Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dream #347 (March 7, 2011)

It's a bit late, but at least it made it on the blog.

The first part of the dream revolved around Jon Andrew, Dan, and me as we worked on the origin story for the Jumpsuit Cousins ( We were trying to decide what to use for the skin on the stop-motion puppets, and the idea we came up with was to cut up bananas into thin slices and bake them to dry them out. After we cut the bananas up, we put them on a pan. Just as we were about to put them into the oven, I asked if they would go bad after a while. This puzzled us.

Then I switched over to a different dream.

I was in Oregon-Davis Elementary School, and I was participating in a scavenger hunt. A bunch of people were searching through various classrooms trying to find the newest item they had to look for. Each item contained a clue that would lead to another. Well, I found a doll head that was painted with zebra stripes, and it had a clue attached to it. However, before searching for what my clue referred to, I went to search an old grandfather clock to see if I could find the final piece. However, someone else had beat me there and found the head with the crown (it had no clue attached to it). The guy didn't know what it was, so he handed it to me. I took it from him and claimed that I had discovered it.

I carried the piece over to Mr. Bertasso (my former high school band teacher) and acted as if I had found it. I soon became overwhelmed with guilt, and I confessed that the other man had found it before me. Then Mr. Bertasso told me to keep following my clues to see how many heads I could collect before the end of the game.

Then I awoke.

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