Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dream #366 (March 28, 2011)

This was odd.

I first dreamt that I was wandering around the figure 8 shape of Oregon-Davis High School. I made the complete 8 many times, but after one of the later ones I saw a chalk board on the wall with my name at the top left. Then, under my name, three women wrote their names under it, symbolizing that they were interested in me (I apologize if this is ridiculous and a bit arrogant).

Then I walked through a door and found myself at an indoor beach. There was sand and an ocean there, but there were four walls and a ceiling as well. Seth Bartlette (a talented event coordinator and youth worker I've worked with in the past) was speaking to a bunch of teenagers, trying to get them to laugh. He wasn't doing well, for the audience looked like vegetables. He asked if I could help get their attention. He suggested we sing a parody of a Justin Bieber song.

I don't actually know any Bieber tunes, and I told Seth that, so he looked up one on the internet and had me listen to it as I read the lyrics (all while the teens just stared blankly at us). I told him it would be difficult for me to remember everything about it after one listen, but I gave it a shot.

I ended up kind of making up my own melody and my own words, but it seemed to crack a few smiles among the teens. Then I saw the three women who had written their names under mine earlier. I apologized to them, saying that I wasn't interested in dating any one of them because of where I was in life, not because of who they were.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was Homer Simpson, though I didn't look anything like him. I was married to Marge, and I had two children, Bart and Lisa. We were a typical family, and the only resemblance we had to the cartoon family was our names (though Marge's hair was still blue). This dream wasn't a comedy, for in it I had recently sacrificed my family for a promotion at the nuclear power plant. I was working for Darth Vader (which is funny in retrospect, but wasn't at the time), and he made all of his higher-up employees wear Native American headdresses. Each time they did something good, they would earn a feather.

I was in Vader's office when I began to realize his corruption. I then decided to battle him.

My dream turned into a 2-D video game. I was on top of a castle with a starry background, and Vader was flying around in some sort of hovercraft. He had my family tied up in the bottom right corner of the screen and was shooting things out of his hovercraft down at me. I soon figured out that I could jump off of these things and eventually jump high enough that I could land on Vader's head, taking down some of his life points. He told me that I was only 1 feather away from reaching the greatest status anyone could have reached at work, but I didn't care. Then I saw a feather that had fallen from Vader's ship. I jumped off a hunk of junk he shot down at me, and hit the feather with my fist. I was immediately transformed into a super hero, and I could fly and shoot things out of my hands. I flew up to Vader's head and shot him off of his hovercraft. Bart, Lisa, and Marge all cheered me on from down below.

Then I awoke.

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