Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dream #355 (March 15, 2011)

This was weird and interesting.

In the first part of my dream, I was headed to some world famous theater play that tens of thousands of people were attending. Interestingly enough, I was carpooling with several high school classmates. I was in the backseat of a car that Nathan Ferch was driving, riding with Adam Pflugschaupt, Brandon Johnston, and Austin Corneil (all big dudes that played on the basketball team). In the car behind us were Adam Konkey, Abby Carver, Abby's sister (Ryan maybe?), Erin Rosander, and Alik Hall.

After a long and tight car ride, we finally arrived at the arena where the play was being held. Unfortunately, the parking lot was packed, so we spent another long time riding around aimlessly. I remember seeing Brandon Surma (another high school classmate) walk by the car.

When we finally found a place to park, we all got out and headed for a nearby pavilion where we could eat lunch. As I walked, I bounced a little rubber ball, not paying attention to what anybody was talking about. When we made it to the pavilions, the two groups of people split up to eat. I didn't know who to join, for I was friends with people in both groups. I decided to stick with the basket ball players.

They each had brought two 'Five-Dollar Boxes' from Taco Bell, while I had nothing. As they were eating, they noticed I didn't have any food, so Nathan offered me one of his large fries (I know T-Bell doesn't have fries). As he did so, Konkey came into our pavilion and reminded me that Alik had brought my food. I then joined the other group for lunch. I had a stimulating conversation with Alik and Konkey about mathematics. Then I began discussing film with Abby and her sister.

After a little while, the doors to the great stadium were finally opened, and the show was almost ready to start.

The two groups joined together as one and we made our way through the doors. We walked down several hallways (all very fancily decorated with stylish carpets, chandeliers, and windows) until we reached one of the many theater/stadium entrances. The seats were very comfortable, and the ones we sat in had a pretty good view.

Then the play started.

Then I switched to a different dream.

I was with my cousin Molly Baughman inside of another person's home (I was house-sitting there). She was telling me some stories about the many places to where she has traveled as I fed the pet gerbil at the house.

Suddenly, with no explanation, the gerbil died. Molly and I didn't know what to do. For some reason I began throwing food at it, hoping that would wake him up. That, of course, didn't work. However, it did attract two mice that came running up from holes in the wall. This made the situation worse (I don't mind mice, but I knew that the owner probably would approve of them taking over the house).

Then I switched over to yet another dream.

I was with my brothers, Mike and Matt Baughman, and my grandpa (on my father's side). We were building a miniature of the Hawaii base where my grandpa had served when he was in the U.S. Navy. We had already created the sand, the buildings, the clouds, and the water, but we hadn't set up enough palm trees yet, according to my grandpa, who was looking upon the set with binoculars for some reason.

When Mike opened up the packages of extra palm trees we had ordered, he noticed that they had black and blue leaves instead of green leaves. We didn't want to use those, but it was all we had.

Then Matt told me to set up the trees in the background, which was hard, because I had to lean over the vast amount of water we had put in the middle of the set. I was leaning to put the final tree in its place when everything began to break.

Water began filling the room at a frightening speed, and Mike, Matt, my grandpa, and I all had to tread water to stay afloat.

I soon awoke.

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