Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dream #341 (March 1, 2011)

This was interesting.

In the dream I was still a Janitor for Van Janovic at Territorial Engineering (a job I had in high school). I was cleaning there (the place looked much more like something from Batman: The Animated Series than what it looks life in real life). I walked into the safe to dust the filing cabinets when I stumbled upon an open file that said something suspicious (I believe it was marked with an 'X'). I opened it up and looked at it and discovered that Van appeared to be plotting some major scheme. I shoved the file into my coat and, after I closed up the place, I went over to my neighbor's house (Nathan Ferch, who was also in my high school class) to show him my discovery. He was astonished and he insisted that we further investigate the matter so that we could bring Van into the police.

I agreed with him, so the two of us went back to the office and began searching through the filing cabinets until we found some more x-marked files. We were unsuccessful for a long time, but after a while, Nathan discovered a secret cabinet under Van's desk where the files were stored. I found a blue folder that had some very heavy evidence against him inside of it, and I put it in my coat. Then I remembered that I had a track meet to go to, so Nathan and I left the building and he went home as I headed to the school.

When I got to the track, I saw that the 200 meter dash was about to start. (I seldom ran this race in high school) I ran over to the starting line as I put my jersey on, and set up in lane 8 before the gun went off. However, I had a bad start, so I didn't even finish the race (I was running in the next race anyway). I then went over to the start of the 300 hurdles race (which is actually before the 200 usually) and prepared for that. I talked to the guy next to me for quite some time about our school newspapers (he was a friendly dude).

Finally the race started, and I did very well, finishing first. Then, after my victory, I noticed that Van was now standing among the spectators, looking at me with a smile.

As I was preparing to leave, he approached me and asked me if I thought I was doing a good job as a janitor. I told him yes (trying to appear casual), so he then asked many more leading questions that made me believe he knew what I had discovered. He then went on and on about honesty, integrity, and work ethic, and he told me that I was going to fail in life if I got all wrapped up in crazy suspicions and if I didn't respect my employees. This made me feel very guilty at first, so I immediately left and headed over to Territorial Engineering with the intention of returning the files I had stolen. On my way, however, I realized that Van was just messing with my mind so that he could escape being caught in his scheming (Van is actually a very good guy in real life), so I decided that I would keep the files after all.

Then I awoke.

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