to be near my head. In the middle of the night, while I was trying to sleep, the robot kept extending its arms (the robot was about two feet tall), and it would spin around in circles, all the while making an annoying buzzing sound. Apparently this bothered nobody else but myself, so I was forced to put up with it.

After several minutes of trying to sleep, the huge guy I did not know suddenly leaped to his feet and screamed at the top of his lungs, not surprisingly waking Josh and Greg from their slumber. He then turned on the lights and stormed out of the room. Because Josh and Greg wanted to see what was up with that crazy guy, they followed him.

I was left alone with the robot.

Because I was a little intimidated by this 'toy,' I decided to take a trip to the bathroom to get my mind off of the situation. However, when I reached the toilet, I discovered that it was covered with urine, and it reeked to high heaven. Therefore I returned to the room, unrelieved.

When I got back, the robot was sitting there waiting for me. I was slightly creeped out by this thing, so I slept as far away from it as possible. However, every time I shut my eyelids, I heard it moving, but when I opened my eyes it would stop. The robot continued to do this until it was right up on me.

When I realized that the robot was upon me, my eyes widened in terror. Suddenly the robot let out a high pitched beep and spun faster than I had ever seen it spun. Seconds later, to my surprise, I shot up and out of the room, leaving a small hole in the roof.

Then I awoke.

Dream #61 (September 21, 2009)

I apologize that this dream has been posted a day late. I will explain the problem in the next blog.

This dream was interesting and strange. In the first part of the dream I was an intern at an enormous apple orchard. My job was to climb up old, rusty ladders to the top of silos and check on the apple supply inside. I wore a backpack full of water that was connected to a power washer so that when I got to the top of the silo, I could open up the hatch and spray the apples down.

The view from the top of the silos was amazing. I could see beautiful green woods spreading for miles, and the sun was the most beautiful I had ever seen it (I don't typically get to look at the sun light I did in my dream).

After climbing down from my third silo, I encountered my boss. He was having a heated discussion with my mother who was claiming that my job was to dangerous and that I should have some sort of compensation for putting my life on the line multiple times a day.

After the argument, my boss sent me to the town gymnasium where I was told to manage a young men's basketball league. When I got there, however, I was greeted with hostility; the men heckled me and laughed at me because of my size.

Angered by their insults, I decided that I electrocute each and every one of those mean men. I hooked up the main power system to a shocking device (it would give them a hard shock, but would not kill them).

However, just as I was about ready to shock them all, a stampede of water rushed through the doors of the gym and covered the floor at least two feet deep. Knowing the shock would now be fatal to the men, I decided to not administer it. Instead, I shot fire at them with a flamethrower.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dream #60 (September 20, 2009)

This is odd.

I began this dream with a mission. I was supposed to go to the local supermarket to purchase some sandwich materials for a ball that was going to be held at a mansion at which I was living at the time. Interestingly, the supermarket was no ordinary store; it also had an airport connected to it.

When I arrived at the combination supermarket/airport, I was distracted by seeing my old roommate Kevin Chupp there. He was returning from a flight arriving from California and I stopped and talked with him a while about usual stuff.

Then I returned to the mansion. When I arrived at the large black gate, I realized that I had forgot to fulfill my task, so I returned to the supermarket/airport. This time when I arrived, I saw Tim Bernsten waiting in the security line of the airport section having a heated debate with one of the customer service attendants regarding his ticket. Apparently they would not allow him on his scheduled flight because his ticket was 100 years old. Tim argued that his vintage ticket should be accepted because it said "09" (which actually stood for 1909).

Distracted by this phenomena, I again left the supermarket without the product I was supposed to purchase, so I returned once again. This time Kevin Chupp was there again, except he was in the supermarket section. When I went to talk to him (this time I picked out the sandwich stuff before allowing myself to be distracted) he started shoving tons of tater tots into my mouth as I desperately tried to swallow them before choking on them. Eventually I spat them out and ran to the cashier to make my purchase.

When I returned to the mansion, I tried to get into the black gate, but for some reason my access key was not working. Then I realized I was using the wrong key; instead of using my mansion key card, I was using my Michigan State key card (which I do not possess in real life). When I entered the enormous and gorgeous building, I gave the food to the host and went into a closet to change into some fancy clothes.

When I came out of the closet, I discovered that all of the guests (mainly old people dressed in very nice suits) had arrived. I proceeded to meander up to the balcony where I started doing a strange task. In front of me stood an oversized table covered with cups of grey stones. For one reason or another, I began to mix up the stones and move them from cup to cup.

After several minutes of this, the entire room of people became quiet and all attention was turned toward my direction, thanks to Dan Nettleton. Dan had walked up to where I was arranging the rocks and had begun teaching an object lesson with what I was doing. I don't remember exactly what Dan was talking about, but I do remember that he somehow related what I was doing to spirituality.

After Dan's little sermon, I walked with him back to the ground floor. Tons of people approached me in an unexpectedly excited manner. Apparently they were enthralled with my object lesson (which I had not planned in advance) and Dan's interpretation and spiritual application.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dream #59 (September 19, 2009)

This is odd.

At the start of the dream I was driving to Professor Doug Miller's house. I was actually driving Caitlin's car (which is what I rode in last time I went to Mr. Miller's house). When I arrived, I was immediately greeted by Doug with a handshake and an open door.

To my surprise, when I entered the house, everything suddenly seemed pitch black. After a short while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. There were a few narrowly spotted lights pointed in different directions. What stuck out to me, though, were the numerous mirrors scattered throughout the house, reflecting beams of light in every direction.

Then Pam and Doug approached me and asked me how I liked their lighting setup and told me that I could explore their house if I wanted.

For the rest of the dream I wandered in all directions, going from mirror to mirror and from light to light. Occasionally I would see Doug, try to talk to him, and realize that I was talking to a reflection of a reflection of a reflection, etc. It was quite trippy.

After a lot of confusion and wandering, I awoke.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dream #58 (September 18, 2009)

This is slightly ridiculous.

The dream began in the backyard of my parents' house. In the dream I was a ninja-in-training, and I was training alongside another guy. We both had ninja swords and crazy ninja moves.

However, this training was a lot more serious than one would think. First of all, we were being forced to join a Nazi army that had formed in Koontz Lake. Second, during this training session, the other guy and I were supposed to battle each other to the death, and the champion would gain an important position in the ninja Nazi army.

Before you judge me for being in this horrible situation, I must explain that I had an alternate motive for joining the Nazi ninja army; I wanted to be a spy for the underground group I was a part of that was hoping to overthrow the Nazis in Koontz Lake. To my surprise, however, we were ordered to battle to the death. Therefore I was torn between to choices; I could kill the other guy (I was a talented ninja) and support my cause, or I could find a way to escape so that I did not have to kill another man (I don't like killing people).

Because I wanted to do everything in my power to not kill another man, I tried to persuade my training partner to give up this battle and join me to take on the Nazi captain who was overseeing the battle. However, to my surprise, he was actually supportive of the Nazi cause. So I had no choice but to battle.

We started out sword fighting on the ground. Eventually we lit a tower on fire that happened to be standing in the yard for our convenience. We climbed on this flaming tower as we fought, swords blazing. The whole time I had the upper hand, and at any time I could have killed this guy, but that is not what I wanted to do.

After wearing him out, I jumped off the burning platform and ran into my woods. However, the guy followed me with a large spear. Showing no mercy he chucked the spear in my direction. I, having the agility of a ninja, easily dodged the spear, but I allowed it to strike close enough so that I could appear to be struck down. As the other ninja trainee approached me to gloat over his kill, I sprung up and knocked him on the head with the wide end of my sword, rendering him unconscious.

Then I fled further into the woods to escape the Nazi captain who was trying to persuade me to finish the other guy off. Then the captain jumped into his Mercedes Benz and chased after me. I found that I was so fast that I could outrun the car.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dream #57 (September 17, 2009)

Here is another dream.

This dream started in what was supposed to be my grandfather's house even though it looked nothing like it. In fact, the structure was much closer to my uncle's home. The color had a blue tint to it, like tungsten film exposed with daylight.

At the beginning of my dream, I was having dinner with my little brother. We were eating large and delicious stakes (they were nearly the size of my torso). We were chewing on some fat when a bunch of guys walked in and asked us if we wanted to make a deal. One guy pulled out a large springy device out of his coat and asked us if we wanted the thing he was holding. I had no idea what it was at the time, so I denied his offer (which would later result in some frustration).

After my brother and I had finished our steaks, we ordered pizza, which came quite quickly. For some reason, we were already full, so we got a carry out box from the cupboard and left. As we walked out the door, the guy who had offered us the 'trade' mentioned that we would regret not offering them food.

My brother and I both got into my car (which was an old blue chevy that I had never seen) and started pulling out of the parking lot (yes, there was a parking lot instead of a driveway in front of the house). Unfortunately when we began to pull out, the breaks would not work; those guys had tampered with our car, and that thing they tried to give us must have been something they took out of it. I began to swerve all over the place in an attempt to slow down. Luckily the street was not busy because we crossed it four times as we rode back and forth.

Finally I had a brilliant idea. I opened up my door and slammed my foot to the ground, hoping that the car would stop from the friction. However, this only made the car go out of control. We ended up going down the road, missing the curve (apparently the steering was off as well), and driving into a lake just as the sun was coming up.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dream #56 (September 16, 2009)

This is not too exciting.

Last night took place inside of a room that was a part of a theater lobby. I went into the room and found that it was enormous. The ceiling must have been forty feet high. Inside the room there were many brown tables set up all over the place.

Immediately after entering the room, I began to lay each and every one of the tables on its side. After several minutes of this, I had successfully turned all the tables over. I then proceeded to pull a chair into the center of the room and sit in it, alone.

A couple of minutes later a woman came into the room with some sheers. She plugged them in and went to town on my hair as if this were some sort of pre-planned appointment.

When she finished cutting my hair, I stood up and looked around. I, for the first time, noticed that the room was entirely white with no color whatsoever. Furthermore, the tables had all become white.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dream #55 (September 15, 2009)

Where do all these different things come from?

This dream was particularly strange because it was narrated by an outside source. It was almost as if I was a part of a demonstrative documentary of sorts.

Anyway, I had a much stronger build than I usually do, and I was wearing a tight black shirt to apparently show that off. I was in the middle of a desert that looked very similar to Utah. I had parked my enormous black truck in the middle of nowhere and had walked over to cliff.

I decided to jump off the cliff as the narrator described what I was doing. As he explained, I grasped onto the ledge of an arch that was about eight feet from the ledge of the cliff I had just jumped from. As I dangled, I reached to the top of the arch several times, grabbing rocks and chucking them at a boulder on the top of a cliff that was about twenty feet to my right. Then the narrator informed the 'audience' that I was trying to start a rock slide. I was successful, so I swung back over to the cliff I had originally come from.

When I walked back to my truck, the narrator explained that I should check for snakes in my tailpipe, so I became a little disgusted. Then, to my surprise (even in the dream I was surprised) I pulled out a hard snake from the back of the truck and shoved it into the tail pipe (I actually had a whole mess of pipes sticking out of the back of my truck). The snake, after a couple of minutes, emerged from the pipe with large lumps in its body. It must have found something in there.

Then, without any thought, I proceeded to drive my truck off the cliff, following the direction of the narrator. When I landed, the outside voice was gone. I leaped from my oversized truck to the ground and saw that a ninja wanted to battle me. Interested in a good fight, I accepted.

We had an epic battle that involved superhuman jumping abilities, several flying kicks, and many body slams from twenty feet above the ground. After several minutes of this, I felt my body break and I was unable to move.

Then my dream transitioned to a hospital where Kevin Chupp and his two sisters were sitting next to me. For one reason or another, I was dressed up like Art Garfunkel, and the Chupps all had Art Garfunkel action figures in their hands. After we talked for a while, the dream transitioned again.

I found myself on Centerville Turnpike in the middle of the night. I was playing a role in some mobster fight involving characters from The Office. As I stood at the intersection of Centerville and Indian River, I pulled out a large gun from my jacket I was wearing and began firing at everyone I saw.

Once I had mercilessly murdered everyone around me, I walked back to the Commons.

Then I awoke.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dream #54 (September 14, 2009)

I went to bed without recording my dream and right before I fell asleep (my mind was wandering), I remembered to do this.

Last nights dream, like most of my dreams, seems, on the surface, to have come out of nowhere. I began the dream as a Jewish prisoner in a two-story house during World War II. Kevin Chupp (my Freshman roommate) was a prisoner with me, and together we were locked up in a musty old room for the first part of my dream. The room seemed to be falling apart. The coloring was cold, though browns were the primary colors of this dream. There were no windows to let light in, and the room was lit by cracks in the wall that leaked light in from other rooms of the house.

After moping about for quite some time, the war finally ended, and Kevin and I were set free. Unfortunately I could no longer walk, so I was forced to use a wheelchair. Kevin and I went our separate ways, so I had to wheel myself down the road alone.

The road on which I traveled was winding all over the place and it seemed to be made of dust. Most of the scenery was open fields, and the only man-made structures were clay buildings. It was light outside, yet there was no sun, and there was a strange coloring to the lighting as well that I cannot describe.

Finally I reached my destination, which turned out to be a garage sale taking place inside of a wooden supermarket. There were all kinds of old toys, many of which I wanted to purchase (especially after the tough time I had gone through). I saw my old neighbor there as well, and we talked for a little while.

I eventually left the store without making a single purchase. Once I returned to the dusty road, I lost all control of the wheelchair and began to roll uncontrollably towards the horizon.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dream #53 (September 13, 2009)

This is odd.

The entire dream took place inside of my parent's garage and had a fiery, glowing characteristic to the lighting. Carrie Badertscher (my boss at Prairie Camp) was having a camp meeting with her core staff (myself included) and all of the male counselors. Carrie's hair was quite wild, giving her a mad look, which scared me because it reminded me of an old babysitter I once had.

During the heated discussion, fists were pounding the table, objects were being thrown, spit was shooting out of people's mouths, and I was looking on the entire argument with fear. At the peak of the anger, Carrie stood up with some furry and the room fell into anxious silence. She then proceeded to place death sentences on three of the counselors, which was to be carried out immediately by me.

I did not know what to do. Only in my dreams had I ever killed another person, and this dream was reality to me at the time. I regret to say that I went through with Carrie's orders. I am quite disappointed in my decision. Right in that very garage, I stabbed three men in a matter of seconds just to please my boss. To my dismay, the third man did not die right away, so I had to watch him suffer, yell, and beg for his life. Not having any mercy, I stabbed him a second time.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dream #52 (September 12, 2009)

This dream was filled with highly saturated colors.

I began this dream on a country road that ran through the middle of a field. The wheat all around me was golden and beautiful, and the trees the were spread throughout the landscape were charmingly green. I was walking with my little brother and Jeff Kreider (my old camp counselor).

After several minutes of walking, we reached a small river flowing with water that matched the blue sky in color. The bank of this river was filled with various reds, greens, yellows, and oranges. Because of its sheer beauty, I decided to walk into the river.

I found the current of the river to be much more rapid than I had anticipated; however, I was able to float without expending any sizable amount of energy. It was similar to a face-paced lazy river (it would be better labeled as an ambitious river). I enjoyed the peace that came over me as I floated down the river. I saw beautiful birds, houses, and plants.

After several minutes of floating, I heard some splashing beside me. I looked toward the source of the noise and found out that it was a golden retriever swimming next to me. For the rest of my journey I floated next to the kindly dog and had a conversation with him about the beauty of our surroundings.

After I reached the end of the river (I did not know that was really possible), I walked back home. It was quite dark when I was back in my old home of Koontz Lake. When I arrived, my dad scolded me for returning so late and asked why I couldn't come home at the same time as my little brother. Apparently he had been there for several hours. I looked out the window and saw the golden retriever looking back at me.

Then I awoke.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dream #51 (September 11, 2009)

This dream had an interesting plot.

Coming into the dream I had an understood life history that is much different from my real life history. First of all, I was the leader of an underground operation. The primary objective of this team of underground workers was to save children from kidnappers and child abusers. We also had other objectives, such as coming of with plans to drastically change America's education system (which would not be a completely bad thin).

When the dream started, I was on a mission with two fellow members of the underground team: Caitlin Geeslin and some other guy with glasses (who looked a little like Karl Hall, the older brother of a friend of mine from high school). I was driving a big, junky yellow school bus at down an old road. When we arrived at the destination, which was a camp that had some similarities to Prairie Camp (where I have worked every summer for a long time), yet looked a little like a boating resort (there was a big lake and a big woods).

Our objective was to stop an infamous man from slaying children. (This is gross.) He would kidnap kids and cut off the skin of their face. I had a memory in this dream of walking into a home and finding blood everywhere and discovering a faceless child underneath his bunk bed (apparently this bad guy was my nemesis). We were hoping to stop this sick man once and for all.

When we parked at the camp, we snuck into one of the building that we suspected this sick man would be (he often worked with other people, including his brother, so we were very nervous). After sneaking in through a window, we turned the corner and walked in on a the brother of my nemesis. He was restraining a screaming child with one hand while clutching a knife in the other. Fortunately we had got there just in time. My partner with the glasses (I'll just call him Karl from now on) grabbed the kid away from the bad man. Next Caitlin threw a wooden chair at him, causing him to fall to his feet. Then I managed to grab the knife from the man. However, when I did so, he jumped at me, resulting in a struggle that, in the confusion and flailing of the fight, led to me stabbing the man in the head. He was dead, so the gang and I, along with the child, fled the scene (we feared that the other bad men would soon show up).

As we were leaving, we heard more screams coming from a nearby closet. When we opened it up, we discovered two more children tied up and locked in the closet. We unbound them and fled to the bus. Unfortunately when we got back onto the road, we saw that there was a roadblock up ahead. So I parked the bus at an abandoned truck stop, and all of us got out and hid in the woods. The woods that we were in was very interesting because, though it was thick with trees and bushes, there was no soil or dirt. Instead, the ground was made of white sand.

After a couple minutes of hiding, we heard some men walking outside of the woods. I recognized a voice; it was the bad guy. Without thinking, we all fled in the opposite direct, which led us back to the camp. There Caitlin and I sent Karl away with the kids in a car we stole (for a good purpose), instructing Karl to find the authorities. In the meantime, Caitlin and I were trying to blend in with the crowd of people at the camp store. Just to be certain, we bought a birthday card there and acted like we were there to celebrate somebody's birthday. For some reason, the cashier gave me a bunch of old and rare coins as my change by accident, so we had an interesting time being forced to give our change back to him.

I am not sure what we were waiting for, but we sat in that store for a long time. When the sky became dark, Caitlin and I tried to discover which cabin the bad men were living in so we could let the authorities know (unfortunately cell phones did not work at this camp; that may explain some of our actions). As we were sneaking around, we finally discovered their location. Unfortunately, they caught us. They asked me what I was doing, and I told them I had recently blacked out and was searching for my cabin (I acted drunk). Thinking my lie worked, I proceeded to head back to the bus and find some authorities.

Unfortunately, the bad guys were only entertaining my lie. I heard a gunshot and noticed that a cabin I was near got struck. By the way, Caitlin had apparently already fled the scene. I began to run and the bad guys began to chase me. I turned many corners in hopes to lose my enemies, but they remained close to me in the chase. Then a bad thing happened; I ran into the edge of the lake. I did not know what to do but, strangely enough, there were john boats lined up across the lake, so I hopped across those to the other side. I finally lost my enemies behind me. Then I entered the sandy woods, ran quickly through it, and arrived at the bus, which Caitlin had already started in preparation for our getaway.

Suddenly that story transitioned into something completely different. I was walking through the basement of my old church in near darkness. When I walked up the stairs I found myself in a strange place: an outdoor Best Buy. I looked around and noticed that Best Buy had become more of a hardware store than an electronics store. While I was walking around, I saw David Badertscher shopping. Noticing I needed a haircut, he handed me some sheers. I cut my hair right there in the middle of the store. Then I stole a Best Buy trash can.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dream #50 (September 10, 2009)

This dream involves a good amount of people that I know.

It all began in the middle of the night in a surreal, empty city. Kevin Chupp, my little brother, and I were on a team that was competing in a sort of scavenger hunt/mystery competition. We were searching for clues that would lead us to the location of a treasure. At the same time, we had certain tasks to complete before we could find the treasure.

We first started outside of a creepy and enormous mansion. When we entered we found that it was eerily lit by a few candles. We searched through the various rooms that were quite oddly designed, gathering the materials we needed (a candlestick, a clock, and a pair of black socks). Then, to our surprise, the next thing on the list ordered us to all combat a Sith Lord in the mansion with light sabers.

Out of nowhere, a tall man in a long black robe walked out from behind the staircase, holding a red light saber. Then Kevin noticed a collection of light sabers on a table nearby and grabbed one for each of us (I had a green light saber). Then we battled in typical Star Wars fashion, with all the jumps, flips, dives, twirls, and close-calls. After several minutes of battle, the Sith Lord used "The Force" to throw a table at me, which went on to hit me in the head. I blacked out.

Then I woke up in my parents' house. I was now involved in a completely different story. It was Sunday morning and I was late for church. However, before I left, I decided to check the Internet. Apparently I had entered a video contest, and I wanted to see how I did. To my surprise I discovered that my little brother had entered the contest as well, and his video took votes that I should have gotten, causing a lame video to win (or so I thought in my head). By the way, my little brother's video involved a stuffed gorilla and a brown clay truck.

I went to church a little annoyed. When I entered the sanctuary, I was surprised by the worship for the week. On stage, Eric and Emily de Araujo, along with some other people I did not know, were playing Brazilian music onstage, complete with horns and interesting percussion. Then I saw Nathan Galvez and Lauren sitting in the back pew, so I sat with them. Though I enjoyed the worship a lot, Nathan did not seemed to thrilled with it. So we decided to walk out of the service and go to my house.

There we made and ate an entire 'thing' of homemade ice cream. It was good.

From there, I went back to the church to watch the Brazilians perform some more music after the service. There I saw the old Bethel College gang (Shana, Ashley, Stan, Kevin, Jessica, Greg, and Jason). They were particularly enjoying the music. At the time, Eric D was performing quite a solo on a saxophone. Then I went and looked behind the curtain behind the stage (while the band was still performing) and I saw my little brother playing drums.

Then I awoke.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dream #49 (September 9, 2009)

This is a little interesting.

Last night I dreamed that was blind. The funny thing is that it took me a while to notice. I was walking around my room at the Regent Commons in the dark, and I was unable to turn the lights on. However, I was still able to visualize in my head where things should be, so I went about my normal business. I ate cereal, talked to somebody who came to the room, and tried to get on the computer.

Finally, I realized that could not see. Instead of freaking out like most people would, I just accepted it right away. I decided then and there that I wanted to something crazy that blind people can't normally do, so I decided to become a professional boxer.

The next thing I knew I was boxing my first match. I was receiving a lot of press coverage due to the craziness of the bout. When the match began, I knew that I had to be quick and unpredictable so that I would not be hit. Right when the bell rang, I immediately began hopping and running around the ring, trying to be as random as I could with my movements. Then I realized that I also had to hit him if I wanted to win, so I occasionally leaped forward with a mighty uppercut.

For a long time I did not get hit. However, I did not hit my opponent either. After several minutes, I felt a slight tap on my arm, which caused me to pause for a moment, which then led to a swift blast in my face. I fell back, trying to reach the ropes behind me (which were not as close to me as I had predicted).

When I hit the floor, I did a summersault, spun around and faked a punch with my right and and used my left hand to do a wicked cross. I hit my opponent in the shoulder, and from there, I was able to let the fists fly.

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dream #48 (September 8, 2009)

This was amazingly interesting.

At the start of the dream, I was at my house, and it was the middle of the night. Something cause me to wake up and walk out to the living (that looks out into the front yard) and there I saw some headlights pull into the driveway.

I walked outside, and a few seconds later, my mom, dad, and little brother all came outside as well. The person who pulled up was my grandfather. He was in a big blue van that looked much more junky than anything he had driven for a long time. Then he explained to my family that the van contained a special room in the back (all the seats had been taken out). If passengers were to ride in this special room, they would enter into a parallel universe.

Tempted and intrigued, my family all managed to fit into the back of the van. As my grandfather began to drive down the highway on which we live, we found ourselves being absorbed by a bright and cold light. Suddenly we found ourselves (still in the van) in a large school parking lot.

When we walked out, my grandfather told us all to meet him there the next day. We had no idea where to go, so we all split up (though my parents stayed together). As I walked down the street in the middle of the night alone, I saw a house that looked so eery that I had to enter it. It was several stories tall and, for some reason, I felt welcome there.

When I entered, I was welcomed by Greg Beck (from Regent University), who, because it was a parallel universe, was different. He was very wealthy and very generous. When I went inside I discovered that he was preparing for a middle-of-the-night dinner party. As he was preparing, I was exploring the house. There were all kinds of secret passage was from room to room, slides instead of stairs in many places, and many of the rooms were very disorienting and strangely shaped (the floors were at an angle to the ground). It was very surreal. I once even slip on a floor and fell through a hole and ended up in his garage, which had many nice cars.

Finally the dinner party was beginning. It was not quite as large as I expected. There were two women there, both dressed in black, and one other man there, also dressed in black. Greg was wearing a yellow shirt, which clashed with the feel of his house, but didn't look too bad on him. After the dinner (which was Italian food), the guests and I left. For a few minutes I walked with the two women who were at the party. We were not talking; we just walked silently side by side. A couple of minutes later, out of nowhere, one of the women pushed the other to the ground and began to beat her mercilessly. Not wanting to get caught up in the mess, I kept on walking.

When I returned to the school, I found my parents there, and I found out from them that they had been looking for my little brother for quite some time. We went inside of the school in hopes that he would be there. When we entered, we discovered that there was a late night basketball game going on from a woman that worked at the desk that looked an awful lot like Jenna W. (who used to be my neighbor at the Regent Commons). She also told my dad to fill out a bunch of paperwork before he could enter into the gymnasium. While my mother and I were waiting for my father, my little brother walked in. He told us that he had been arrested and had managed to escape.

So my family decided to leave. Before we left, however, I peeked into the gym and saw that some interesting people were playing on the basketball team: Michael Kaser, Kody Heffelfinger, among others. As we walked to the parking lot, my grandfather pulled up in the van and picked us up.

When we got back home, my mom called her sister, who, minutes later, showed up at our house with her family, hoping to visit a parallel universe. However, I was too selfish to let them do so before I got to go again (by the way, by this time it was morning). I convinced my grandfather to take me on another trip by myself. So we left together.

When I arrived at the new parallel universe, I found myself under a tall building that had, on the top, a large billboard with my face on it.

Then I awoke.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dream #47 (September 7, 2009)

This dream was visually stimulating.

The first part of my dream was located in a small community in the middle of a forrest. There were homes cut into trees, plenty of rope bridges, and a railroad.

In the beginning of the dream, I was in the basement of a tree. There were roots all over the walls and the floor, and it was difficult to move about. Apparently the house was my own, and I was preparing the house for a party that was supposed to take place there. A friend of mine from high school, Adam Pflugshaupt, (who, curiously, was in a dream of mine a few nights ago) was in the kitchen upstairs baking an enormous pan of garlic bread cake (a perfect desert in my mind). Unfortunately when I walked upstairs I encountered a very bad smell and black smoke; Adam had severely burnt the garlic bread cake.

Because of his mistake, Adam gave me an envelope of money to go buy some food from the local supermarket. When I walked out of the house I noticed how green everything was around me. On my way to the supermarket, I decided to walk along the edge of the wall by the railroad track. This particular track was laid about ten feet below the ground level and was walled off by cement. It was not the safest arrangement, for a person could easily fall down onto the track with little hope of escaping.

As I was walking I met up with a friend of mine from Bethel College, Shana Beers. When she saw me, she became very excited and ran over to me. She handed me a little yellow and green cupcake. When I reached out to grab the cupcake, however, I lost my footing and fell onto the railroad track, landing painfully on my back. I did not want to get up, but a distant train whistle gave me a sudden burst of energy (Sorry Paul Simon, but not everybody loves the sound of a Train in the Distance on all occasions).

I desperately attempted to jump out of the pit, but I just could not grasp the ledge of the concrete wall above me. So, not knowing what to do, I flattened myself against the wall. The train approached faster and faster until it came upon me. Luckily I was untouched by the train when it first passed me. Unluckily I was unable to move an inch, otherwise I would be swept away by the train.

After a ridiculous amount of cars, the train passed and I was able to get out of the pit (I found a ladder a little ways down the tracks). When I got to the top, Shana gave me another envelope that contained a letter from my brothers. In the letter they explained that they moved to Antarctica and wanted me to come visit their home. So I went over to the train station and got on the next train to Antarctica (that came very quickly).

Here the time jumped to my visit with my brothers. I was in their small wooden house amongst all the snow. We were all wearing bright red sweaters and black pants and were discussing about taking a hike to the ocean in the evening.

When it was about to get dark, both of my brothers and I started on our voyage to the ocean. It was quite a fun hike. We were even able to take off our sweatshirts and enjoy the beautiful weather. We ran around gigantic mounds of snow, slid down large hills, and threw snow balls at each other. We also brought pillows (mine was bright red, again) in case we wanted to sleep outside, but I got tired of carrying it, so I left it on the path with the intent of picking it up later. Finally, we reached to ocean front.

It was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. There were green, purple, and yellow lights in the sky that were reflecting off the dark blue water. Together my brothers and I sang Acadian Driftwood and turned around and went home. On the way back, I tried to find my pillow, but it was nowhere to be seen. As the weather began to drop in temperature, we decided to forget about it and go back inside.

When we returned, we found our father and Uncle Keith in the garage working on the heater. As we all stood there talking, my brothers started asking me if I wanted to move in with them and forget about my house back in the forrest. I said I would sleep on it. My little brother suddenly became very hungry and walked back in the house and came back into the garage with a huge bowl of a cereal that resemble Lucky Charms.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dream #46 (September 6, 2009)

I found this to be odd.

This dream primarily took place on an enormous bridge in the middle of a city. The bridge was miles and miles long and thousands of feet wide. It stretched out over a very large body of water, and traffic was moderate.

At the beginning of the dream I was riding in the passenger seat of an old fashioned car (light brown in color). The driver (who looked like somebody out of the 20s) was driving us out of a very dark tunnel onto the bridge I just described. When we reach the middle of the bridge we found that a road block had been made by about six other old fashioned cars (white and black in color).

The driver pulled over and I pulled out my tommy gun. We walked up to the road block where a menacing woman was standing. She had several henchmen around her, and she was giving me an evil and arrogant eye. She too had a tommy gun pointed at me.

We had a stand-off for several minutes (this part took up the most time in my dream) We just stared at each other for the longest time. I was sweating profusely, as was my enemy. Strangely enough, the sweat was dripping off of her face in high definition slow motion.

After quite a long stare-down, I decided that it was the time to act. I fired off my gun while simultaneously jumping to the side. Unfortunately I only hit her a couple of times in the shoulder (which also played in slow motion allowing me to see the bullet break the skin and bone in gruesome detail). I managed to dodge her bullets as I made it safely behind my car door. With another quick move I managed to get inside the car and drive off (I must have left my driver to fend for himself), and I drove back into the tunnel at an amazing high speed. I entered into the black abyss of the tunnel not able to see anything in front of me. As my line of vision began to fade behind me, I noticed that I was being chased by all six of the cars from the road block. Eventually everything faded to black except for the very small bit of road revealed by my headlights.

Then I awoke.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dream #45 (September 5, 2009)

I found this to be rather strange.

The dream began as I sat in a living room of sorts (it was decorated with much maroon and purple velvet) watching television. At the time, I was being 'forced' to watch a soap opera that was on television. After several minutes of this torture, something strange happened.

All of a sudden, I found myself taking part on the soap opera story. Before I had entered into the story, a woman had been given a necklace that made her eat other people. When I joined I found myself alone in a dark room with that woman. She was acting normal for a while, but in an instant she transformed into this long nailed, sharp-toothed creature that was trying to eat me.

There were ten separate bunk beds in the room we were in, so I kept hiding behind the beds and jumping from one bunk to the other. Finally, I was able to get to the door so that I could run outside. The outdoors looked just like something out of a cheap horror film; there was fog everywhere and everything seemed to be dark green in color.

Unfortunately, the people-eating woman was unnaturally fast, so she easily caught up with me. Luckily, something caught her attention that kept her from pursuing me and caused her to run in another direction. Unluckily that thing that caught her attention was another woman.

The people-eating woman jumped on top of the other woman and started to gnaw on her hair. Filled with adrenaline I ran over there and ripped the necklace from the people-eating woman. Instantly she turned back to normal. However, she continued to pursue me, claiming that she wanted the necklace back. I did not understand her stupidity so, being out of options, I ran away.

When I returned to the room we were in, I found another woman there who told me to go home.

Then I awoke.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dream #44 (September 4, 2009)

This dream involves some old friends of mine.

This dream began inside of an airport. I was with Kevin Chupp and the rest of his old band, Solemn Promise. We were all at the airport in order to see a mewhithoutyou show that was scheduled to take place in the waiting area past the security.

After we got through the all the metal detectors, scanners, probers, and investigators, we attended a very good show put on by mewithoutyou and left. We returned to Rick Hall's home (though it looked nothing like the real version) and planned to sleep there. It was already very late.

We entered the bedroom only to discover that it was completely covered with beds, and there were no aisles for walking around the beds. We simply had to walk on the beds. It was actually kind of need because all the beds had very interesting quilts on them and the bedroom itself had walls made of glass.

Eventually, after much chatting, we went to sleep. Then, about an hour and a half later (on the alarm clock by my head in the dream), all the other guys had woken up and were planning on going to another show in the middle of the night (it was 3 a.m.). I typically hate losing sleep, so I decided to stay. Kevin decided to stay as well, so we had the room full of beds to ourselves.

Unfortunately, every time I would almost fall asleep, something would happen to wake me up. The first time, Rick Hall entered the room to make sure everything was alright. The next time, Brett (from Regent) came into the room with his girlfriend and talked there for too long. Then, Adam Pflugshaupt (a friend from high school) came in. I kind of wanted to talk to him, but I love sleep so much that I decided not to. The last time I even tried going to sleep, the rest of Solemn Promise returned from their late night rendezvous and were being very loud and obnoxious.

When the sun came up, all of us went outside and were examining earthworms in the front yard by the road (this front yard strangely resembled Jeff Kreider's yard). Then Mike Coon (from the band) started eating the earthworms, so everyone else started to do the same.

I did not have a whole lot of fun because I had that horrible feeling of exhaustion that one gets when one pulls an all nighter. I was still able to function, but I did not dare to speak or act out because I knew I was in an altered state.

Finally, I decided to climb up a tree to get away from it all. After going up a few branches, I discovered that Kevin had already climbed up there.

Then I awoke.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dream #43 (September 3, 2009)

This dream is quite extensive and, for me at least, exciting. Unfortunately for my readers it is the longest dream description I believe I have ever had on this blog.

The beginning of the dream started off in a run-down, rusty 15 passenger van. My grandfather (my dad's dad) was driving the bus at full speed down the highway. A bunch of other 20-something-year-old people (guys and girls I do not know) and I were riding in the passenger seats.

Here is the back story that I knew coming into the dream that you need to know:

--All of us young people and my grandfather in the van were a part of a rebellion taking place in Virginia Beach. The lower class people of Virginia Beach were trying to form their own town. However, the Virginia state government would not allow this. In fact, they hired local people to become a part of a Virginia Beach Militia in order to choke the resistance. I chose, not surprisingly, to be on the side of the Rebellion.--

As we were riding in the van, we were trying to crack a coded message that we had intercepted from the leaders of the Militia. After much hard work, we discovered that the encoded word was a French word (it started with a B, but I am pretty sure that it was not a real French word). So, because none of us knew French, we stopped at a 7-11 off the highway so we could look it up on a computer we had.

Unfortunately we chose my grandfather (who is not exceptional at searching the internet, or at least he was not in my dream) to search the French word on the Internet. I went in with him so that I could assist him if he needed. However, after a few seconds on the computer, some leaders of the Militia that I recognized walked in. Not wanting to be in the store longer than the needed amount of time, I tried to convince my grandfather to let me look up the word, but just as he was letting me, I heard a scream come from the van outside. We had been discovered, and the Militia men were storming through the store searching for us (they were being quite ridiculous about it, turning over whole aisles of gas station food, throwing things around, etc.).

Just then, everything calmed down and everyone left. After a few seconds of relief, I noticed that water was beginning to build up on the ground below me. We were being flooded. The room quickly began to fill up, and I had nowhere to go. Somehow my grandfather had escaped outside, but I had no hope of that. Then I found a hatch below me. When I opened it, me and all the water around me dropped quickly down into a tunnel. I floated a little ways, but eventually the water ran out and I was able to walk.

After walking for a little while, I heard a loud voice say to me, "Joseph, you will fight for both sides in this war so that you will learn both sides." Confused as to where the voice was coming from I searched the tunnel only to find nothing. Next thing I knew, the tunnel opened up above my head and I crawled out. I was in the Militia camp. Fortunately there was an empty uniform near the place I crawled out, so I put that on and walked around the camp.

I heard people talking about how they wanted the war to be over and that they wish they did not have to be a part of this bloodshed. Yet they still blamed all their problems on the people of the Rebellion. I was starting to see another point of view.

Then I saw a familiar car off in the distance (it is not familiar to me in reality, however). So I decided to go over to it only to discover that it was a member of the Rebellion who was spying on the Militia camp. I decided to leave with him since he was a buddy of mine.

By now it was dark. We pulled up to a theater where a secret meeting was supposed to be held. To our surprise and dismay, we found that the place had been discovered by the Militia. We were then taken to center stage along with about 12 other members of the Rebellion. The Militia men proceeded to stone us. I was hit several times in the legs, neck, and face. It was a miserable experience. Next thing I knew, the ceiling opened above me (like when the tunnel opened above me) and a rope ladder fell from the roof. I climbed out of the torture before the Militia men knew I had escaped.

When I got to the roof, I found another Militia uniform. Once I put it on, a helicopter picked me up and took me to a Rebellion concentration camp of sorts.

At the prison camp there was a river of lava flowing through it, and members of the Rebellion were being forced to march down the river chained together as they carried large lava rocks. I was up on a platform with a bunch of other Militia men who were throwing little rocks down at the prisoners. I did not want to take part. Then I realized I was standing next to a friend.

Nathan Galvez was looking upon the abuse with regret. Apparently he was a part of the Militia, which threw me off guard. I said to him, "I don't understand how the Militia can do this to the Rebellion. After being on both sides, I think in the end I will side with the Rebellion." Then Nathan said to me, "I can see where you are coming from. However, because I will have been a part of the Militia for so long, I believe I will side with them in the end. It is not as bad as many make it out to be. Not everyone is like these fellows next to us." He pointed over to the men who were throwing stones at the prisoners. "In fact, we do not keep prisoners for more than a few months."

Next thing I knew I was away from the prison camp. I was setting up folding chairs and distributing bottled water at a convention being held by the Rebellion. Reverend Ken Chupp (from Indiana) was going to be talking to us about our calling to be in the Rebellion. It was then that I considered whether or not this was justified and if the church should support either side. Then a large battle broke out in the field behind the convention center.

When I rushed out there to see what was going on, I saw that the two sides were facing off. No fighting had actually yet begun, but I could see that it was about to start. Not wanting to see any bloodshed, I rushed onto the centerline of the battlefield that separated one side from the other (it was actually defined). I tried my best to persuade the people that an actual battle (which had not yet taken place in this war) would be foolish, and they would soon regret it.

My speech seemed to work at first. People began to lay down their weapons and listen to me. But then something terrible happened. One of the sides (I still do not know which one) fired off an explosive that killed many people that were standing right next to me, and it took from my both of my legs. I fell to the ground just as both sides began to rush at each other.

Blood was all around me. Because I no longer had my legs, I was forced to lay there on the ground as people fell to there deaths to my right and to my left. After many people had died or become mortally wounded, the few remaining people continued to fight. To my right was Dan Morgan, who had a grenade (it was actually an explosive gummy worm) and to my left was some woman who had no defense. Dan had been wounded and was barely able to move. Even so, he still managed to throw the grenade, which was very foolish because he would surely die by the explosion along with the woman and me.

Just as the grenade was about to hit the ground right in front of me, I awoke.

I do not know where such a dream came from. It was one of the most intricate and complicated dreams I have had for quite some time, and afterward I had to contemplate it for a long time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dream #42 (September 2, 2009)


At the beginning of my dream, my father dropped me off at a small town outside of Chicago. Not knowing what to do there, I decided to walk to Chicago.

The places through which I journeyed were very strange in appearance and in atmosphere. The streets were very dusty, almost sandy, and the buildings seemed to be quite dirty and disgusting. Most of the towns I walked through looked this way, though there were two towns that were very shiny in appearance.

Eventually I found my way to the highway, where I walked on top of a guardrail for what seemed like miles. When the Chicago exit came, it walked it down into the city where I was surprised to find an appearance similar to the other towns I had walked through (the look of the dream was light brownish). What was even stranger was the emptiness of the city. There were very few cars anywhere, allowing me to walk in the middle of the road. Furthermore, there were only a handful of people that I saw.

I even ventured into a large, run-down mall where the store signs and billboards were barely hanging from their posts and where people were all sitting down on various benches, motionless.

I was a little disturbed by the sight, so I left. Thankfully I found a Kroger where I would be refreshed by the scent of fruit and vegetables.

Inside the store, I found my dad shopping. As I approached him, I was surprised that he was not surprised to see me. We said hello to each other, and he said he would pick me up from Kroger in a couple of hours, then he left.

Before I could get board of the store, I found a large swimming pool and a load of Hotwheels tracks, tape, and other construction materials. I was excited.

I spent the next portion of my dream developing and building a large double race track across the pool that turned the corner and ended by the cash registers. Along the way, the track landed on little boats that would float to the next part of the track. Interestingly enough, when I tested out the track, I used a Mario and a Luigi action figure instead of a little car.

It worked wonderfully both times I tried it. Then a person I know from camp, Sam Shirts, jumped into the pool and broke part of the track. Worse yet, he did not even care that he destroyed my masterpiece. Instead of scolding him, however, I decided to make conversation with him by asking how school was going.

When we were done talking I left with my father and went back home. When I returned I found my mother running around the house with a broom trying to kill a giant spider. Without reacting to her, I walked over to the spider, picked it up, squished it between my fingers, and fed it to my dog Sadie (who once was alive).

Then I awoke.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dream #41 (September 1, 2009)

This is kind of strange.

The dream began inside of my Uncle Keith's house in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His family, my family, and David and Carrie Badertscher (my bosses at Prairie Camp) were all playing games together. At the time, we were playing Apples to Apples and, coincidentally, we were eating bright green apples at the same time.

Several times during the game, I stood up from the floor (we were playing on the carpet) and went over to pet a dog in a cage in the kitchen.

The third time I went to pet the dog, I looked out the window and saw something very interesting. First of all, the backyard was actually the backyard of my parent's house in Koontz Lake, Indiana, not the backyard of Uncle Keith. Secondly, there was a big fake gorilla hanging from a noose hanging from a large pine tree.

I wandered outside to investigate further, only to find that Wendy (the red-headed girl from the restaurant chain of the same name) was hoisting the gorilla up in the tree with great pleasure. When she saw me, she screamed and ran away, letting the gorilla fall to the ground at my feet. After looking down into the marble eyes of the gorilla for several seconds, I, for no apparent reason, began to mercilessly beat the fake ape.

After several powerful punches, the gorilla and I both began to sink deep into the earth below us until we eventually burst threw a sewer pipe. The two of us floated rapidly down the stream of waste to an unknown destination.

Suddenly I found myself spilling into the basement of David and Carrie Badertscher.

Then I awoke.