Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dream #362 (March 24, 2011)

Here's a dream.

I dreamt that I was at Prairie Camp late at night. I was hanging out in a long metal barn (that doesn't exist in real life) with my little brother Mike Baughman, Jeff Kreider, and Ben Smith. We were playing a card game called Bohnanza to pass the time as we waited for David Badertscher (who lives at camp) to return with a basketball so that we could play.

After several minutes, David returned, but he said all the basketballs were flat and there were no pumps. Jeff then tried to pump up a ball with a little pocket pump thing he had, but it didn't work. Then Ben said he had to go home, and he left. Jeff left soon afterwards.

David then invited Mike and I to accompany him to his house for a meal. We accepted his invitation. When we got there, the house was completely dark.

Then I jumped to another camp dream.

I was a counselor in charge of a bunch of kids at a water park. One of my campers was Aaron Cavinder (an adolescent fellow I know from Koontz Lake and from Prairie Camp). He was having a great time, except for the fact that his older brother (who, in real life, is Josh Cavinder, but in my dream was Nathan Rasbaugh) was also a counselor, which caused many problems. Nathan was constantly nagging Aaron and abusing him. When we were on top of a water slide, Nathan tripped Aaron as he went down, causing him to go head first. I then pulled Nathan aside and told him that he needed to set a better example for his campers, and that his attention shouldn't be focused on his brother anyway. He didn't seem to be listening to me wholeheartedly (Nathan is a good guy in real life, by the way, nothing like this).

After I went down the water slide, I accompanied my campers to a weird circular metal pavilion that resembled a cage in a way (for those who know Prairie Camp, it looked like that weird yellow tower in the playground). Night had fallen quickly, and we were setting up our sleeping bags to sleep on the concrete there. Then Nathan ran up to Aaron and kicked him, causing him to fall to the ground. He looked like he was in great pain, and he began to cry. Nathan said, "Stop faking," to which Aaron responded, "I'm not!"

I told Nathan to leave and I walked over to Aaron and saw a pool of blood underneath him.

Then I awoke.

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