Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dream #339 (February 27, 2011)

This was pretty bizarre, and a three-part dream.

In the first part of the dream, I was in my uncle's house (it looked more like a small apartment in the dream). I was eating macaroni and cheese with him and during our dinner, he told me he had adopted 7 kids. Then, on cue, all of them came running in the room.

Then I entered into a different dream.

I was at Prairie Camp during Family Camp. Tons of people were there walking around the grounds. I walked over to the camper sights near the children's tabernacle where a special event for the teens was taking place. There I saw the Roots leading the teen service, and it was awesome. Apparently they were the house band for camp for the summer.

After they finished playing some music, they said they were going to offer a scholarship to the person who could answer some biblical question that ?estlvoe had written in crayon on a piece of computer paper.

I submitted an answer (also written in crayon), and he loved it, declaring me the winner for the day.

Then I jumped ahead into the dream and it was the next day. ?uestlove asked another biblical question, and I answered it to his liking yet again. This happened five times, and by the last one, ?uestlove and I had become good friends.

Then it was time for him to leave and go back to the Jimmy Fallon show. I rode with him and Blackthought in a horse trailer (it was the most luxury camp could provide them). Then ?uestlove told me he would give me his personal email address, but as he started telling me it, he looked behind him and noticed a middle aged woman, who was sitting with her blonde son, listening into the conversation. Then he apologized and told me he couldn't risk somebody else hearing the email address, so I didn't get it.

Then I entered yet another dream.

I was playing a Wii game with my little brother Mike and my grandpa (Duane Baughman). It was a game in which there were four Mickey Mouse characters (Mickey, Goofy, Donald Duck, and Pete) walking around on a tall column, and we had to figure out which one was evil and destroy him. We started pushing Donald around to see if he was the one, but we could get much of a reaction from him. We then went to Goofy and received a similar response.

I didn't know what to do, for we were running out of time. Then Ben Smith entered the room and told us how to interrogate. I gave him my controller, and he picked up Mickey Mouse and threw him to the ground, killing him.

Then I awoke.

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